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Worth The Wait

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He noticed. Hell, he noticed everything about her.

Though incredibly petite, probably weighing no more than one-fifteen, Violet had strength. He’d seen her heft heavy boxes, rearrange picnic tables to rake up leaves and carry platters that weighed nearly as much as she did.

She also handled the occasional disgruntled customer with Southern charm and the take-charge control of a grade school teacher. Far as Hogan could tell, everyone liked her.

Single males flirted with her, but Violet never flirted back, at least not in a way that any guy could take seriously. Her flirting extended to everyone, male, female, young and old.

Except with him. Yet Hogan wasn’t sure what to do about it.

Especially since she still denied him.

In no time at all, Hogan fell into an acceptable rhythm. Being away from the office, working from home, made him more productive. He got far more done in a lot less time without Joni constantly trying to get in his pants. And since Colt was still working at the diner, he saw him more often, too.

It made Hogan wonder about opening his own business, a place where Colt could work alongside him. If it weren’t for the college expenses...

Damn Meg for throwing away everything they’d worked for, including their son’s future.

And for what? Sex with strangers? A few fast good times? Was it a ridiculous midlife crisis, or had she truly, completely stopped loving him to the point that all she felt was disdain?

Hogan didn’t like thinking about it, but he couldn’t clear the thoughts from his brain. He frowned while standing in the prep area, readying his fully cooked ribs for the grill. He realized he was breathing harder as the old rage and helplessness burned through his blood in a fresh wave.

For far too long that rage had chased him into being someone he hadn’t recognized, someone he didn’t respect.

Then Hogan felt a familiar hand swat his butt.

Immediately distracted from the choking memories, he glanced up into Violet’s light blue eyes. “There’s this thing called sexual harassment,” he teased, knowing how he felt about her and how he felt about Joni were two very different things.

Grinning, her thick red hair in a loose topknot, Violet said, “But, sugar, you haven’t even harassed me...today.”

She confused him more than any woman he’d ever known, including his wife. “No, I haven’t. You were busy talking to customers.”

“A group of young ladies who wanted to know Colt’s schedule.” She rolled her eyes. “I told them to ask him, and they said he wouldn’t share.”

“I’m surprised. These days Colt is all about the female attention.”

“I think he’s a tease, like his father.”

He’d like to tease her—in bed. He wouldn’t mind toying with her until she squirmed and panted and begged him to—

She bumped her hip to his. “You’ve got this glazed look in your eyes.”

Hogan scowled. “Do you want me to grill or make out with you?”

She pretended to pout. “It has to be one or the other?”

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SEXUAL INTEREST CLENCHED Hogan’s muscles and shortened his breath. He looked at Violet, wondering if she meant it, if maybe the pressure was building in her the same explosive way it built in him.

The more they’d worked together, the more sexual their banter had become. It left him frustrated and, at times, annoyed.

Regardless of that, he liked seeing Violet every day. He especially liked stealing a kiss here and there—usually when he could catch her off guard.

Her protests were fewer and farther between. In fact, when he didn’t steal a kiss, she found a way to provoke him, as she did now.

She’d been nearly herself by Thursday, and today she looked even better—less tired, more refreshed. Recovered from her illness.

To be sure, he asked, “You’re feeling okay?”

“I feel terrific.”

“Not working yourself too hard?”

“No harder than necessary, definitely no harder than you.” She tipped her head. “What game are you playing now?”


Her look became accusing. “You going to give me that kiss or not?”

Hogan gave it quick thought and decided on a different tack. He held up his hands, now a little messy with seasonings, rub and sauce. “How about you kiss me instead? I believe in equal rights for women. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, or vice versa. If you want a kiss—”

“Are you challenging me?”

More like testing her, but he only cocked a brow and waited.

Giving it some thought, Violet gazed at his mouth until her own expression warmed, and Hogan knew she’d made up her mind.

Anticipation held him still.

Rising on tiptoe, she lightly touched his lips with a fingertip. He could feel her breath, his own suspended. She leaned forward, caught his bottom lip in her teeth and lightly tugged.

Interest keen, Hogan waited.

She soothed his lip with her hot little tongue and slowly, very slowly, fitted her mouth to his in a kiss that made him half-hard.

He held on to the counter behind him; not only were his hands messy, but if he touched her, he just knew he’d get carried away. They had relative privacy in his prep area, yet they weren’t alone, not in the restaurant with other employees around, customers coming and going.

For only a moment, her breasts pressed to his ribs and her hands held tightly to his shoulders. I want to do this again, Violet, with both of us naked and a bed nearby.

As she eased away she kissed his chin, his jaw and his throat.

In a soft, husky voice, she whispered, “How do you always smell so good?” She brushed her nose along his throat, his collarbone, rested her forehead against his chest for a heartbeat, and then with a sigh, she stepped away.

He was struggling to get his thoughts in order when she said, all brisk business, “I raised the prices on the items we discussed, and so far, no one has even noticed.”

Hogan stared at her. “Damn, you’re good.”

“At kissing? At conversation switches?”
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