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The Lower Depths

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MIEDVIEDIEFF. I’ve one Queen – and you’ve two – oh, well.

BUBNOFF. One’s enough if she has brains – play!

KLESHTCH. You lost, Abram Ivanovitch?

MIEDVIEDIEFF. None of your business – see? Shut up!

SATINE. I’ve won fifty-three kopecks.

THE ACTOR. Give me three of them.. though, what’ll I do with them?

LUKA [coming from kitchen] Well – the Tartar was fleeced all right, eh? Going to have some vodka?

THE BARON. Come with us.

SATINE. I wonder what you’ll be like when you’re drunk.

LUKA. Same as when I’m sober.

THE ACTOR. Come on, old man – I’ll recite verses for you.

LUKA. What?

THE ACTOR. Verses. Don’t you understand?

LUKA. Verses? And what do I want with verses?

THE ACTOR. Sometimes they’re funny – sometimes sad.

SATINE. Well, poet, are you coming? [Exit with the Baron]

THE ACTOR. I’m coming. I’ll join you. For instance, old man, here’s a bit of verse – I forget how it begins – I forget.. [brushes his hand across his forehead]

BUBNOFF. There! Your Queen is lost – go on, play!

MIEDVIEDIEFF. I made the wrong move.

THE ACTOR. Formerly, before my organism was poisoned with alcohol, old man, I had a good memory. But now it’s all over with me, brother. I used to declaim these verses with tremendous success – thunders of applause.. you have no idea what applause means.. it goes to your head like vodka! I’d step out on the stage – stand this way – [Strikes a pose] – I’d stand there and.. [Pause] I can’t remember a word – I can’t remember! My favorite verses – isn’t it ghastly, old man?

LUKA. Yes – is there anything worse than forgetting what you loved? Your very soul is in the thing you love!

THE ACTOR. I’ve drunk my soul away, old man – brother, I’m lost.. and why? Because I had no faith… I’m done with.

LUKA. Well – then – cure yourself! Nowadays they have a cure for drunkards. They treat you free of charge, brother. There’s a hospital for drunkards – where they’re treated for nothing. They’ve owned up, you see, that even a drunkard is a human being, and they’re only too glad to help him get well. Well – then – go to it!

THE ACTOR [thoughtfully] Where? Where is it?

LUKA. Oh – in some town or other.. what do they call it – ? I’ll tell you the name presently – only, in the meanwhile, get ready. Don’t drink so much! Take yourself in hand – and bear up! And then, when you’re cured, you’ll begin life all over again. Sounds good, brother, doesn’t it, to begin all over again? Well – make up your mind!

THE ACTOR [smiling] All over again – from the very beginning – that’s fine.. yes.. all over again.. [Laughs] Well – then – I can, can’t I?

LUKA. Why not? A human being can do anything – if he only makes up his mind.

THE ACTOR [suddenly, as if coming out of a trance] You’re a queer bird! See you anon! [Whistles] Old man —au revoir! [Exit]

ANNA. Grand-dad!

LUKA. Yes, little mother?

ANNA. Talk to me.

LUKA [close to her] Come on – let’s chat.

[Kleshtch, glancing around, silently walks over to his wife, looks at her, and makes queer gestures with his hands, as though he wanted to say something.]

LUKA. What is it, brother?

KLESHTCH [quietly] Nothing.

[Crosses slowly to hallway door, stands on the threshold for a few seconds, and exit.]

LUKA [looking after him] Hard on your man, isn’t it?

ANNA. He doesn’t concern me much.

LUKA. Did he beat you?

ANNA. Worse than that – it’s he who’s killed me —

BUBNOFF. My wife used to have a lover – the scoundrel – how clever he was at checkers!


ANNA. Grand-dad! Talk to me, darling – I feel so sick.

LUKA. Never mind – it’s always like this before you die, little dove – never mind, dear! Just have faith! Once you’re dead, you’ll have peace – always. There’s nothing to be afraid of – nothing. Quiet! Peace! Lie quietly! Death wipes out everything. Death is kindly. You die – and you rest – that’s what they say. It is true, dear! Because – where can we find rest on this earth?

[Pepel enters. He is slightly drunk, dishevelled, and sullen. Sits down on bunk near door, and remains silent and motionless.]

ANNA. And how is it – there? More suffering?

LUKA. Nothing of the kind! No suffering! Trust me! Rest – nothing else! They’ll lead you into God’s presence, and they’ll say: “Dear God! Behold! Here is Anna, Thy servant!”

MIEDVIEDIEFF [sternly] How do you know what they’ll say up there? Oh, you.

[Pepel, on hearing Miedviedieff’s voice, raises his head and listens.]

LUKA. Apparently I do know, Mr. Sergeant!
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