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Abkhazia in legends

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To this Sasryqwa replied:

“I am just the servant of Sasryqwa the Nart hero.” “Oh, well, nasty Apswa, tell me the truth whether there exists a real life Sasryqwa the hero performing wondrous exploits?” the Giant roared again.

Sasryqwa started assuring the Giant that there was no one in the world mightier than Sasryqwa the Nart hero and that no one in the world would be able to repeat his exploits. The Giant felt a wish, however, to prove that he was yet mightier than Sasryqwa and began inquiring of him what such exploits the Nart hero was capable that he, the giant, would not be able to perform. To trick the Giant, Sasryqwa began spinning the stories of feats, after attempting to perform of which, the Giant any time was defeated, and Sasryqwa had nothing to do but cut off the head of the neatly caught creature. And here the silly Giant guessed at last that there in front of him stood Sasryqwa the Nart hero.“Hey, Sasryqwa!” the Giant cried, “no, you won’t be able to cut off my head. But if you are such a brave fellow, I will reward you for your service before my death. Listen to me, your sword will be bent like a straw, so take better mine if only you manage to free it from its sheath. Pull my sword out and push it on a smooth surface of the ice covering my body up to my neck so that it might hit my neck and cut my large vein. This vein is miraculous. Make of it a belt for Satanay – Gwasha, the most beautiful and smartest of women, and for yourself, the unrivalled hero. And you will become immortal…”

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