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Truly, Madly, Dangerously

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Sadie sighed. Had she actually thought her return home might be quiet and uneventful?

“There you are!” A familiar voice called from behind. Sadie closed her eyes as Aunt Lillian approached. “I don’t need you for breakfast today,” the woman continued. “But I will need you for lunch.”

“Sure,” Sadie said without turning to look at her aunt.

“Would you two like breakfast? We’ll be open in a few minutes.”

Sadie looked her aunt in the eye, and saw that in spite of her casual voice and smile she’d been crying. Still or again? A murder taking place so close by obviously had shaken her.

“I’m starving,” Truman said.

“I’m not hungry,” Sadie countered. “Not at all.”

Lillian stopped and laid a hand on Sadie’s arm and another on Truman’s. “You two make such a cute couple,” she said with a wan smile.

“Thank you,” Truman said.

“We do not!” Sadie insisted.

The older woman moved on, unperturbed.

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