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Anne of Green Gables. Аня из Зелёных Крыш. Адаптированная книга на английском языке.

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Chapter 3

Marilla opened the door and then her eyes fell onto the little girl.

“Matthew, who’s that? Where’s the boy?” she asked.

“There wasn’t a boy,” answered Metthew.

“No boy! But there had to be a boy. We asked Mrs. Spencer to bring a boy!”

“Well, she brought her.”

The girl stood there, looking how they argue[30 - [????ju?] – спорить]. “You don’t want me!” she cried. “You don’t want me because I’m not a boy!”

She sat on the chair and cried. Marilla and Matthew looked at each other, they didn’t know what to say.

“Well, well, there’s no need to cry about it,” Marilla said.

“Yes, there is need to cry about it!”

“Well, don’t cry anymore. We are not going to let you out at night. You’ll stay here until we ask Mrs. Spencer about this mistake. What’s your name?”

“Can you please call me Cordelia?” she asked.

“Call you Cordelia? Is that your name?”

“No, but I want to be called Cordelia.”

“Tell me your real name.”

“Anne Shirley, but please call me Cordelia, it’s such a romantic name.” she said.

“No, Anne is a good name. Now, Anne, tell me about this mistake. Weren’t there any boys?”

“No, there were many of them, but Mrs. Spencer said you wanted a girl.”

“It’s all because of my hair. But would you keep me if I had brown hair and not red?” asked Anne.

“We need a boy to help Matthew on the farm.”

Marilla gave the girl some food, but she didn’t want to eat.

“I’m very sad. I can’t eat when I’m sad.”

Night came and Marilla put the girl in bed. She told her to change her clothes and went away. Then she came, took the candle and said ‘goodnight’.

“How can you say GOOD night when it’s the worst night?” said the girl. Marilla didn’t know what to say and went away.

“We need to send this girl back,” she said to Matthew.

“Do we really? She seems[31 - seem [si?m] – казаться] nice.”

“Matthew Cuthbert you don’t think we should keep her?!” said Marilla angrily.

Matthew never had much of a voice[32 - [v??s] – голос]. “Well, I don’t know, but she’s nice and interesting,” he said.

“Well, I’m not going to keep her,” said Marilla.

“As you say, Marilla. I’m going to sleep.”

Exercise: What are these words?

to argue


to seem



Chapter 4

Anne woke and sat up in bed. For a moment she couldn’t understand where she was. It was a nice June morning, the sun was shining. She went to open the window and saw a beautiful cherry[33 - [?t?eri] – вишня] tree next to the house. There were also many other trees in the garden.

Marilla came into the room and told her to dress up. “Breakfast is waiting for you, so get dressed, wash your face, comb[34 - [k??m] – расчесывать] your hair and come downstairs,” she told.

Anne did all that and went into the kitchen. “I’m so glad the sun is shining,” she said. “The world doesn’t seem[35 - seem [si?m] – казаться] so grey as yesterday evening. But I also like rainy mornings. All mornings are interesting, don’t you think?”

“Hold your tongue[36 - [t?n] – язык, hold your tongue – помолчи]. Why do you talk so much?” asked Marilla.

The girl stopped talking and didn’t say a word while eating. That was strange. The room was silent[37 - [?sa?l?nt] – тихий].

“Can you wash the dishes?” asked Marilla.

“I can. I’m better at looking after[38 - присматривать] children, but I can wash dishes too.”

She washed the dishes. Then Marilla took Anne and they both went to Mrs. Spencer. Marilla needed to give the girl back. As they went away, Matthew stood there and watched them sadly.

Exercise: What are these words?

to comb

to seem

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