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Stolen Feelings

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His mouth twisted. ‘It wasn’t necessary. For one thing they did not flaunt themselves.’

‘Flaunt?’ echoed Julie, all her good intentions fading. ‘Is that what you think I’m doing? Heavens, Mr Storm, you’re seeing things that are not there.’

‘I don’t think so,’ he answered. ‘No woman can be as subliminally unaware of what she is doing as you’re suggesting.’

Julie shook her head violently, her hair, which she had taken out of its pins when she went to bed, falling forward over her face. ‘What’s the point in trying to defend myself,’ she asked crossly, ‘when you’ll believe only what you want to believe? I’m going back to bed.’

But before she had even turned he reached out, and to her utter amazement began stroking back the hair from her face. ‘Your hair looks blue in the moonlight,’ he muttered. ‘It has the gloss of a raven’s wing.’

So had his, she thought. It was odd that her hair should be the same colour as Cameron’s, whereas her twin’s was so much lighter. He seemed mesmerised by it, and when his fingers accidentally brushed her cheek Julie felt as though a thousand volts of electricity had shot through her.

At exactly the same instant Cameron withdrew, as though he had felt her reaction—or as though he had been testing her! Was this what it was all about? Was this why he had joined her, why he had touched her? Was he checking her loyalty to Ian?

Julie’s heart thudded fit to burst and she looked into his eyes with something approaching panic, praying with all her heart that he hadn’t sensed her reaction. It seemed forever that they held each other’s gaze, even though it could have been for no more than a fraction of a second. Then with a cry like a startled bird Julie raced back to her tent.

‘Julie!’ Cameron’s low voice came to her in the velvety softness of the night, but she ignored it. Whatever he had to say could only be to her shame, to her detriment. She had been in very grave danger of giving herself away, of putting Ian’s job at risk.

Upon reaching the tent, she dived inside and threw herself down on the bed. Her heart pounded so loudly that it echoed in her ears, her pulses raced and every limb trembled. And all because of one man! All because Cameron Storm had touched her! It didn’t bear thinking about.

‘Where have you been?’ Ian’s gruff, sleepy voice startled her.

‘Did I wake you? I’m sorry. I—I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk.’ She tried desperately to control her breathing.

‘Oh.’ He seemed satisfied, turned over, and was asleep again within seconds.

It seemed an aeon before Julie finally drifted into sleep, her mind tormented, her very sanity threatened. She must never let herself get into such a volatile situation again. She even began to wonder whether it had been her imagination. that Cameron had touched her and sparked off this reaction. Whatever, he was a dangerous man, and she had to steer clear of him.

Ian was awake and dressed before Julie even stirred. He touched her shoulder. ‘Time to get up, Sis.’

Her eyes shot wide instantly.

‘You’re supposed to be helping with cooking breakfast, and there are packed lunches to be put up. If you don’t want to incur Cameron’s wrath again you’d better get moving.’

Mention of her protagonist’s name was enough to galvanise Julie into action, and by the time the rest of the team put in an appearance the trestle-tables were laid, sausages and eggs cooked, bread sliced, tea and coffee made. All with Raul’s help, of course. His indefatigable cheerfulness had helped restore her equilibrium.

She did not sit down with them this morning, instead remaining in the kitchen making sandwiches. The sides of the tent, which were rolled down when it wasn’t in use because, she had been told, mocking-birds or even sea-lions came to steal food, were up out of the way and she could see Cameron sitting at the table with the other men.

Jake came across to wish her a cheerful good morning. ‘You sure are a sight for sore eyes.’

She gave him a warm smile. ‘Thank you, kind sir.’ His friendliness was like balm to her unsettled thoughts.

‘I hear you’ll be leaving for Vulcan soon, that’s a pity. I shall miss you. You’re the best thing that’s happened to us for a long time.’

‘You’re an old flatterer,’ she said, but she appreciated his compliment all the same.

He stayed talking for several more minutes before going to his seat and Julie was taken completely by surprise when Cameron suddenly appeared at her side. ‘Are you encouraging Jake?’ he asked harshly.

The question was so unexpected that her mouth fell open. ‘Of course not.’

‘He seems mighty friendly.’

‘And why shouldn’t he be?’ she asked. ‘Am I supposed to speak to no one but you and Ian?’

‘I don’t want you giving them the wrong impression.’

She frowned. ‘And that is?’

‘That the bit of gold on your finger makes no difference.’

‘How dare you?’ Julie was sorely tempted to raise her hand to his cheek, except that it would have the unfortunate effect of attracting everyone’s attention, and she wanted to avoid that at all costs. This battle between her and Cameron was personal.

‘Just make sure that you watch what you’re doing,’ he growled. ‘And why aren’t you eating with the rest of us?’

‘Because I need to finish the lunches,’ she said quietly.

He frowned as he looked at the shadows beneath her eyes. ‘If you refrained from midnight walks you might be able to get up in time to organise yourself.’

Julie felt the reproof was unfounded. ‘I only walked because I couldn’t sleep, but you need never fear that my work will suffer because of it.’

‘It had better not.’

His tone seemed unnecessarily sharp and she guessed that it was really because of Jake. They had laughed a lot and he must have compared it with their own, often aggressive relationship. No other man had ever stirred her like this, and she could only suppose it was fear of being found out that put her on the defensive—and also the very real emotions he managed to evoke in her.

After breakfast, Ian asked what Cameron had said. ‘I thought he looked a bit uptight.’

She shrugged. ‘He was checking that I can cope, that’s all.’ Best not to tell her brother about their unfortunate meeting last night, or his accusations regarding Jake.

Ian’s frown changed to a smile. ‘He’s a real nice guy when you get to know him. He’s always concerned about his fellow men.’

Julie’s smile was much weaker than her twin’s. ‘I’ll reserve judgement.’

‘You’ll learn to like him,’ said Ian confidently. ‘Everyone does. No one’s ever said a bad word against him.’

The men began to drift away, until finally there was only Cameron left. A dreadful feeling began to settle in the pit of Julie’s stomach. Even Raul had gone back to his village; she was completely alone, completely at his mercy. ‘Aren’t you joining your men?’ she asked, trying to keep her tone light and cheerful.

‘There are things I need to explain.’

‘Typing out notes doesn’t need any explanations.’ She felt sure he was using this as an excuse to antagonise her further.

‘There are other matters.’

He had already opened the sides of the tent until there was no more than a roof and they stepped beneath it now and Julie sat down at the desk. Regardless of its open sides, Cameron still seemed to fill the area with his presence, her awareness of him so powerful that she knew it would be impossible to concentrate on any single task until he left her alone.

He indicated an untidy pile of handwritten notes—a huge pile! “These all belong to the various members of the team; I trust you’ll be able to read their writing.’

Julie said nothing.

‘And this, here, is my work. I’ve kept my own field-study notes reasonably up to date, as you can see. But I seem to have got way behind with the book I am writing.’
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