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Forgotten Son

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How many women beside Ginny had that bastard killed? Eli pressed up against the house as Samuel strolled by. Buford and Ruth went inside. Time was running out. Eli could get past Peter and the dogs to alert the FBI, but that would take too much time. Caroline didn’t have a lot of time left, and he still didn’t know her exact location. He suspected she was in the cellar and he had to get her out—now.

Her life depended on it.

He slipped through the night to the cellar. Gingerly he opened the door, careful to keep it from creaking, then went down the steps into a pitch-black hole. He felt around with his hands and all he encountered was shelf after shelf of jars, the same as before.

The shelves are empty.

Eli remembered Jezebel’s message and began to push on the shelves. They were sturdy and strong and nothing happened. Dammit. Dammit. What the hell was the woman trying to tell him?

The shelves are empty.

But the shelves were full.

He quickly searched again, then found it—an empty shelf near the bottom. He pushed and pulled, but nothing happened. What the hell did the woman mean?

Taking a deep breath, he tried to concentrate. Think. Think. Think.

Ruth was a short woman and Eli was six feet two. So it stood to reason that if Ruth came to feed Caroline, she had to be able to open the secret door, and the latch or mechanism would be lower than where Eli was reaching. He stooped lower, pushing and tugging until he wanted to scream with frustration.

With both hands on the empty shelf, he squatted on the dirt floor and ran his hands along the bottom, testing every nook and cranny. As his fingers touched the left corner, the shelf moved easily.

Air gushed into his lungs. He’d found it. Thank God. He hurriedly squeezed through the opening, hoping Caroline was inside.

“‘Amazing grace how sweet the sound,’” a woman’s voice sang.

“Caroline Whitten?” he asked.

The singing stopped, but she didn’t say anything.

“Caroline Whitten?”

Still no response.

“I’m Elijah Coltrane, a Texas Ranger. Please answer me.”

“Go away. Leave me alone and stop torturing me. ‘Amazing grace…’”

“Caroline.” He had to get her attention. “I’m working with the FBI. We’ve been searching for you.”

“You’re not real. The FBI has been here and they didn’t find me. Now they will never find me. I will die in this darkness because I will never marry him. Never. ‘Amazing grace how sweet the sound.’”

“I am real and I’m trying to get you out of here. Do you understand me?”

Something in his voice must have reached her because she stopped singing once more. It was so dark, though, he couldn’t see a thing.

“Where are you?” she asked. “Let me touch you, then I’ll know you’re real.”

“Here,” he said, and walked into her.

Her hands trembled against him as they traveled over his body, then touched his growing beard.

She jerked back. “You’re one of them.”

“No. I’m not.” He tried to calm her. “Feel my beard. It’s short. I’ve been searching two days for you.”

She didn’t move, but murmured, “How long have I been here? ‘When I’ve been here ten thousand—’”

“Stop it,” he said in a stern voice, knowing she was close to a mental breakdown.

Her voice fluttered to a halt.

“You’ve been missing for four days, Caroline. Touch me again and you’ll see that I’m real.”

His request was met with total silence. “Caroline, touch me,” he repeated, trying to gain her trust. It worked. She ran her hand over his face.

Eli caught his breath as she touched his skin, and he knew his emotions were highly charged. That was the only explanation.

“I’ve been growing my beard to infiltrate the group to see if you were here. I’m not one of them.”

“You’re real. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You’re real.” Her arms went around his waist and she gripped him tightly.

He held her for a moment with her head tucked below his chin. “We have to go. We don’t have much time. Can you handle a long walk?”

She drew back. “I’ll do anything to get out of here.”

“When we leave, be quiet, very quiet. Don’t make a sound. We have to run for the fence and freedom. The FBI will be waiting, but we have to make it past Buford and his clan.”


“Do exactly what I tell you.”


“Caroline, do you understand me?” Eli asked, not sure if she was comprehending him or not. “Say something beside okay.”

“Yes. I understand you. You’re a Texas Ranger and you’re taking me out of here. And we have to be quiet.”

“Good.” Gripping her hand, he led her from the room. He closed the shelf, then helped her up the steps and outside.

Caroline stared at the sky. “Oh my. Oh my. The stars, the moon. I thought I’d never see them again.”

Eli gave her a second to adjust. “Let’s go,” he said, and they slipped into the woods.

They didn’t get far before Caroline faltered and fell to the ground. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she muttered, gasping for breath.

Eli saw how weak she was and realized this wasn’t going to be easy. “Are you okay?”

She looked toward the sky again. “Yes. As long as I can see all that light, I’m fine.”
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