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Taste Of Darkness

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“Area secured,” a voice said.

“Send a team to sweep the cave,” another ordered.

“What’s the status on the frontal assault?” a familiar voice asked.

Odd? I sat up, wiping dirt from my face. Odd stood amid a group of soldiers.

“The remaining ambushers have retreated. Should we give chase, Sergeant?”

Odd glanced at me. “No. Join the others and help with the evacuation.”

Evacuation? I struggled to my feet.

Odd helped me stand. He pulled a leaf from my hair. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. Thanks. What’s—”

“I’ll explain later. Come on.” He sheathed his sword and strode away.

I didn’t follow.

Odd stopped. “You’re a target, Avry. We need to get you to a more secured location.”

“And I need my boots and pack.” The rising sun wouldn’t dispel the cold air until much later.

“Prince Ryne ordered—”

“I don’t care.”

“You should. If it wasn’t for him, my squad wouldn’t have been here to rescue you.”

Interesting. “How long have you been here?” I asked.

“A couple days. He suspected Cellina would send a unit after you.”

“So you allowed them inside the cave?” Had I been used for another one of Ryne’s tactics?

“Uh...” He rubbed a hand over his face.

And that would be a yes. I waited.

“Prince Ryne wanted us to make sure they—”

Refusing to listen to the rest, I checked on the three soldiers who’d been guarding the cave. All alive, but with nasty bumps on their heads. Relieved, I called over a handful of soldiers and asked them to carry the men inside. They looked at Odd for permission. He fisted his hands, but then nodded.

I headed into the cave and almost ran into the monkeys and Flea.

“Told you,” Flea said. “I knew she wouldn’t leave.”

“Why would I leave?” I asked.

“For your safety.” Loren glanced at Odd looming behind me.

I rounded on Loren. “So you knew about this, too?”

“Only since one of his men informed us of their plans.”

“When was this?” I demanded.

“About five minutes ago.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“You should still go.” Quain held my pack and boots out.

“Not until I make sure my patients are in good shape to travel.”

“They are. You know that, Avry,” Flea said.

And he knew it, too. Shoot. No one else had their packs. “What about you guys?”

“We’ll help with the evacuation and meet you at the new site,” Loren said.

“Fine.” I snatched my stuff from Quain. Sitting down, I yanked on my boots then stood. I gave each of them a stern look. “You be extra careful. Okay?”

They nodded.

“And keep Flea close.”

“Hey,” Flea protested.

But the monkeys promised.

Before I left, I pulled Flea aside. “After everyone’s packed up, can you leave a note behind?”


I nodded. “Just in case.”

“Yeah. I’ll use our old signals from back when we were searching for you.” Flea gave me a wry smile. “Never thought I’d miss those days.”

I hugged him then followed Odd. His odd squad fanned out around us. As soon as we entered the trees, we all matched our gaits to the sounds of the forest, going silent.

As I recalled the attack, a hundred questions bubbled up my throat, but I only asked one when we stopped for a break. “Did you jackknife the ambushers?”

Odd grinned. “Yes. Seemed the best strategy. We had a few men on the ground as well because there was no guarantee they would have crossed under our trees.”

“Ursan would be proud.” That had been his squad’s signature move, jumping down on the unsuspecting enemy from a tree limb high above. They had earned the nickname the jumping jacks.
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