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The Lady of North Star

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“Perhaps not,” admitted Bracknell thoughtfully. “It is possible that young Rayner got hold of my letter to his father and that the old man never saw it at all. But what has this to do with my cousin!”

“This! Adrian Rayner told me that he was coming here in order to prove that you were dead but I was morally certain that he was coming here to find your cousin Roger and to – to – ”

“To shoot him, hey? Why should he want to do that?”

“Because he knew that your cousin suspected him of that attempt on your life at North Star!”

“Wanted to get rid of a witness, I suppose. And you were following Roger to warn him.”

“Yes! That was one reason.”

“Um! It’s a nice coil, for sure. I entertain the man who tried to murder me, and I set him on the trail of my cousin who was trying to bring him to justice. That is about as pretty a kettle of fish as – ”

“But you did not tell Adrian Rayner where Roger had gone?” cried Joy, springing to her feet. “Surely you did not tell him?”

“At that time,” answered Bracknell slowly, “it seemed to me that I had little cause to love my Cousin Roger. You are to remember that I was in ignorance of much that I have learned this morning.”

“You told him?” cried Joy.

“I certainly put him on the track,” answered the man.

“Then God forgive you! God forgive you!” cried Joy in anguished tones.

Dick Bracknell’s face set hard, and only by an effort was he able to control himself. But after a moment he replied quietly, “As I have said, I did not know Rayner. I had no inkling of his game.”

“No!” said Joy stonily. “I understand that.”

“You hinted that there was another reason,” said Bracknell, watching her closely. “I wonder if you would mind telling me – ”

“Oh, I don’t mind at all,” broke in Joy impulsively. “Your brother Geoffrey was killed whilst I was in England. Indeed, I was the one to find him dead. No one knew whether you were alive or dead, even I did not know, and Roger was regarded as the heir. But I knew that when he left North Star that he was going to try and learn what had really happened to you, and I was afraid that if there was a collision between you, and anything dreadful happened, people might say that he – that he – ”

She broke off, and hesitated.

“I understand,” said her husband. “You need not say it. I dare say you are quite right. This world is full of Christian charity.”

“I cabled him and tried to get in touch with him. I learned that he was missing. I came out, and at Regina I discovered that nothing whatever had been heard about him, but I discovered also that Adrian Rayner had been making inquiries, that he was on his trail. Then I was certain of his evil purpose, and when I reached North Star and found Adrian there, I accused him, for I was very sure of his intentions. As soon as I could I started to look for your cousin myself – ”

“You seem very anxious about my cousin,” broke in her husband quietly.

“Oh, how can I help being?” cried Joy.

Dick Bracknell took a step forward, and put a hand on her shoulder. She did not shrink, and as his eyes searched her face, she met his gaze steadily. They stood there silent for what seemed a long time, then Bracknell dropped his hand.

“I think I understand,” he said wearily, “and I do not blame you. And I am sure that both Roger and you have played the game! Well, I’m crocked, and – ”

He broke off and laughed harshly. Then his haggard face grew suddenly convulsed with rage. “That – Rayner! If only I could meet him again I think I could die happily!”

Joy looked at him, her heart wrung with pity for him. She stretched a hand impulsively, and was about to speak when the door was flung open violently, and Miss La Farge rushed in, hastily barring the door behind her.



SHE STOOD there gasping for breath, and unable to speak; and to both the others in the cabin it was evident that something startling had occurred. Dick Bracknell found his tongue first.

“What is the matter, Miss La Farge? What has happened?”

Babette found her breath and cried pantingly,

“Some one tried to kill me?”

“To kill you!” her listeners cried together incredulously.

“Yes. I was walking down the creek, wondering where Jim and our dogs were gone to, when I heard a sharp sound, just like the twang of a bowstring and looked round. I could see nothing, and the woods on the banks were quite still and silent, nothing moving anywhere. I was still looking, and convincing myself that I had imagined the sound when it occurred again, and a second later an arrow struck a tree close by me, and remained there, quivering. I did not remain to see any more, or to try and learn who had sent it. I turned in my tracks and ran back here, and once as I ran an arrow passed clean through my parka, and buried itself in the snow beyond.”

Dick Bracknell broke out, suddenly, “Confound it,” he cried, “this is intolerable. That Indian Joe must have gone mad!”

“You think it is your man?” asked Joy quickly.

“I am sure of it! Who else can it be in this God-forsaken wilderness? It must be he, but I will soon find out!”

He moved towards the door and throwing down the bar, opened it. There was nothing visible but the snow, and the dark woods. He took a step forward, and as he did so something came swishing through the air and struck the door post. He knew what it was before he saw it, and cried out.

“Joe, you confounded fool, what – ”

The sharp crack of a rifle broke in on the words, and a bullet cut the fur off his coat at the top of the shoulder. He turned quickly round, and tumbled backward into the cabin, kicking the door to behind him. Joy ran forward, and dropped the bar in place, then looked at him.

“You are hurt?” she cried anxiously.

“No,” he answered, as he picked himself up.

“Only knocked over with surprise.”

“But that was a rifle, wasn’t it? Some one fired at you?”

“Yes, some one certainly did!” He gave a wheezy laugh as he lifted a hand to his shoulder.

“And he almost got me. He made the fur fly, and if it had struck an inch or two lower down I should have been out of action for a while at any rate. He must be a rotten shot, for out there on the snow I must have been a perfect mark!”

“But what on earth can your man be – ”

“It is not Joe,” broke in Bracknell with conviction. “Even if he has gone clean into lunacy he’d never do a thing like that to me. Besides, Joe had no gun with him. Our guns are there in the corner, and as we’ve run out of ammunition they are no use. It simply can’t be Joe.”

“Then who can it be? And why should he want to do a thing like that?”

“It may be your other man – Jim, didn’t you call him? He may have returned, and thinking you were prisoners here, may have tried to get me in the hope of releasing you.”

“But you forget the attack on Babette! Some one shot arrows at her and – ”
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