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Under Pressure

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Repugnant as it seemed, she should definitely go; Leese had said she could if she wanted. Maybe it was time to test that theory.

After they departed the elevator, the bellhop started to step off with them. Leese slipped him a bill and thanked him with an obvious dismissal.

He unlocked the suite door himself, then held it open for her.

Nervousness kept her glued to the spot. They were in such a private location, with only a few other doors around. She felt isolated, alone...but then she’d felt that way for a while now.

“I changed my mind,” she blurted.

Silence ticked by until, tipping his head, Leese asked, “About?”

His calm only amplified her nervousness.

“This.” She gestured at the room. At him. “I don’t want to stay here.”

Pausing at his own door, Justice waited.

“Okay.” Hands on his hips, Leese held her gaze. “Where did you want to go?”

“Er...nowhere with you. I’m going to just...leave.”

Dark brows touching, Leese considered her, making her squirm. He let the door shut. “All right.”

Justice groaned with loud drama.

“Wherever you go,” Leese told her, “I will closely follow. But it’s up to you.”

Damn it. Him being so agreeable left her only more perplexed. And truthfully, she didn’t want to go anywhere. The nap had recharged her, but only a little. Problems pummeled her tired brain. And the thought of a shower was so enticing... “Can I take the food with me?”

A half smile curled his mouth. “Sure.”

The easy agreement left her deflated, stealing the last of her resistance. “Fine. I’ll stay.”

Justice let out a long, relieved breath.

“But I’m not keen on sharing a room with you.” Liar. She hated the thought of being alone. She protested on principle—because she liked the idea of being alone with him far too much. And why not? Could he be more striking with his beautiful eyes, calm, controlled nature and that ripped bod?

Her biggest dilemma was that he looked at her as a problem to solve, and she looked at him like any red-blooded woman would look at a sexy hunk of man.

She felt sparks, blast him, and he stayed cool and distant.

“If that’s your only concern, I can stay out here.”

Cat gaped at him. “Here, the...hall?”


Why wouldn’t he just room with Justice? “I could take the single and you guys could—”

“Wherever you are,” he repeated in a deep, serious tone, “that’s where I’ll be. Either in the room with you, or just outside the door.”

Justice said, “Give in, honey. Leese takes this shit far too seriously, I swear. He’ll stand out here like a guard dog all night, and then I’ll feel guilty and want to spell him, and neither of us will get any sleep.”

“I’ll sleep just fine,” she told him, though that was probably a lie too. Knowing the two of them stood vigil would keep her from resting.

“I meant Leese and me,” the hulk grouched.

“Justice,” Leese warned. “It’s her decision. Don’t pressure her.”

Yeah, God forbid she be pressured. Such a laugh. She’d had more pressure lately than any woman should have to bear.

Justice plopped down her suitcase and took two big steps to swipe up the bag of food. “Fine.” Rummaging inside, he said, “I’m at least going to eat while she decides.” He withdrew two burgers.

Justice made her feel mean, and that, too, was unusual. “Open the damn door,” she demanded.

Without questioning her, Leese did just that, holding it wide for her.

Justice, not taking any chances on her changing her mind, dug out his fries and malt too. “Glad that’s settled.” He balanced everything in the crook of one arm and deftly used his keycard. “Keep me updated,” he said before going inside and letting the door close behind him.

Leese stood there waiting for her, patience personified.

After a deep breath, she lifted her chin and strode past him.

The suite was lovely, divided into a small kitchenette, a sitting area with two couches arranged perpendicular to one another, a large television, a desk, a round table with four chairs and a small half bath. One of the couches looked to be a narrow rollaway bed. Through open glass double doors she saw a separate bedroom with a full bathroom, including a wide tub and granite shower.

One bedroom. One shower.


Leese paid no mind as he got everything into the room. He put the bags of food on the table, then carried her suitcase to the bedroom and set it at the end of the bed for her.

Cat watched as he took his own bag to the end of one couch.

A promising sign. Sort of.

“What’s it to be first?” He removed his coat and hung it neatly in the closet. “Food or talk?”

With his coat gone and his hands again on his hips, she couldn’t help focusing on that menacing gun. Had he shot anyone?



In her experience, most bodyguards were older, thicker. Less appealing. Given her family’s affluence, she’d grown up with them hanging around, always watching her like a prized possession.

She’d tried so hard to leave that life behind, but sadly, she’d taken just a little too long to make it happen.

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