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Caught in the Act

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He lay almost flat, his long, tall body stretching from one end of the narrow bed to the other. She remembered his height when he’d covered her, protecting her and all but dwarfing her despite her own height. She remembered the power of him, too, the vibrating tension and leashed strength.

His beautiful, dark brown hair now looked disheveled, spikey from the earlier rain and his injuries and… Her bottom lip quivered with her loss of composure.

He was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, though she hadn’t really seen him until he threw himself on top of her and saved her life. At first she’d thought he was with the robbers, and she’d known so much fear she’d actually tasted it.

Instead, he’d taken a bullet meant for her.

Her heart stuttered to a near stop. What kind of man did that? He didn’t know her, owed her nothing. She’d barely noticed him in the store before that.

But when he’d chased the bad guys just like a disreputable Dirty Harry clone, she’d looked him over and hadn’t been able to stop looking. He’d been all hard, flexing muscle, animal grace and speed.

Now he was flat on his back in a hospital bed. She sighed brokenly, choking on her emotions.

He turned his head at the sound she made, and those deep brown, all-consuming eyes warmed. A slight, heart-stopping smile curved one side of his mouth, and he looked sexy and compelling. In a deep, dark voice hoarse with pain, he whispered, “Hi.”

Just like that her heart melted and sank into her toes. There was so much inflection, so much feeling, in that one simple hello. Vaguely, she heard Josh saying, “Delilah, meet Mick Dawson. Mick, Miss Delilah Piper.”

Del paid no attention to Josh, her every thought and sense focused on the large dark man in the bed. In the bed because of her. No one had ever done anything even remotely like that for her. Her life in the past few years had been, by choice, a solitary one. Even before then, though, her relationships had been superficial and short-lived—nothing to inspire such protective instincts.

The reality of what he’d done, what he’d risked for her, threw Del off balance emotionally, just as the sight of him stirred her physically.

Without another thought, she moved straight to the bed. Mick looked at her, still smiling, but now with his eyes a bit wider, more alert, a little surprised. She sat near his hip and stroked his face. She needed to touch him, to feel the warmth of his skin, the lean hardness of his jaw…. Unable to help herself, she kissed him.

Against his lips, she said with heartfelt sincerity, “Thank you.”

He started to say something, but she kissed him again. It felt…magically right; she could have gone on kissing him forever. His mouth was firm, dry. Five o’clock shadow covered his jaw, rasping against her fingertips, thrilling her with the masculinity of it. Heat, scented by his body, lifted off him in waves, encompassing her and soothing her. He tasted good, felt good, smelled good.

A little breathless, bewildered by it all, Del said, “I’m so sorry. It should be me in that bed.”

“No!” His good arm came up, his hand, incredibly large and rough, clasped her shoulder, and he levered her away. For a man in a sickbed, he had surprising strength and was far too quick.

And he looked angry. And protective.

Excitement skittered down her spine, while tenderness welled in her chest.

The door opened again and Zack, the man who was a little nicer than Josh, started in. He jerked to a halt when he saw them both on the bed, nose-to-nose. Startled, Zack began to backpeddle, only to change his mind once more when he spotted Josh standing in the corner, smirking.

“Uh, Mick?” Zack sounded ridiculously cheerful and vastly amused. “I see you’re feeling…better.”

Josh chuckled. “I imagine he feels just fine right about now, since she’s in here.”

Slowly, not wanting to upset Mick, Del stood and cast a quick glare at both men. In her fascination with Mick, she’d all but forgotten them and how they’d bulldozed her, refusing her every request, evading her questions.

“I’d have been with you sooner, but they wouldn’t let me,” she said to Mick, feeling piqued all over again. “I didn’t know what was going on or why—”

“Only family could see him before he got to his room,” Zack said, some of his cheerfulness dwindling.

Del had heard the same lame explanation at least ten times, yet Zack had pretty much stayed with Mick, except for when he’d taken a turn guarding her so Josh could look in on him. They were friends, not family, or so they’d told her, so their excuses held no weight. They’d insisted she come to the hospital, insisted she wait around, and then they’d refused to let her do anything useful—like see Mick and thank Mick and…

She brushed her stringy bangs out of her face, still annoyed, still frustrated. “You could have taken my suggestion and told them I was his wife. Then they’d have let me in.”

Josh choked; Zack raised one eyebrow and looked at Mick. Mick grinned, then reached out for her hand with his good arm, which meant stretching across the bed. When she took his hand, he said, “I’m sorry you were worried.” And in a quieter tone, “Are you all right?”

Dismissing the other two men, she again sat on the bed. She wanted to kiss him some more, but his friends were standing there, not only ogling them, but bristling like overprotective bulldogs. Besides, after her run through the rain, and the burglary, she probably wasn’t all that appealing.

“I’m fine.”

Mick touched her bruised cheek with gentle fingertips. His eyes were nearly black with concern. “Damn, I’m sorry about that.”

His tone made her heart beat faster, made her skin flush and her insides warm. They’d only just met, but she felt as if she’d known him forever.

Catching his wrist, she turned his hand and kissed his palm. Again he looked surprised, and if she didn’t miss her guess, aroused. His eyes were hot, his cheekbones slashed with color. He stared at her mouth.

Was it possible he felt the same incredible chemistry?

Del had to clear her throat to say, “You saved me. I’m sorry I freaked. I thought…well, at first I thought you were with them and you intended to…”

“I know.” He continued to stare at her mouth, which made her belly quiver, her nerves jump. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

The irony didn’t escape her. Here he was, in bed, wounded, and he kept apologizing to her. She’d never met a man like him. “You kept me alive,” she stressed, which discounted any side effects, such as a small bruise, as unimportant. “I’m the one who’s sorry. Well, not sorry that I’m alive, but sorry that you got hurt in the process.”

“It’s just a flesh wound.”

Zack coughed and Josh snorted.

She looked at his two friends, then peered at Mick suspiciously. Was it worse than she thought? But the nurse had told her he’d be okay.

Her ire resurfaced and she said to Mick, “I wanted to come in and see you, but they wouldn’t let me. Waiting was awful. When we found out how long it would be, I planned to go home and shower and change, and try to make myself presentable, so when you came to I wouldn’t be such a sight, but he—” she directed a stiff finger at Josh “—wouldn’t be at all reasonable about any of it.”

“Don’t blame Josh,” Mick said, smiling just a bit. “I asked him to keep you around.”

“You did?”

“I was afraid you’d disappear and I wouldn’t get to see you again.”

His words were so sweet, she forgot about her sweat and ruined clothes and stringy hair. “I wouldn’t have done that, I swear! I would have come right back.”

Again she leaned down and kissed him, but this time he was ready for her and actually kissed her back. His tongue stroked past her lips for just a heartbeat, then retreated. Her breath caught and she sighed. Oh wow.

With a numb mind and tingling lips, she heard him rumble in a low voice, “I want to see you, Delilah.”

She lowered her voice to a mere whisper. “I want to see you, too. I just wish I’d had time to clean up. I’m all sweaty and I have mud on my feet and my clothes are limp and wrinkled. I smell like a wet dog.”

His hot gaze moved from her eyes to her mouth and back again, his expression devouring. “You smell like a woman.”

She almost slid right off the side of the bed. Much more of that and she’d be sweating again, that or she’d self-combust.

He was just so darn sexy! The dark beard shadow covering the lower part of his face made him look dangerous. After witnessing him in action that afternoon, she knew he was dangerous. His brows were thick, his lashes sinfully long, his high-bridged nose narrow and straight, his mouth delicious. And those dark eyes… This man had singled her out and risked his life to save her. It was beyond comprehension.
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