20 Another came and said, Lord, I have doubled what you gave to me. You gave one pound to me and here are two.
21 The ruler said, And you have proved your faithfulness; Behold, I make you ruler over one important city of my realm.
22 Another came and said, Lord, here is what you gave to me. I knew you were an austere man, oft reaping where you did not sow and I was sore afraid, and so I took the pound you gave to me and hid it in a secret place; and here it is.
23 The king exclaimed, You slothful man! you knew what I required, that I expected every man to do his best.
24 If you were timid and afraid to trust your judgment in the marts of trade, why did you not go forth and put my money out for gain, that I could have my own with interest?
25 Then turning to the steward of his wealth the ruler said, Take you this pound and give it unto him who has by diligence earned nine.
26 For lo, I say, that every one who uses what he has and gains, shall have abundantly; but he who hides away his talent in the earth shall forfeit what he has.
Jesus heals blind Bartimæus. With the twelve he goes to Bethany. The multitudes come to welcome him and to speak with Lazarus.
The Christines started on their way to Bethany, and as they went, while yet in Jericho, they passed a beggar sitting by the way; and he was blind Bartimæus.
2 And when the beggar heard the multitude pass by he said, What is it that I hear?
3 The people said to him, Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.
4 And instantly the man cried out, Lord Jesus, son of David, stay! have mercy on poor blind Bartimæus!
5 The people said to him, Be quiet; hold your peace.
6 But blind Bartimæus called again, Thou son of David, hear! have mercy on poor blind Bartimæus!
7 And Jesus stopped and said, Bring him to me.
8 And then the people brought the blind man to the Lord, and as they brought him up they said, Be cheerful now, Bartimæus, the Lord is calling you.
9 And then he threw his cloak aside, and ran to Jesus as he waited by the way.
10 And Jesus said, What will you have, Bartimæus?
11 The blind man said, Rabboni, open up mine eyes that I may see.
12 And Jesus said, Bartimæus, look up; receive your sight; your faith has made you whole.
13 And he at once received his sight, and from the fullness of his heart he said, Praise God.
14 And all the people said, Praise God.
15 Then Jesus and the twelve went on to Bethany. It was six days before the feast.
16 And when the people knew that Jesus was in Bethany they came from near and far to see him and to hear him speak.
17 And they were anxious all to talk with Lazarus, whom Jesus had awakened from the dead.
18 Now in Jerusalem the priests and Pharisees were all alert; they said, This Jesus will be at the feast, and we must not permit that he shall slip away again.
19 And they commanded every man to be alert and help to apprehend the Lord that they might take his life.
Jesus teaches in the synagogue. Makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The multitudes, with the children, sing his praises, and say, Hosanna to the king! The Christines return to Bethany.
It was the day before the Sabbath day, the eighth day of the Jewish Nasan month, that Jesus came to Bethany.
2 And on the Sabbath day he went up to the synagogue and taught.
3 And on the morning of the first day of the week, the Sunday of the week, he called his twelve apostles unto him and said,
4 This day we go up to Jerusalem; be not afraid; my time has not yet come.
5 Now, two of you may go unto the village of Bethphage, and you will find an ass tied to a tree, and you will see a little colt near by.
6 Untie the ass and bring her here to me. If any one inquires why you take the ass, just say, The master has a need of her; and then the owner will come on with you.
7 And the disciples went as Jesus bade them go; they found the ass and colt a-near an open door; and when they would untie the ass the owner said, Why would you take the ass away?
8 And the disciples said, The master has a need of her; and then the owner said, ’Tis well.
9 And then they brought the animal, and on her put their coats, and Jesus sat upon the ass and rode into Jerusalem.
10 And multitudes of people came and filled the way, and his disciples praised the Lord and said,
11 Thrice blessed is the king who in the name of God is come! All glory be to God, and peace on earth; good will to men!
12 And many spread their garments in the way, and some tore branches from the trees, and cast them in the way.
13 And many children came with garlands of sweet flowers and placed them on the Lord, or strewed them in the way, and said, All hail the king! Long live the king!
14 The throne of David shall be built again. Hosanna to the Lord of hosts!
15 Among the throng were Pharisees, who said to Jesus as he passed, Rebuke this noisy throng; it is a shame for them to cry thus in the street.
16 The Lord replied, I tell you, men, if these should hold their peace the very stones would cry aloud.
17 And then the Pharisees conferred among themselves; they said, Our threats are idle words. Behold, for all the world is following him.
18 As Jesus drew a-near Jerusalem he paused and wept, and said, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the holy city of the Jews! yours was the glory of the Lord; but you have cast the Lord away.
19 Your eyes are closed, you cannot see the king; the kingdom of the Lord of heaven and earth has come; you comprehend it not.
20 Behold, the day will come when armies from afar will cast a bank about your way; will compass you about, and hem you in on every side;