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Seduction at Whispering Lakes

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“I won’t pry,” Zaire said with understanding. “If you ever want to talk about your mother, I’m a great listener.”

China shuddered. “Let me get it out and over with. Suffering from clinical depression, Mom believed having a baby would solve her problems. It only ended up making matters worse. To hopefully make a new start, Mom left.”

Zaire’s curiosity was heightened. “Are you two in contact now?”

“She sends me birthday and Christmas cards every year. Camille Braxton lives in Atlanta. I haven’t seen her since the day she left, a day I don’t even remember. She’s still using Dad’s surname so I’m assuming she didn’t remarry.”

“Would you welcome her back into your life if she reappeared?”

“I’d love to see her and sit down for a chat. Believe it or not, I have no desire to make her pay for anything. My father believes she’s been harder on herself than anyone.

Dad forgave her and I’ve come to terms with it. I still miss having my family around, even though I’ve dealt with my lonely childhood.”

Gayle was back, and it was perfect timing, in Zaire’s opinion. The conversation had gotten pretty weighty. China had held up well, but he didn’t want her to relive what probably hurt her more than she’d admit. He knew the cross she bore was heavy.

Zaire’s life had also been severely damaged at the hands of a parent. It had taken the Kingdom brothers a long time to forgive Macon, who had come back into Bernice’s life when he was ill and dying. Despite loudly voiced opposition from her sons and sisters, Bernice had taken Macon into her home, where she’d nursed her estranged husband’s fragile body until the day of his demise.

A half hour later, China and Zaire pushed back from the table. The bass and catfish were delicious, light and flaky. For dessert China had chosen only one scoop of lime sherbet, since her stomach was nearly full.

“You want anything else, China?”

China caressed her stomach. “Nothing more will fit in here. No, thanks. I’m full and satisfied.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed your meal.”

Gayle came back to the table. Pausing for a moment, she looked from Zaire to China. “Tomorrow is Sunday. Guests have lots of leisure time. We’re having an evening baby shower for Hailey. We’d love for you to join us, China. You’ll have a good time.”

Zaire was willing to bet that inviting China to the shower was his mother’s idea. Single women just didn’t come to the ranch alone, and Bernice had mentioned to her family she planned to include China in their activities. After learning China was Mr. B.’s daughter, Bernice felt even stronger about looking after her. She had always wanted a daughter.

“Thank you. I’ll come, but I need a gift.”

Gayle smiled. “I can pick up something for you. I’m going into town early in the morning. Let me know your price range.”

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll go back and get some cash before the band starts so you won’t have to spend your money.”

“Not necessary. We’ll square it at some point. See you guys at the club. The band playing tonight is hot. Southern Fever has an amazing female vocalist.”

“I love the name.” China used her hand to fan herself in a playful way. “The band sounds hot.”

China thought the band was living up to their name. The five guys and one woman indulged their audience in a variety of music genres. From R&B to Country-Western, they’d performed each sound like true professionals. Zaire loved the blues and earlier confessed to China that he also had it bad for Country-Western.

“Would you like to dance, China?”

“Since I haven’t been able to keep still, I think it’s a good idea.”

Zaire chuckled. “I noticed.”

Zaire extended his hand to China. Walking toward the dance floor, his arm fell loosely about her waist.

Zaire’s tender hand on her waist had China’s body heating up from within. His touch was innocent yet it produced fiery sensations. She had a hard time keeping her mind from wandering into dangerous territory. Images of his hands hotly roving intimate places on her body danced in her head.

Concentrating on the music helped China take her mind off Zaire seducing her. While dancing, she noticed how light he was on his feet. The sexy gyrations of his hips sent her mind wandering once again.

A slow song came on, and Zaire brought China closer to him in one fluid motion.

Looking up at him, China smiled. “The band is fantastic. Love their style.”

“Our other guests love their brand of entertainment. They’re here at least one weekend a month. I’d bring them in more often if it was up to me. But they’re in high demand around these parts. They play clubs all over Brownsville and at posh resorts on South Padre Island. They are touted as the very best.”

While making their way back to the table, China spotted Gayle and Zane headed toward them. “There’s your brother and Gayle.”

He looked at his watch. “It’s nearly ten. My aunts will appear any minute. Bingo was over at nine. They love Southern Fever more than any band that’s played here.”

China nodded. “I bet they do.” Laughing, she reclaimed her chair. “Do your aunts go out on dates?”

Zaire’s eyes widened. “Do they ever? My aunts have been widowed for years. They’re the center of attention for many elderly gentlemen around here. My aunts started a senior center on the property. Female members outnumber the males, but everyone has a great time together. They’re like one big happy family. I don’t think a week goes by that one of my aunts doesn’t receive a marriage proposal.”

China was amused. “I see why. They’re a healthy, lively crew.”

Taking seats on the other side of the table, Gayle and Zane greeted Zaire and China. The couples began conversing, raising their voices to be heard over the band.

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