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Straight from the Heart

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“We arrested Blake for the rape and murder of Bonnie Davis and we arrested Sam for obstructing justice, withholding evidence and probably a lot of other things we haven’t thought of yet.”

A tortured sound escaped Blair and the world spun away, leaving her suspended, alone and afraid. For a moment she was consumed by the horror of it all, but her mind quickly rejected what Evan was saying.

“No,” she moaned. “That’s not true.”

There had to be a mistake.

“I’m afraid it is.”

“No, it isn’t,” she said again, refusing to even contemplate such a thing.

“The evidence doesn’t lie. Haven’t you always believed that?”

“Yes,” she answered quietly.

But there had to be a mistake.

“The skin under Bonnie’s nails matches Blake’s DNA, and we have proof that Sam knew of his son’s involvement all along. He paid Easton to keep quiet—that’s why Easton never identified the other boy. Sam figured he’d get Easton off and both boys would be free and clear, but it didn’t turn out that way.”

For a moment nothing registered in her mind except the cream walls and the pictures of Evan’s children hanging there. Two girls and a boy—laughing, happy. Then everything started to spin. Evan’s concerned face, the pictures, the walls, they all spun around and around in her head until the truth exploded through the confusion with searing pain.

Blair still refused to accept it. “There has to be a mistake.”

“No mistakes.” Evan paused. “I’m just sorry Sam didn’t tell you before this broke.”

“Dad knew?” she whispered, the pain barely allowing her to speak.

Evan nodded. “Yeah, someone let something slip and Sam got wind of what was about to happen.”

Blair remembered the conversation she’d had with Evan yesterday. “You thought it was me,” she murmured.

“I didn’t know if you’d heard Carl or one of the others talking.”

“Everyone knows?”

“Just about, and in a way, I have to admire Sam for not telling you. It would’ve been highly unethical, considering your job. But Sam was getting all his affairs in order. He even tried to hire Lucas Culver, but Culver turned him down.”

Lucas? Lucas? Lucas?

So many things suddenly became clear in her throbbing head. Her father’s job offer. Lucas being invited to dinner. OhmyGod, what had she done? She’d been thinking about herself while her family was falling apart. OhmyGod, what had she done?

She swallowed and gathered the remnants of her sanity. “My brother did not rape or murder Bonnie Davis. I know him. He isn’t capable of a crime like that. And my father would never withhold evidence. He’s a tough lawyer, but he has ethics.”

“Well…” Evan inclined his head. “We’ll see what a jury thinks.”

She got to her feet, anger curling through the shattered fragments of her heart. “How can you do this? They’re my family!”

“I’m not doing it out of spite, Blair,” he told her. “I’m doing it for justice—the same thing you’ve always fought for.”

Blair closed her eyes as turbulent emotions threatened to overcome her. Her brother wasn’t guilty and there was no way Evan could make her believe otherwise.

“Still want to prosecute this case?” Evan asked arrogantly.

Her eyes flew open, her blue eyes burning him like a laser. “That’s cruel.”

Evan picked up a pencil and tapped it on his desk. “It might be, but you and I both know you have a choice to make. You can’t play both sides.”

Her eyes continued to burn. “You’ll have my written resignation in an hour.”

He laid the pencil down slowly. “It didn’t take you long to make that decision.”

“This is my family!” she shouted. “Do you even understand what that means?”

“Your brother committed a horrible crime. Do you understand what that means?”

She covered her ears with her hands. “Stop saying that!”

“It’s the truth, so you’d better start facing it because we’re going to prosecute this to the fullest extent.”

She removed her hands and tried to swallow the huge lump that had formed in her throat. After a moment, she asked, “Where are they?”

“In jail, of course,” was the quick response. “But I’m sure Johnson will have your father out in no time. Blake, that’s another matter. He’s a flight risk. I don’t know if I’m going to recommend bail.”

The lump in her throat became so large she couldn’t breathe. She struggled to maintain her poise. “He won’t flee. I promise.”

Evan twirled the pencil in his hand. “Are you asking me for a favor?”

“I’m asking you to be fair. That’s all.”

“I’ll give it some thought.”

“When can I see the evidence?”

Evan lifted an eyebrow. “Are you going to represent them?”

“No, but I want to see what we’re up against.”

Evan stared directly at her. “You’re not going to see a thing,” he said. “Blake’s lawyer is the only one who’ll be looking at the evidence. And I’d like to know who that is as soon as possible.”

“I’m sure you would.” She narrowed her eyes as something occurred to her. “How did you get Blake’s DNA sample?”

“Don’t worry, it’s all legal. You won’t find a loophole there.” Evan got to his feet. “I’m sorry it had to end like this, Blair. You’re a good attorney.” He shrugged, then added, “Gwen will take over your caseload. Be sure to talk to her about Raye’s sentencing.”

Blair didn’t say anything as she walked to the door. There was nothing left to say. Evan had made up his mind, and now she had to find a way to save her brother.

And her father.

LUCAS WAS SIGNING letters and finishing up some last-minute details. He had a hearing at the courthouse, then he was free for the rest of the day. He was looking forward to his evening with Jennifer. He’d gotten sidetracked by the Logan family, but he wasn’t making that mistake again. He’d told Jennifer about the job offer and she understood. He’d sent roses to show he was sincere.
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