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Fighting Dirty

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He recalled those long, killer legs of hers tangling up with his. Her dark, thick hair trailing through his fingers. Her nipples pushing against the T-shirt. Her warmth and curiosity and openness with him.

No one comes to my bed wanting just me.

I would. I do.

When the cell phone rang, he jumped a foot, then rushed to answer. Glancing at the screen first, he saw it was Cannon, and braced himself. “’Lo.”

“How do you feel?”

Armie held the phone out, stared at it, then put it back to his ear. “I’m fine. Why?”

Cannon laughed. “You were in the middle of a bank robbery yesterday. You got clubbed on the head and across the back.”

And I slept with your sister. “It’s all good.” He faked a yawn. “Just woke up.”

“Yeah. Rissy texted me a half hour ago. After everything that had happened I wanted to talk to her, too. She sounded fine, like her old self. Said she was running home to shower and change before work, but that you were still snoring.”

Armie’s heart dropped to his feet. His sexcapades were vast and varied, but had never involved a discussion with anyone’s brother.

With humor in his tone, Cannon said, “We have a special guest today, so do you think you can hustle it up?”

In a rasp, he asked, “Special guest?”

“Jude Jamison.”

Holy hell. Jude owned mega stock in the SBC organization. He’d once been a champion fighter before he left and became an even more famous actor. Then he got accused of murder, survived a grueling trial where most believed he was guilty but couldn’t prove it, fell in love and finally cleared his name. “Why?”

“You already know why. The organization is focused on you.”

He grumbled, rubbed his tired eyes and knew there’d be no help for it. “This sucks.”

Cannon laughed. “Most fighters would be thrilled to get Jamison’s attention.”

Yeah, well, he wasn’t most fighters. Already heading to his dresser, he pulled out clean socks and sweatpants and sat on the side of the bed to dress. “I was going to grab a cup of coffee and then stop on my way to get my regular cell phone fixed.”

“Harper can get it fixed for you.”

Harper, who’d started as a volunteer until she’d married Gage, now worked full-time at the rec center and was there almost as often as Armie. Since the cell store was only half a block down, she probably wouldn’t mind. “Fine. I’ll come right in. Okay if I drain the pipes and clean my teeth first?”

“Sure. And take five minutes to put some fuel in the tank. I have a feeling Jamison will put you through a workout.” And with that, Cannon disconnected.

“Pain in the ass,” Armie muttered, and finished pulling on his socks. Knowing he’d shower at the rec center, he packed his gym bag, brushed his teeth and ignored the whiskers on his face and his unkempt hair. Since he could smell the coffee, he filled a travel mug to take with him then rinsed out the carafe. He’d have to explain to Rissy that he tried to avoid caffeine.

No, wait. He wouldn’t have her over again so he didn’t need to explain jack shit to her.

Of course the coffee was perfect. Everything about her was perfect.

He wished she had awakened him before leaving. Now, despite what Cannon had said, he’d be wondering all day whether or not she’d slept, and if she was nervous about returning to work.

Last night she’d wanted to be with him.

Today, how would she feel? He chowed down a protein-rich breakfast bar on the way to the rec center. For most of the ride he stewed and finally gave in. As soon as he parked his truck he called Merissa.

On the third ring she answered with a rushed, “Armie, hey!”

She sounded breathless, which sort of stole his breath, too. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“Sorry, just out of the shower and hustling to get dressed so I get to the bank on time.”

That put an immediate visual in the forefront of his brain.


He shook off the image of her wrapped in a small towel, her skin still damp, her face flushed. “How are you?”

“You and Cannon,” she teased. “I’m fine. What about you?”

“I’m good.” He paused, but couldn’t hold back. “You should have woken me up before you left.”

“I’m sorry. You looked so peaceful, and I knew I couldn’t stay anyway. It seemed a waste for us both to be up rushing.” Now she paused, then added, “Thank you for inviting me over again tonight. I appreciate that.”

Armie went blank. He’d invited her back over?

“I get off work at five, but it’ll probably be five-thirty before I get away. Then I’ll need to run home and change. I’m thinking six, maybe six-thirty. Does that work for you? I thought I’d cook you dinner.”

“Um...” He scrambled for an excuse, came up blank and rubbed the back of his neck. “Should work.”

“Great. I’ll see you then.” She disconnected.

Armie sat there, equal parts confused, concerned and anxious to see her again. “Idiot,” he muttered to himself and left the truck.

He saw the crowds right away. Figured a big shot like Jude Jamison would draw in the gawkers. Slinging the strap of his gym bag over his shoulder, he headed in.

Wasn’t easy, not with an influx of semiswooning ladies all jockeying for better positions in the crowd. “Excuse me,” he said about a dozen times until he finally reached Harper, Gage’s wife.

She stood on tiptoe, and she smiled.

Armie said, “Not you, too.”

She elbowed him. “It’s Jude Jamison.”

“Yeah, so?”

Harper turned to blink at him. “He’s a movie star!”

“Used to be.” But Jude had left that all behind.

“Once a movie star, always a movie star.” Harper sighed. “Just look at him. He’s gorgeous.”
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