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Heart's Haven

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“You’re welcome.” It was a duty response carrying little emotion.

Ty tried again.

“So what do you say we take a break over lunch and you can tell me what other things you see happening at the Haven?”

For the first time since Ty had met her, Cassidy Preston was speechless.

He waited, shuffling from one foot to the other until, exasperated by her lack of response, he burst out, “I’d appreciate a decision soon. I do have some work to do this afternoon.”

Her laughter bounced off the building and down the street.

“I think, counselor, that you need a refresher in patience.”

“What I need is an answer. Lunch?”

She studied him for a few moments, her expression unreadable. He was about to give up when she nodded, once.

“I guess we could take a break. For an hour or so.”

Within ten minutes she was seated in the front seat of his car and Ty was trying to figure out how Cassidy Preston could be so animated when some old high school buddies showed up, yet turn into a marble statue when they were alone.

As he pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant, Ty saw her check her watch for the third time.

Apparently he had about as long as it took to order and eat lunch to find the answer to his questions.

Chapter Three

“Would it help if I apologized again?”

Cassidy winced as her fork clattered against the plate. She left it there, hid her hands in her lap and tried to figure out what Tyson St. John had been talking about.

“I mean, I could if it would help.” He’d finished his meal already. “I know I jumped on you about the refrigeration and I truly am sorry, but—”

“Please, it’s fine. I understand that you’ve been under some stress. Really, there’s no problem.” She let their server take away her spinach salad even though she’d only tasted about three bites. “I’m just glad we have what we need and that we can move on.”

“Davis mentioned something about you living in Europe. Were you there long?”

She knew where the questions were leading. Not that there was anything wrong with them. Ty was only interested. But that didn’t make opening up any easier.

She didn’t know where to start.

Ty folded his napkin, laid it to one side.

“Forget I asked. I can take you back now, if you want.” His voice had lost the soft lilt she had admired earlier. Now it was flat, emotionless.

Cassidy swallowed. They had to work together for the next six months. No matter how raw coming back made her feel, remaining silent was a lousy way to start off a working relationship.

“Actually I was away for six years. Elizabeth Wisdom’s foundation gave me a scholarship to start my training in Paris. After that I worked with some of the best chefs in the world. I guess I’ve moved around quite a bit compared to some people. But I’ve enjoyed it.”

“So coming back here wasn’t exactly what you wanted?” He insisted she choose dessert and asked for coffee. “Chicago doesn’t feel like home anymore?”

Cassidy tasted a tiny morsel of her cheesecake before setting down her fork.

“It isn’t that. I grew up in Chicago. I have a lot of fond memories of this place.”

“And some not-so-fond ones, judging by your expression just now.” His intent scrutiny pushed past her barriers. “Do you want to talk about them? I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”

Talk about them? Cassidy never wanted to even think about the past again. So she did what she always did, drew the focus away from herself.

“I have two sisters. One lives in the city and one lives about forty miles away. It’s nice to be close to them again.” She sipped her water, licked her lips and stalled for time.

“I’m sure it is. No parents?”


Silence yawned. It was obvious Ty was not going to press for more information, which Cassidy found reassuring.

“What about you?” she challenged. “You gave up your career and now you’re building your sister’s dream. What does your family think of that?”

Ty shook his head, a rueful smile touching the corners of his mouth.

“Since I don’t have one, I don’t have to worry.”

“Except for Jack, of course.”

An odd look washed across his face before he mumbled, “Yes, Jack.”

He didn’t want to discuss his life any more than she did, so Cassidy filled in the rest of the time with small talk and amusing stories about some of her cooking trials. By the time she’d coaxed him into eating most of her cheesecake, she felt more relaxed. By the look on the Ty’s face, he did, too.

On the way back to the car Cassidy got down to business.

“Can you give me some idea of when you expect me to start producing meals?”

“I can’t really. I’m not sure exactly what else I need to get in place before we open our doors. Unofficially, of course.”

“Oh.” Meaning he was going to keep assessing?

“I’m hoping we can have most of our programs running before we hold our grand opening.” He laughed as he pulled open her door. “But that’s a long way into the future.”

“Not that long, I hope.” She sank into the car seat wondering if it was only uncertainty that made him take so long to get things done. Or did something else underlie his hesitation?

“Let’s give ourselves a few days to assess.” There was a tone of finality in the words.

When they arrived at the Haven, Elizabeth Wisdom was deep in conversation with Mac, who seemed quite at home with the elegant heiress from Texas.

“Hello, Cassidy,” Elizabeth greeted, hugging her. “You look very well. And Ty. I’m so sorry about Jack. He’s recovering?” She linked her arms in theirs and walked between them into the building.

“Jack will be fine. I’m very glad Cassidy was there.” His voice altered. “The sight of all that blood got to me and I froze.”
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