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A Family For The Rancher

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Now, it was too late for her to catch his eye. Even if she did, she had so little to offer him.

Calvin drew to a stop several feet away. He greeted Molly first, then put all his focus on Daisy. “Good morning, Miss Carson.”

“Miss Carson? Miss Carson?”

Eyes wide, Calvin blinked at her for several long seconds. “That is your name.”

“Of course it’s my name.” Sputtering in outrage, Daisy pulled her arm free of Molly’s and jammed her hands on her hips. “What’s with the sudden formality?”

His mouth worked but no words came out.

“Well?” Daisy demanded. “What do you have to say for yourself, Calvin Barlow?”

He frowned, clearly taken aback by her heated question. “I’m trying to show you respect, Daisy.”

“No, what you’ve done is insult me.”

“How do you figure that?”

Molly was wondering the same thing herself.

“We’ve known each other all our lives.” Daisy said this as if it explained everything. “I should think it obvious.”

“Well, it’s not.” Calvin blew out a frustrated hiss, moving a step closer to Daisy. “Why are you being so difficult?”

“Difficult? Me? What about you?” She leaned forward, practically touching noses with him. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were up to something devious.”

Chest puffed out, eyes narrowed, Calvin launched into a lengthy defense of his actions, whereby Daisy proceeded to dismantle each and every one of them. The more they argued the happier they seemed.

Molly hid a smile behind her hand. The conversation reminded her of several she’d witnessed early in Ned and Penelope’s courtship.

They’d bickered…er, bantered much like this. It hadn’t been long before they’d fallen deeply in love. Ned had been an attentive, patient, caring husband. Grief had turned him into a different man. But that didn’t have to be how their love story ended. He could still return and become a father to his children, the way Penelope would have wanted.

With hope building in her heart, Molly searched the area for Ned’s rangy build and shaggy brown hair. She found no sign of him. But there, beneath a tall cottonwood tree, stood the rest of the Thorn family.

CJ was larger than life, handsome and clean-shaven and so very capable. He didn’t wear a hat this morning, but still looked like the quintessential rancher, strong and leanly built, yet with shoulders broad enough to carry the burdens of his loved ones.

The girls clung to his hands with utter confidence that he would keep them safe. On closer inspection, Molly realized CJ wasn’t as in control as he seemed. He had that harried look again. His features were weary and a little rough around the edges. He’d had a trying morning.

He needs me.

The thought drew her several steps toward him.

“I’ll be over there,” she said to her sister, “with the Thorn family.” She nodded toward the rancher and two little girls standing beneath the large tree.

Still in a heated discussion with Calvin, Daisy waved her away with a flick of her wrist. As Molly moved in CJ’s direction, she came to the conclusion she should have never agreed to take the morning off.

He was clearly in over his head with the twins. She couldn’t begin to imagine how alone he must feel with Ned gone.

Or perhaps she could.

Hadn’t she, even surrounded by her family, felt alone since returning home?

Well, she wasn’t alone. And neither was CJ.

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