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The Truth About Jane Doe

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Matthew came right to the point. “They’re willing to offer you a million dollars.”

A million dollars! The trump card, she thought. Mercy, the Townsends knew how to get a girl’s attention. But that was all they got. This only increased her belief that the Townsends had something to hide.

With a slow hand she tucked her hair behind her ear. “The land is not for sale.”

He expected surprise, jubilation, something besides that stubborn expression.

“It’s a very generous offer.”

“The land is not for sale,” she repeated.

He leaned forward, realizing this wasn’t going to be as easy as he or the Townsends had anticipated. “A million dollars, Miss Doe. Think what you can do with all that money.”

She didn’t say a word, just kept her green eyes focused on him.

“You can travel, leave Coberville, make a new life for yourself.”

One eyebrow rose slightly. “And what would I be called in this new life, Mr. Sloan, Jr.?”

He was taken aback by the question, and for once words failed him.

“Money can’t buy me my true identity,” she told him.

“But it could change a lot of things.”

“It would change nothing for me, Mr. Sloan, Jr. I would still be C. J. Doe.”

His eyes held hers and he knew C. J. Doe was fighting her own inner struggle, a struggle she’d fought all her life, because of not knowing who she was. He searched for a way to reach her. “You should talk it over with someone. Your lawyer.”

“I don’t have a lawyer” was the startling reply.

Matthew frowned. “But the lawsuit was filed six months ago. Surely someone has advised you.”

Her eyes darkened. “Your father said to let things ride, and eventually they’d work out.”

“Wait a minute.” He held up one hand to ward off the nagging feeling building inside him. “My father advised you?”

She nodded.

Matthew’s body went rigid with shock. He couldn’t believe his dad would advise both sides. Something was wrong.

He took a cautious breath. “My dad was the Townsends’ attorney. He had no right to advise you.”

“He was only trying to help me.”


“I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you how sad I was at his passing. He was one of the nicest men I’ve ever known.”

There was such sincerity in her voice. Her condolences were nothing like the perfunctory gesture Rob Townsend had made. God, that shouldn’t matter. What mattered was getting this case resolved. But nothing was going as he’d planned—or expected. She was beginning to make him feel like a bumbling first-year law student.

The thought sent all his legal instincts into action. “Miss Doe, if you don’t take the money, do you know what that’ll mean?”

She tilted her head slightly. “That I’ll be meeting you in a courtroom.”

“Yes,” he replied. “I’ll have to break the will and, believe me, Miss Doe, I can break it.”

Her eyes met the challenge in his. “Mr. Sloan, Jr., if you can break the will so easily, I don’t think the Townsends would be offering me a million dollars.”

He sighed heavily. “The offer is just a matter of expediency, Miss Doe. With the election coming in the fall, the Townsends want to get this over with as quickly as possible.”

“I bet they do.”

Hearing the mocking tone in her voice, he rested his elbows on his knees and folded his hands, eyes trained on her. “Miss Doe, don’t take this lightly. I’m very good at what I do.”

“I’m sure you are, but to break the will you’ll have to prove Mrs. Townsend wasn’t in her right mind or that I influenced her in some way.”

“There are other approaches I can take. All I have to do is prove Mrs. Townsend felt sorry for you and had a momentary lapse in judgment.”

From the look in her eyes, he knew he was finally getting through to her. Time to go for the jugular—tell her everyone felt sorry for her, call her a nobody, make her cry, watch the tears roll down her face and reinforce that she didn’t have a chance in hell against him and the Townsends. Then tell her to take the money and build a new life. But when he looked at her throat, all he saw was gorgeous creamy skin… He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t break her down. The thought rocked him to the core. What was happening to him? Had Coberville made him soft? Or was it her?

Matthew was so caught up in these troubling thoughts that he didn’t notice a rider had come into the yard until he heard the dogs bark.

He glanced toward the corrals to see a tall rangy man dismount. Pete Watson. With handlebar mustache and spurs jingling, he wasn’t hard to recognize. As a kid Matthew remembered him coming to the school with his horse and ropes, giving the kids rides and teaching them to rope. He was right out of a Western movie. The kids adored him.

Matthew had forgotten that small aspect of his childhood. He used to dote on Pete, wanted to be a cowboy just like him. He guessed every little boy had that dream, but he’d outgrown it, as most of them had.

Harry said something to Pete, who looked toward the house. Swiftly, his long strides brought him closer. He was still an impressive figure, and Matthew felt a stirring of admiration, just like that little boy of long ago.

Matthew got to his feet and shook Pete’s outstretched hand. He felt the calluses and the strength that epitomized Pete Watson. After explaining his reason for being there, he added, “Maybe you can help me encourage Miss Doe to take the offer.”

Pete removed his worn hat and studied it a moment before answering in the deep baritone Matthew remembered. “C.J. makes up her own mind.”

Matthew glanced from one to the other, realizing Pete wasn’t going to be much help. “Look at this as a godsend. It’s the best solution for both parties.”

“The land is not for sale,” C.J. said again in that stubborn voice.

Matthew knew nothing he said was going to change her mind. But still, he had to try.

“Miss Doe, let me make this very clear. To keep the land and the money, you’re going to have to face a court battle, and I can guarantee that you will lose. On the other hand, the million dollars is there for you free and clear, without strings. All you have to do is sign your name to a legal document.”

“This isn’t about money or land, Mr. Sloan, Jr.,” she said, her eyes blazing with purpose. “It’s about an old lady who showed me a kindness no one except the Watsons ever offered me before. Until I know the reason behind her generous act, the land stays with me.”

“You have your answer, Mr. Sloan,” Pete said.

Matthew knew it was time to leave.

“I’ll give you a couple of days to think it over. It’s a lot of money, and I don’t think you should turn it down without consideration.”
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