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Expecting The Fellani Heir

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‘Only with you. You’re the scariest person I know.’

‘Then I’ll just have to stick around for the pleasure of scaring you.’

He smiled suddenly, but his smile was quickly replaced by a frown. ‘I have to be going. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’

He departed quickly, leaving her to lean from the window, watching him until he vanished. She had a good view of the neighbourhood, with its expensive shops and elegant roads.

So many roads, she thought. And no way of seeing where they all led.

CHAPTER THREE (#u7a94027a-0976-5a90-bbd7-77936083e33b)

LEFT ALONE, ELLIE explored the luxurious apartment. Her own room was large with a double bed, extensive wardrobes and bulky drawers. Putting her things away, she couldn’t help noticing how plain and dull they looked in these glamorous surroundings.

If I was in search of a rich husband I’d jump at his offer, she thought wryly. But I’m looking for something else in a husband. Something Leonizio can’t give me. Not that he’ll ever understand that. He’s got money and why should a wife ask for anything else? That’s how he sees it.

She switched on the television and sat watching a news channel, discovering that her understanding of Italian was better than she’d thought.

I could do with something to read, she mused after a couple of hours. That looks like a newsagent just over the road. Let’s see if they’ve got any English papers.

Hurrying downstairs, she crossed the road to the shop, which turned out to be a delightful place, full of foreign publications. By the time she left she had an armful of papers.

But a shock awaited her when she arrived back at Leonizio’s apartment. As she reached the front door she could hear him inside, shouting, ‘Where are you? Where are you?’

There was something in his voice that hadn’t been there before. It was no longer the cry of a bully demanding obedience, but the misery of a man in despair. She thought she could guess the reason. Once before he had gone home to find his wife vanished, taking with her the unborn child on which he pinned his hopes. Now he was reliving that moment, fearing that he was deserted again, seeing his world collapse and everything he valued snatched from him.

‘Where are you?’ came the frantic cry again.

Unable to bear it any longer, she opened the door. At the same moment he strode out so quickly that he collided with her, forcing her to cling to him to avoid falling. He tightened his grip and they stood for a moment, locked in each other’s arms.

‘So there you are,’ he snapped.

‘Yes, I’m here.’

‘Come in,’ he said, still holding onto her as he led her inside. His arms about her were tight, as though he feared to release her.

He saw her onto the sofa, then stood back and regarded her uneasily.

‘Did I hurt you?’ he growled.

‘Not at all. But there was no need for you to get worked up. I just slipped out for a moment to buy a few things over the road. I’m here now.’

He sat down beside her.

‘You should have left a note saying where you’d gone.’ He spoke calmly but his face was tense.

‘Yes, perhaps I should have done that,’ she said, ‘but I knew I’d only be away for a couple of minutes, and I thought I’d be back here before you returned. I’m sorry. I really am.’

She spoke gently, regretting the distress she’d caused him. When he didn’t answer she reached out to put a hand on his shoulder.

‘Finding the place empty made you think I’d deserted you, taking your baby, as Harriet did.’

His shoulders sagged. ‘You’re right,’ he said heavily.

‘But I promised to stay, and I’ll keep that promise. So stop worrying, Leonizio. It’s not going to happen again. If you need to go out, just go. I’ll always be here when you get back. Word of honour.’

He turned, looking her in the eyes as though he couldn’t quite believe what he heard.

‘Really? You mean that?’

‘When I give a promise I keep it. You have to trust me, Leonizio.’

‘I do trust you. Completely.’

‘But you’re still afraid I might betray you as she did.’

‘No. You’re not like her.’

‘Then relax.’

He smiled and squeezed her hand.

‘Actually, I need to go out again for a little while,’ he said. ‘Why don’t you rest, and when I return I’ll take you out for dinner? We can start to get to know each other.’

‘That would be lovely, Leonizio,’ she said.

He seemed to relax but she knew the pain and fear she had heard in his voice had been real. It was there in his heart, and she would always remember it.

‘Go out,’ she said. ‘And stop worrying.’

‘I’ll try.’

He departed, giving her a brief glance before he left.

She was glad to be alone again that afternoon. Since her arrival in Rome, everything that had happened had disconcerted her. Leonizio’s reaction had only underlined how little she knew him.

But something else disturbed her even more. It was the memory of their collision in the corridor, the way his arms had enfolded her. She knew he’d been protecting her from a fall, but the sensation of being held against his body had been shattering, recalling another time.

That night still lived in her heart, her mind and her senses. She, who had never before even considered a one-night stand, had gone willingly into this one, letting it tempt her as though it was the most natural and the most desirable thing in the world.

She had come to Rome because Leonizio had the right to know about his child, yet she was still determined to stay in control of herself and the situation. Perhaps it was going to be harder than she had thought, but she was strong. Whatever disagreements they might have, she would be the winner. On that she was determined.

She prepared for the evening ahead with a shower, followed by an inspection of her clothes. She had nothing glamorous, but a simple green dress gave her an air of quiet elegance.

She hesitated briefly over her hair, finally deciding to wear it pulled back, sending a silent message that tonight her controlled self was the one in command.

When she heard Leonizio’s key in the lock she positioned herself so that he could see her as soon as he entered, and was rewarded by the look of relief that dawned in his eyes as soon as he saw her.

‘Let’s go,’ he said.
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