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A Perfect Homecoming

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“This is all my fault.” She spoke quietly to the empty room, choking up. “All my fault.”

As she typed an email to Scott, her fingers kept hitting the wrong keys because her eyes had blurred from gathering tears. She blinked and they rolled down her cheeks and onto the overstretched but clean shirt she’d put on after her shower.

She should be out of tears—she’d spent her entire shower sobbing. Bed rest. They sounded like the cruelest words ever. She should have taken her son to the emergency room.

She wiped the moisture from her cheeks and concentrated on the email.

Hey, Scott, I miss you so much. I hope you’re safe in whatever ocean you’re navigating.

Mark is doing well. He got an A on his spelling test this week and you know how much trouble he’s had in the past. He also had an assist in his soccer game. They lost three to one, but he was happy anyway.

Unfortunately, Ryan had a bike accident this afternoon and his arm is broken. Before you panic, it’s a simple break, no surgery needed. He’ll be in a cast for four to six weeks. Kyle is making sure he’s well taken care of. In fact, Kyle has been a huge help with the boys while you’ve been away. We should do something nice for him when you get back.

I saw the doctor today and my blood pressure is a little higher than it should be. Again, no need to worry. I’m doing exactly what she says.

Believe it or not, my sister arrived this afternoon. Aunt Viv called her and blew my situation all out of proportion. Ashleigh got here right before Ryan got hurt, so she was able to take him to the E.R. I have no idea how it went with her and Kyle, but she should be home with Ryan any time now.

I think that brings you up to speed. Always remember, I love you bunches and can’t wait until you’re back in my arms.

Paula hit Send and closed her laptop. She leaned her head back, missing the top of the pillow and hitting the headboard instead. Scooting to a more comfortable position would take too much energy. She simply shut her eyes and breathed deeply...until the next interruption came.

Her friends, Rhonda and Jean, had both brought over casseroles earlier and now apparently word was out that she was bedridden because she’d gotten several phone calls with offers of help.

Unsure if she drifted off or not, her eyes popped open at the tinkling sound of a text message on her cell phone. She reached over to the nightstand to pick it up.

Scott. He must have read her email already because he wanted to video chat.

She pulled her computer onto her lap again and opened the program that would bring his face into their bedroom.

“Hey, Paula,” Scott said when they connected. “How are you?” His usually laughing blue eyes were filled with concern and she couldn’t help but feel his love.

“Okay.” She tried to keep her tone light, but her voice cracked. She put a hand to her mouth.

“Everything will be fine, P.”

His soothing tone allowed her to take a few calming breaths.

“Do you need me to come home?” he asked. “I can talk to the chaplain and apply for hardship if this blood pressure thing is serious.”

“No, no, that’s okay. Everyone’s been so nice, offering help and bringing meals so I can take it easy. And I told you Ashleigh’s here.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, how’s that going?”

“Kind of chilly,” she admitted. “But we haven’t spent much time together yet. Ryan’s injury interrupted us.”

“Maybe her visit is what the two of you need to work things out.”

“Yeah. Exactly what I need right now to keep my blood pressure down,” she joked.

“Just follow doctor’s orders.”

“I know.” She tried to sound upbeat but failed.

“Talk to me,” he coaxed.

She gulped, unprepared to delve into her emotions. “You know how unhappy I was when I found out I was pregnant,” she began in little more than a whisper. It was supposed to be her time now that the boys were in school all day. She could finish her degree and then get her master’s in physical therapy. She’d finally have something to be proud of, an accomplishment of her own.

“This isn’t your fault, Paula,” Scott pointed out. “You accepted this pregnancy a long time ago, unless you changed your mind?”

“Oh, no!” she cried. “Of course not! I already love this baby more than I ever expected to.” She swallowed.

“Stop thinking you’re to blame.” Scott’s tone was firm. “For both you and the baby.”

Easier said than done.

She deliberately changed the subject because he’d never convince her that she wasn’t responsible and then they’d only get into an argument. So they discussed Ryan’s injury until voices carried from the front door.

Ashleigh and Ryan had returned.

“They’re back from the orthopedist,” Paula told Scott. “Do you want to say ‘hi’ to the boys?”

“Sure.” He put his index finger up and Paula did the same, getting closer to the screen until it appeared as if the tips of their fingers touched. “I love you, P.” This time his voice broke slightly.

“I love you, too, Scotty.” Tears spilled down her cheeks. “Let me call the boys.”

“I’ll be home soon.”

She tried her best to smile and then turned her head in the direction of her bedroom door to call the boys.

Was that Kyle’s voice, too?

What she wouldn’t have given to be a fly on that hospital wall when he and her sister saw each other again after two years.

* * *

ASHLEIGH WAS SURE there must be steam coming out of her ears as she parked Paula’s minivan in the driveway. Ryan had chosen to ride in Kyle’s truck—not that she could fault the boy—and now Kyle walked right into her sister’s home as if he lived there.

Ashleigh couldn’t imagine feeling less connected to any of them.

She took a minute to gather herself, refusing to give in to hurt feelings. They’d all successfully gone on with their lives without her.

So what?

So had she. In fact, she needed to check in with a few clients. She walked to her car and retrieved her suitcase from her trunk. She wheeled it up the walkway, along with her briefcase and medical bag. Her purse hung over her shoulder and she made it to the front door before it slipped down her arm.

Debating whether to knock or walk in, she straightened her back and entered her sister’s home.

Voices came from Paula’s bedroom, but Ashleigh chose to avoid Kyle. Instead, she parked her things off to the side of the front door and went into the kitchen to brew a cup of tea.
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