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The Lower Depths

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THE BARON. They’re off again! Nastya, where are you?

NASTYA [without lifting her head] Hey – go away!

ANNA [putting her head through the curtains] The day has started. For God’s sake, don’t row!

KLESHTCH. Whining again!

ANNA. Every blessed day.. let me die in peace, can’t you?

BUBNOFF. Noise won’t keep you from dying.

KVASHNYA [walking up to Anna] Little mother, how did you ever manage to live with this wretch?

ANNA. Leave me alone – get away from me..

KVASHNYA. Well, well! You poor soul.. how’s the pain in the chest – any better?

THE BARON. Kvashnya! Time to go to market..

KVASHNYA. We’ll go presently. [To Anna] Like some hot dumplings?

ANNA. No, thanks. Why should I eat?

KVASHNYA. You must eat. Hot food – good for you! I’ll leave you some in a cup. Eat them when you feel like it. Come on, sir! [To Kleshtch] You evil spirit! [Goes into kitchen]

ANNA [coughing] Lord, Lord.

THE BARON [painfully pushing forward Nastya’s head] Throw it away – little fool!

NASTYA [muttering] Leave me alone – I don’t bother you.

[The Baron follows Kvashnya, whistling.]

SATINE [sitting up in his bunk] Who beat me up yesterday?

BUBNOFF. Does it make any difference who?

SATINE. Suppose they did – but why did they?

BUBNOFF. Were you playing cards?


BUBNOFF. That’s why they beat you.

SATINE. Scoundrels!

THE ACTOR [raising his head from the top of the stove] One of these days they’ll beat you to death!

SATINE. You’re a jackass!


SATINE. Because a man can die only once!

THE ACTOR [after a silence] I don’t understand —

KLESHTCH. Say! You crawl from that stove – and start cleaning house! Don’t play the delicate primrose!

THE ACTOR. None of your business!

KLESHTCH. Wait till Vassilisa comes – she’ll show you whose business it is!

THE ACTOR. To hell with Vassilisa! To-day is the Baron’s turn to clean… Baron!

[The Baron comes from the kitchen.]

THE BARON. I’ve no time to clean.. I’m going to market with Kvashnya.

THE ACTOR. That doesn’t concern me. Go to the gallows if you like. It’s your turn to sweep the floor just the same – I’m not going to do other people’s work.

THE BARON. Go to blazes! Nastya will do it. Hey there – fatal love! Wake up! [Takes the book away from Nastya]

NASTYA [getting up] What do you want? Give it back to me! You scoundrel! And that’s a nobleman for you!

THE BARON [returning the book to her] Nastya! Sweep the floor for me – will you?

NASTYA [goes to kitchen] Not so’s you’ll notice it!

KVASHNYA [to the Baron through kitchen door] Come on – you! They don’t need you! Actor! You were asked to do it, and now you go ahead and attend to it – it won’t kill you.

THE ACTOR. It’s always I.. I don’t understand why..

[The Baron comes from the kitchen, across his shoulders a wooden beam from which hang earthen pots covered with rags.]

THE BARON. Heavier than ever!

SATINE. It paid you to be born a Baron, eh?

KVASHNYA [to Actor] See to it that you sweep up! [Crosses to outer door, letting the Baron pass ahead]

THE ACTOR [climbing down from the stove] It’s bad for me to inhale dust. [With pride] My organism is poisoned with alcohol. [Sits down on a bunk, meditating]

SATINE. Organism – organon..

ANNA. Andrei Mitritch..

KLESHTCH. What now?
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