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Two seconds passed, and he said, “Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

She straightened her back and lifted her chin. He was right, after the way she’d just behaved with him, he deserved the truth. Her throat felt swollen from her recent crying jag, and her head pounded as she forced out the awful words. “I have a…a sexual problem.”

Alec didn’t say a word. There was such complete suffocating silence that she couldn’t bear it. She darted into the bathroom and slammed the door, then leaned back against it and covered her face with her hands. Now he knew the truth. He’d likely leave in disgust, wanting nothing to do with her, and her chances of helping Hannah would diminish to almost zero. How could she help anyone else when she couldn’t even help herself?

A hard pounding rattled the door, making her spring away with a short scream. She whirled, one hand clutching her heart.

“Goddammit, Celia, open this door right now!”

She stared, unable to even blink. He was angry?

The door trembled again, threatening to splinter, as Alec hammered on it. She jumped back another cautious step.

“I’m giving you to the count of two, then I’m opening the door my own way.”

Celia gawked.


He wasn’t going to give her much time to consider her options, she thought. But then, there was really only one option anyway. She reached for the doorknob.

CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_2f764963-485f-56fc-9750-d953b813a16f)

ALEC WAS SO MAD he could barely see straight. He opened his mouth to shout “two” and heard the lock click open. He propped his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes, waiting for Celia to present herself. Ha, what did she think, that she could make a crazy statement like that and then just tell him to get lost? Fat chance.

He figured Raymond Stern had something to do with her little bombshell revelation, and he regretted his noble decision to let the law have him. If he could go back and do things over, he would.

“Get your butt out here, Celia.”

Reluctantly she opened the door. Her face was ravaged, blotchy red from her tears and with makeup everywhere. His heart softened, making his entire system go on alert. Damn, but he would rather take a beating than see her cry. His jaw worked for a moment while he fought his natural instincts, to lift her in his arms, toss her on the bed, and prove she had not a single problem in the world. Hell, he wanted her so bad, they’d burn up the mattress in record time. And then he’d start on round two. He figured he could make love to her all night long and not get his fill. But judging by her expression, she wasn’t up to a sexual marathon at the moment. Right now, she needed him rational, not ruled by an overactive libido.

He hadn’t had urges this strong since he’d been a teenager, and back then, he’d had his pick of girls to handle the problem. This time, though, he didn’t want anyone but Celia. And he’d wait—for just a little longer.

He drew a long breath, reaching for a modicum of control, but unwilling to let her know what a strain it was. “I want you to take a shower and change.” There. That had sounded calm enough. Despite the fact that that damn dress she wore was keeping his need on a razor’s edge.

She nodded her head, suspiciously submissive for the moment.

“When you’re done,” he said, watching her closely, “we’re going to talk.”

“I thought you wanted to leave right away.”

“Later. Maybe even in the morning. For now, just get yourself comfortable, all right?” A thought struck him and he added, “Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”


No what? No she hadn’t eaten or no she wasn’t hungry? He decided to make the decision himself, which was what he should have been doing all along. He’d order up some sandwiches and coffee, feed her, then get a few things settled with her.

He sighed again. “Where are your clothes?”

“In the suitcase in the closet.”

She stood docile while he opened the case and yanked out jeans and a T-shirt, then handed them to her.

“I need panties, too.” She wiped at her eyes with a shaking hand, removing some of the mascara that was smudged there. His heart thumped again, and that damn tenderness threatened to bring him to his knees. Turning back to the case he grabbed up a pair of pale pink nylon panties and thrust them at her. She sniffed, turned her back, and went into the bathroom without a word.

As soon as the door clicked shut Alec thrust both hands into his hair and pulled. Christ, she was making him crazy. First fighting him tooth and nail, refusing to give so much as an inch, and now acting like an obedient child. He wasn’t at all certain which he hated worse. Celia was constantly taking him off guard; he thought she probably did it on purpose just so he’d never know how to react.

He heard the water start, pictured her naked in the shower, and slammed one fist against his thigh.

To keep his mind off bare, wet, feminine skin, he called and ordered room service. Even in such a rundown rat motel, they had an attached bar with a fairly varied menu and he ordered two sub sandwiches, a pot of coffee and pie. While he was waiting for that to be delivered, he called Dane.

The line was answered on the second ring.


Alec heard feminine giggling in the background. He should have known, given the time of night, Dane would be preoccupied. He rolled his eyes. Dane’s marital bliss was about enough to choke a lesser man, but Alec could take it—barely. “I found your sister.”

He heard a shuffling, and the next words were muffled. “Shh, just a minute honey. It’s Alec.” Then into the receiver, “Good job. I never doubted it, Alec. Now I’m kind of busy—”

“She was dressed like a tramp, hanging out in a bar trying to pick up Jacobs.”

Dane uttered one short, crude word.

“Yeah, that’s how I figured it. I got her out of there, but she’s determined to go back. She has some damned vigilante attitude about saving Hannah Barrington.” Alec couldn’t quite keep the disgust from his tone, but every time he thought of Celia putting herself on the line for the Barrington girl he wanted to rage against the injustice of it.

Very quietly, Dane said, “I’m glad she’s concerned, despite how you feel about it, Alec. But I don’t want her involved in that mess.”

“I threatened to fire her if she didn’t back off.”

Dane cursed again.

With a wry twist to his mouth, Alec said, “I see you already guessed how she reacted to that.”

“You’re slipping, buddy.”

“Like hell. I’ll drag her home if I have to. But I’m not leaving her here alone to tangle with Jacobs.”

“Why are you so worried if you really think there’s no problem for Hannah?”

Alec stilled as he realized he’d backed himself into a corner. Even Dane didn’t know his complete reasoning for wanting no part of this particular case, but being Dane, he was likely making some pretty damn astute guesses. Alec tried for a bluff. “Hannah’s probably having the time of her life. But your damn sister alone is trouble waiting to happen.”

“Celia’s not as fragile as you think.” Alec heard a voice in the background, heard Dane whispering, and then he said, “Angel wants to talk to you.”

“No! Damn it, Dane, don’t you dare—”

“Hello, Alec.”

Alec sighed. When he got Dane alone, he was going to strangle him. “Hi, hon. How’re you feeling?” Angel didn’t seem to have any problems carrying this baby, but like Dane, Alec would feel a lot better if she took things a little easier. The trauma she’d gone through with her first son, Grayson, was still fresh in everyone’s mind—except maybe Angel’s.
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