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Taste Of Darkness

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“You once told me you zapped Kerrick so you could escape. How long did he last?”

Bittersweet memories surged. I’d blasted him with every ounce of strength, depleting all my energy. “I didn’t escape.” The stubborn, infuriating man wouldn’t let go. And I hoped that exasperating quality helped him now.


“Yeah, I would have been impressed except I hated his guts at the time.” I patted Ryne on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, I don’t hate you. Well, not at the moment. But if we keep reminiscing...”

“All right.” He laced his fingers in mine.

Magic flowed from my core, but instead of healing, I channeled it to cause pain. Starting out with a tiny spark, I gradually increased the power. Ryne’s expression tightened and he fisted his other hand. Color leaked from his face as sweat beaded on his forehead. All his muscles tensed.

He pumped my hand a few minutes after I’d reached the level most people collapse at. I stopped. Ryne lay there panting. He wiped his sleeve over his face, mopping up the sweat before it reached his eyes.

Pushing up to his elbow, he said, “Wow. That’s a significant weapon you have. And as soon as you stopped, all the pain disappeared.”

“That’s because the magic affects your nerves, but doesn’t damage them.”


“As long as there’s exposed skin for me to touch. Otherwise it’s useless.”

“What about that neck thing?” Ryne pointed to the base of his skull.

“That’s harder to do in a fight. I need to touch the exact spot and send a burst of power. That move doesn’t hurt, it just renders the person unconscious for a couple hours. Do you want a demonstration?”

“No.” Ryne hopped to his feet. “I’ve too much to do.”

“Uh-huh.” I followed him from his office. ‘What’s next?”

“I’d like you to stay here for a few days while the patients are moved into the new infirmary site.”

“Why can’t I go now? And don’t tell me it’s not safe. No place is ever completely safe.”

“I agree. But that’s not the reason. During our explorations of the tunnels, we’ve encountered a number of exits that are blocked by Lilys. We need you to determine if they’re Death or Peace Lilys.” He paused. “Funny that I’ve mixed feelings about the results. On one hand, I hope they’re Peace Lilys so my men can get in and out, but on the other, we’re in serious need of more Death Lily toxin.”

That reminded me. Rummaging in my pack, I pulled out the four sacks I’d collected on our way to HQ and handed them to Ryne.

“You’re amazing,” he said.

“I know.” I smirked. “And if any of those Lilys in your way are Death Lilys, I’ll talk to them, see if we can work out a truce.”

“You can do that?” He sounded incredulous.

“Of course. I’m amazing after all.”

He groaned. “I’ve created a monster.”

* * *

“Why am I here?” Odd asked from behind me. His words echoed slightly.

“For protection.” I peered beyond the bubble of lantern light, searching for a sign that we’d reached the end. Nothing but a solid wall of darkness.

“Protection from what? Rats?” Odd’s voice held a slight hitch.

I glanced over my shoulder. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of rats.”

“Not rats.”

“Then what?”

“I don’t know.... It’s creepy down here. Are you certain you know where you’re going?” he asked Hogan.

Sergeant Hogan carried the lantern in one hand and a map in the other as he led us through the labyrinth of tunnels. “For the fourth time, yes. My squad has been mapping these shafts for days and this one is pretty straightforward.”

“Days? Gee, I feel much better now,” Odd grumbled.

Hogan ignored him. Smart. The quiet young sergeant was one of Ryne’s soldiers from Ivdel and he had a rather no-nonsense demeanor. Unlike Odd.

Puddles dotted the uneven floor of the mine. Our footsteps sounded too loud and a heavy mineral scent laced the damp air. Having spent many days and nights in caves, I wasn’t as bothered by the tight space or the tingly feeling of pressure on my shoulders. Just because thousands of pounds of dirt and rocks hung above our heads was no reason to be... Oh, who was I kidding? It was creepy. Odd had a point.

“This is payback, isn’t it?” Odd asked me.

“Payback for what?”

“For letting Cellina’s men ambush you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You were following orders.”

“Somehow I don’t feel all warm and fuzzy inside.”

“Sounds like a personal problem.”

“Cute. What was I supposed to do? Warn you?”

“Did Ryne tell you not to?” I asked.


“Again, you were following orders.”

“Swell. And the reason I’m here...”

“Ryne wanted us to take along another person just in case we ran into trouble. And I chose you.” Which I was starting to regret big-time.


“’Cause of your sunny disposition.”
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