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Taste Of Darkness

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I picked up the syringe, poked the needle into the blue sack, and drew all the clear liquid into the reservoir. Tapping it, I expelled the air bubbles. Yuri’s gaze never left me. He held his right arm out. Flea stood on the other side of the bed, holding Yuri’s hand.

A drop of serum hung from the end of the needle as I approached. I ran my fingers along the inside of his arm, seeking the best spot.

Learn. The Lily’s comment came unbidden. I stopped as another scenario popped into my mind. Was the serum for me? Was I supposed to heal Yuri, die from the plague again and be revived by Flea’s touch?

Of all the options that one made the most sense. Had the best chance of working. Had worked before.

Why hadn’t I considered it prior to this moment? Was it because it would take me twenty days to die and the pain during those last three would be the worst I’d ever experienced? Oh, yes.

I met Yuri’s confused gaze. Could I endure the plague again? Should I? Others needed me as well as this young man. And we had to rescue Estrid and her staff in two days.

“What’s wrong, Avry?” Flea asked.

“I figured out what I’m supposed to do.”

“That’s great. Right?” Flea’s brow crinkled.

Not so great. Now I needed to decide if I should.


Kerrick suppressed a sigh and invited Ryne to get comfortable. No matter how much he wanted to catch up to Avry, Ryne needed to know.

They built a small fire and sat on opposite sides as if negotiating a treaty. The guards fanned out in a wide circle around them. Kerrick explained waking in the forest and his new limitations. “That’s why I couldn’t go inside. I still don’t have enough energy to leave for long.”

Ryne hadn’t said anything during his story. Now he leaned back against a tree trunk. “That’s...quite a story. Avry was right again. Good thing she’s not the type to gloat.”

The warmth in Ryne’s voice raised Kerrick’s hackles. “Why did you bring her to HQ when she’s needed at the infirmary?”

Ryne told him about the Lilys. “She completely disregarded my orders and put my men in danger, but I couldn’t yell at her because she discovered vital information. Do you know how frustrating that is?”

Oh, yes, Kerrick was well acquainted with Avry’s inability to follow directions. “I’ve found the best way to work with her is to explain the situation. She’ll figure out the best way to approach it and you avoid the whole ‘ordering her around’ thing.”

“I’ve learned that the hard way.”

Kerrick laughed at Ryne’s martyred expression. “What was the vital information?”

“Cellina sent troops to our north. She was doing a classic backdoor sneak, but once word of the...incident with Avry reaches her she might change tactics. Regardless of her plans, I need to protect our flank, which means we had to change the attack on Zabin to a distraction and rescue.” He continued outlining his plans.

“Wait? You’re sending Flea and Avry to rescue Estrid?”

“Do you have another idea? I’m open to suggestions,” Ryne snapped.

Kerrick waited.

“Sorry. I don’t like it, either, but I’ve no choice.” Ryne lowered his voice. “I need Estrid. My army is small and we’re scrambling to stay in this. Without her forces, it’s just a matter of time until we’re forced back over the Nine Mountains.”

Not good. A stray thought struck Kerrick. Would he be able to cross the Nine Mountains? Forests grew between the ridges, but the peaks were bare. He might never see his home again. Refusing to dwell on those thoughts, Kerrick focused on the problem at hand—keeping Avry and Flea safe.

“What if I send a message to Noak asking for aid?” Kerrick asked.

“Noak? The leader of the northern tribes?”

“Well, technically, his sister, Rakel’s, in charge, but he leads their warriors.”

“Do you think he’ll come?” Ryne asked.

“I’ve no idea if he will help. It wasn’t too long ago he wished to slaughter our entire population, but Danny did save his people. We won’t know unless we ask.”

Ryne asked Kerrick to write a message. “I’ll send someone tonight.” Then he sobered. “I can’t count on him, so I’ll need to go forward with the plan to rescue Estrid.”

“When is the attack?” Kerrick asked.

“Two days from now.”

It would take Kerrick four days to walk there. “Do you have any horses?”

“No. Big noisy creatures aren’t good for guerrilla-warfare tactics.”

Too bad Kerrick had sent Oya back to the northern tribes. He’d have to find another horse.

“I know you want to catch up with Avry and Flea. Then what?” Ryne asked.

“What do you mean?”

“With your forest magic, you’re my best scout. You can get past enemy lines and I really need accurate information on where Cellina’s forces are.”

“I’d rather stay with Avry.” If she wanted him. Kerrick worried she’d distance herself from him in order to avoid getting hurt again.

“I’ve two of my best squads guarding the infirmary. Once Estrid’s rescued, Avry won’t be in any more danger.”

Kerrick just stared at his friend.

“She shouldn’t be in danger, but... Yeah, we both know it’ll find her.” Ryne rubbed his hand along the stubble on his chin. “It’s up to you. I won’t order you to return. But think about this....” He paused as if debating what to tell Kerrick.

Kerrick braced for bad news. “Think about what?”

“Belen. No one has heard anything or seen him. But no one can get close enough to the enemy.”

Ryne didn’t disappoint. His words sucker punched Kerrick right in the gut, implying only Kerrick could discover where his best friend had been.

“Low blow, Ryne.”

“I’m despicable, I know. And you shouldn’t be surprised.”

“I’m not.”

“Will you think about it?”
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