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Bought: The Greek's Bride

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“I understand that we see things very differently. Not only do you not want love, but I’m not sure you believe in romantic love at all or you could not blithely talk about saying the words as if that’s all they were. Mere words.”

“Romantic love is not something I have any personal experience with.”

Pain flashed in her pretty blue eyes, but was gone so quickly, he could not be sure he had seen it.

“Will it help if I promise I will never say those words to another woman?”

“Can you promise that? What if you fall in love? Just because you don’t love me doesn’t mean you are incapable of loving someone else.”

“I do not want to love anyone else.”

“It doesn’t always come with a choice.”

He did not agree. “I keep my promises. It is up to you to decide if you trust me to do so.”

“I do trust you.”

A flare of triumph coursed through him.

She saw it and frowned. “I’m not saying I’m going to agree to marriage, but I think I’m beginning to understand why you asked me at least.”

“I would have thought that was obvious.”

“There you go being wrong again. This can’t be good for your ego, but your reasons for picking me to share the rest of your life with are far from obvious.”

“You will tease me one time too many,” he warned on a mock growl.

“And you’ll do what?”

“Perhaps I will make love to you and slay that dragon of doubt at least.”

“Do you think a planned seduction will decimate my concerns about the fact that you find it so easy to control your libido around me?”

“I think, little one, that there are depths to you that I have yet to plumb.” It startled him to have her take him to task for such a thing, but it also aroused him. “Trust me, I do not find it easy to control my desire around you, merely necessary.”

“Because you don’t want to be like your father.”

“That is one reason.”

“Tell me another.”

“If you do not want to marry me, I do not want to spend my life addicted to a body I have no access to.”

She burst out laughing as he’d meant her to, but there was a grain of truth to what he said. If he made love to her, he did not think he would ever want to let her go.

On the other hand, making love might be the very solution to their impasse. He would prove his passion to her and regardless of what she wanted him to believe, he knew she would only accept him into her body if she was making a major commitment to him.

He had already made his commitment to her and while he’d rather they were officially engaged with a wedding date set before he took her to bed, he had no doubts about the ultimate outcome. He was not taking advantage of her. They would marry. He was not a man who allowed anyone or anything to thwart him when it came to getting something he wanted.

And he wanted Eleanor Wentworth as his wife.

When they arrived at Ellie’s apartment, Sandor requested her key card to park in the visitor’s area of the secure garage under her building.

“Are you planning to come up for a while?” she asked as he pulled into a parking slot.

He waited until she looked at him to ask, “Are you planning to invite me?”

She usually did, but tonight she’d hoped to have some time to think.

He reached out and cupped her nape. “Invite me up, pethi mou. I am not ready for the evening to be over.”

Just as it did every other time, his slightest touch impacted her senses with the power of a Level 10 earthquake.

“Even though it didn’t have the outcome you wanted?” she asked breathlessly, knowing she would not turn him away if he was intent on staying.

“You did not refuse me. It is enough.”

“Is it?”

“I learned early to be patient when going after something I wanted. Rushing the outcome can sour it faster than facing opposition.”

Why did the unabashed business-speak liquify her insides? She shouldn’t be reacting to corporatese as if he’d said something intoxicatingly alluring, but the problem was that he’d said it in that low, sexy voice that had been shaking up her equilibrium since the first time she heard it. And, in effect, his sentiment was sensual. He was talking about convincing her to marry him, which would land her in his bed. Even if unbridled passion had not.

“I see. So, I’m a corporate merger you’d like to make?” she asked, trying to keep it light…trying to temper her own reaction to what shouldn’t be nearly so much temptation.

“You are the woman I would like to marry, not a company I plan to buy—but the similarities exist, yes.”

She couldn’t help smiling wryly. Of course he would see most of his life in business terms. It was all he knew, that and the lessons on integrity he’d learned at his grandfather’s knee. She shivered when she thought what it must have been like to be raised by a man who loved him, but not enough to see past his illegitimate birth. A man intent on making sure that what he considered bad blood would not show itself in his grandson.

If the older Christofides were alive today, Ellie would have a few choice words for him. But then if he were alive, Hera probably would never have left Greece and taken her son with her. Ellie and Sandor would never have met. Coming on the heels of her inner revelation regarding her feelings for him, the thought chilled her.

“Come up,” she said on a defeated sigh.

Sandor had not conquered her desire to be alone and think; her own conflicting needs undermined it. She wanted to spend time with him. She craved his presence like a drug and was just glad he wasn’t one. She’d always thought she had a strong sense of self-control, but when it came to Sandor, she lost touch with it and her sense of self-preservation as well.

Which was one very good reason for not giving him an answer to his proposal tonight.

He climbed out of the car and came around to open her door. Always the gentleman, even more so than a lot of men born to money, social elevation and manners. He helped her from the car, transferring his hand to the small of her back once she was standing. She realized he did that a lot, this guiding her where he wanted her to go with a possessive-protective hold.

He kept his hand on her even in the elevator. He did that a lot, too…simply touching her for the sake of doing so, not because he needed to. He touched her like she was already his. It was one of the reasons she had been so confused over him not pressing to make love.

She understood better now, but wasn’t sure that with understanding came acceptance.

Silence reigned in the elevator on the way to her fifth-floor apartment and no one else joined them to break it. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but she was lost in her own thoughts and she sensed that Sandor was content to leave her that way.

He waited patiently for her to open her apartment door and deactivate her alarm with the code and her thumbprint. The double locks on the solid steel door molded to look like a classic paneled wood door undid with a snick. She pushed the door open and led him inside.

“I like the security here.”
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