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Stranded For The Holidays

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AnnaBeth nodded. “The Eastern Shore. A great place. Fantastic people. If you’ve never been, you should go.”

His mother’s lips curved. “Looked like a great place for a honeymoon.”

AnnaBeth’s cheeks turned pink.

He crossed his arms. Obvious much, Mother?

Jonas glowered. “I’ll take your cases upstairs. Which room, Ma?”

“I was thinking the Snowbird.” His mother headed to the staircase. “It’s an en-suite corner room, AnnaBeth, with a lovely view of the ridge.”

“Not that she can see the ridge in this weather,” he growled. “No telling when the storm will let up.”

AnnaBeth batted her lashes. “Are you always this cheerful and optimistic, Jonas?”

His mother laughed. “I think I’m going to adore having you around, AnnaBeth.”

Jonas scowled at them both.

“Stay by the fire for a few more minutes, AnnaBeth, and finish your coffee.” Climbing the stairs, his mother called over her shoulder, “I’ll put clean towels in the bathroom.”

Hunter grabbed the suitcase. “De Snowbirwd for de Snow Pwincess.”

“Take it easy, little dude.” He took the case from his son. “That’s too heavy for you.”

Hunter reached for the camera bag, but Jonas beat him to it. “Best leave that to me, too, son.”

If Hunter lost his grip and the bag tumbled down the staircase, the lens might shatter.

Hunter poked out his lip. “I’m big. I’m a cowboy.” Injured pride shone out of his earnest little face. As did the beginning signs of a fit of temper.

AnnaBeth leaned forward. “Such a big cowboy, sweetie pie. And a good helper.”

Hunter’s indignation deflated a notch.

She tapped her finger to her chin. “I’m sure your dad will need your help later. Maybe right now, though, you could help Gramma put out the towels. Can you do that for me, sweetie pie?”

“I can do dat, Miss AnnaBef.” Hunter bobbed on the tips of his boots. “You’re going to be so happy here.” His forehead creased. “You won’t go anywhere while I’m gone, will you?”

She touched his cheek in a gesture so sweet, Jonas’s breath hitched.

“I’ll be right here, little cowboy.”

Hunter’s face lit. “I’ve been waiting for you a long, long time, Miss AnnaBef. My whole—”

Jonas cleared his throat. “Run upstairs and help Gramma, Hunt.”

Hunter raced for the stairs.

“Thanks for that, AnnaBeth.” Jonas kept his gaze trained on the upper story until Hunter disappeared from view. “He doesn’t usually get so cranky, but it’s been a long day. He’s tired and hungry.”

“I remember when my sister, MaryDru, was little.” AnnaBeth smiled. “Tired and hungry is a perilous combination.”

Right now, Jonas felt in peril. Peril that had nothing to do with a snowstorm or a preschooler. He hefted the suitcase and camera bag.

She’d said the ranch reminded her of a dream. Home, family and belonging. Is that what AnnaBeth Cummings dreamed of?

It was a dream he’d spent his entire life trying to create for himself and Hunter at the FieldStone. A dream Kasey hadn’t shared. Emptiness gnawed at his chest, in the place where his heart used to reside, leaving him feeling hollowed-out and free-falling.

What was with him?

Time to put some distance between himself and the flatlander. As much distance as he could while snowbound inside the lodge. He started toward the relative safety of the second floor.

But with a sinking feeling, he wondered when it came to the alluring AnnaBeth Cummings if distance alone would cure what suddenly ailed him.

AnnaBeth wasn’t sure what she’d said that set off Jonas, but he’d hightailed it upstairs with her cases like she’d lit his hair on fire.

Getting out of the comfy chair, she edged toward the window. Outside, the storm continued to rage. She sighed. Considering the whiteout conditions, she might be forced to impose on Jonas Stone and his less-than-enthusiastic hospitality longer than anyone had anticipated.

And there was the matter of her car. What was she going to do about her car? Even after she got it fixed, what then?

She’d planned on moving into Scott’s condo after the wedding, so she’d relinquished her apartment in Charlotte. At this moment, she was essentially homeless.

But ever the optimist, she rallied. Life could be a whole lot worse than being trapped in a luxurious lodge in front of a cozy fire with Hunter the little cowboy, the motherly Deirdre Fielding and Jonas, the hunky but unfriendly cowboy for company.

Yeah, like I could be married to a man in love with my sister. Or still lost on a remote mountain road in a blizzard. Chased by wolves... Eaten by bears...

If Jonas Stone hadn’t come along, no one might have known what happened to her. She’d have been missing, presumed dead by her family.

Until her frozen corpse was found after the spring thaw. Maybe even by Jonas. Then he’d be sorry for being so snarly...

Although, if he’d never come along in the first place, he could hardly have regrets. She shook herself.

Whatever. No point in interrupting a great story—based on real events—with the facts. MaryDru jokingly claimed that, despite not being biologically related, it was AnnaBeth who’d acquired Victoria’s flair for the dramatic.

Sinking once more into the cushion, she propped her chin in her hand. Maybe she should consider adding a podcast next year to Heart’s Home...

“Mom’s got your room ready, AnnaBeth.”

Jolted, her chin fell out of her hand. Jonas, minus the heavy coat, stood beside the chair.

“Sorry,” he muttered. “I thought you heard me come downstairs.” He rolled his shirtsleeves to his elbows and revealed forearms thickly corded with muscle.

Both of them turned at the sound of Hunter clomping down the steps.

Jonas made a wry face. “No mistaking him, is there?”

Her lips curving, she wagged her finger at Jonas. “Don’t talk about my favorite little guy like that.”
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