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Sundays Are for Murder

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He couldn’t make out if she was being sarcastic and couldn’t decide if she irritated him or just intrigued him. She was damn attractive, but that didn’t tip the scales one way or another. He’d always been a personality man. Except for once, when he’d miscalculated.

“I was going for practical,” he told her. On the Internet, he was scrolling through old newspaper stories about the serial killer. “A fresh set of eyes, that kind of thing.”

So, he was a go-getter, despite his easy manner. Or was he only interested in brownie points? It wouldn’t have taken much for him to find out that the A.D. came in early most mornings. “And what did your ‘fresh set of eyes’ come up with?”

The stories he’d read were just a rehashing of the data he’d already familiarized himself with. “Nothing new,” he admitted. And then he raised his eyes to hers. “So far.”

Her lips twisted in a patient smile. Because she had to get along with him, she gave her new partner the benefit of the doubt. “Hope springs eternal.”

Charley dropped her purse into its usual hiding place, the bottom drawer of her desk, then pushed it closed again with her foot. Picking up her coffee container, she made her way over to the back wall. To the photographs of the dead women impatiently waiting for closure.

The photograph of her sister drew her to that side the way it always did. Cris was smiling, captured in a moment of pure joy. She remembered when the photograph was taken. Cris has just hinted that there might be someone special in her life. Charley had known by the way her sister talked that she was in love.

Cris never got the chance to introduce her to him. She was killed the following Sunday.

Charley stifled a sigh. She felt that same leap inside her throat, that same tightening of her stomach. It occurred each time she found herself standing here looking at Cris. Wondering for what amounted to the thousandth time if her sister had actually been the serial killer’s intended victim, or if he had made a mistake. If he’d actually intended on killing her and had gotten the wrong twin.

And just like all the other times, frustration overtook her, because she had no way of knowing the answer.

Not until she had the serial killer in front of her.

“I don’t know how I missed that.”

Her partner’s voice penetrated her thoughts, bringing her back to the present. She turned, a surge of hope surfacing. Had Brannigan actually found something, the clue that was continuing to elude them? As sure as one day followed the other, she was confident there had to be one. It was there, probably out in plain sight, taunting them.

“Missed what?”

Instead of calling her over and pointing to something he’d found on the screen, Brannigan had abandoned his desk and was making his way over toward her.

He indicated her sister’s photograph. “That she looked like you.”

She felt deflated. It was all she could do not to snap at him for having raised her hopes, however unintentionally.

When this case is over, I’m taking a very long vacation.

“That’s because all blondes tend to look alike,” she answered sarcastically, “or so I’m told.”

“By who?” he asked mildly. “A jealous brunette?”

The response had caught her off guard. Charley laughed. “If you’re trying to get on my good side—”

Nick raised a brow. “Yes?”

A clever put-down rose to her lips. Charley shrugged, letting it die unspoken. She’d resolved to be less hard-nosed when it came to dealing with Nick Brannigan. To try to make the best of the situation and sheathe her resentment. It wasn’t his fault that Ben had retired.

So she smiled and said, “I’d say you made a nice start.”

Nick moved until he could see both Charley and her late sister’s photograph at the same time. The girl in the photograph looked as if she didn’t have a care in the world. The woman he was partnered with seemed to be shouldering the weight of that same world. The difference had thrown him.

“Damn, she does look like you.”

The smile on her lips turned sad. “She should. She was my twin. Older by two minutes.”

“You or her?”

“Her. We were identical twins.” And I miss her every day. Miss her as much as Dad does. “You couldn’t see the difference between us,” she told him. “You had to be there for it.”

Nick’s dark eyes narrowed slightly in confusion. “Meaning?”

“Meaning Cris was the one who was always full of life. Full of energy.” And she had been content to hang back in Cris’s shadow.

“I’ve only been around you for a day, but you don’t exactly strike me as a slacker.”

No, she wasn’t. Now she went full steam ahead—until she dropped. “That came after Cris was murdered. I felt I owed it to her. Kind of like living for two,” she murmured, taking another sip from her container, her eyes on the photograph.

“Is that why you joined the Bureau?”

“Part of it.” The biggest part, she thought. If Cris hadn’t died, she probably would have gone on to join the local police force. To keep things on a small scale instead of joining a national organization. “I was always interested in criminology, in getting the bad guys.” She wasn’t aware of the sigh until it escaped. “Just never thought it was going to feel so personal.”

Charley stopped abruptly and looked at the man at her side. She had no idea why she hadn’t realized it before, but the new guy had a definite sexy aura about him. Was that going to be a problem? Did he have a need to charm every woman he came across? If he thought that applied to her, he’d picked the wrong woman.

“Are you pumping me, Special Agent Brannigan?”

His expression was unreadable. She didn’t know if he was being sarcastic or genuine. “Wouldn’t dream of it. Just making conversation with my new partner.”

She studied him for a moment over the rim of her swiftly cooling container of coffee. “You’d rather be working with a man, wouldn’t you?”

The question had come out of the blue. As far as he knew, he’d done nothing to give her that impression. Maybe she was speaking from experience. “All things being equal, I just want to work with a good agent. Male, female or pollywog, doesn’t matter to me.”

His response amused her. “The recruitment for pollywogs is drastically down this year,” she deadpanned. “Something about a height requirement.”

Nick matched her, tone for tone. To anyone listening, they could have been engaged in a serious conversation. “Oh really? I would have thought it might have something to do with the fact that they have trouble hitting the mark on the target range.”

She nodded, this time using the container to hide the smile that was curving her mouth. “No opposable thumbs.”

“No hands to put them on,” he countered.

“That, too.” She lowered the container. The smile remained. “Maybe we’ll get along after all, Special Agent Brannigan.”

It would go a long way to making things easier. “Then maybe you’ll call me Nick.”

“Maybe,” Charley allowed as she returned to her desk. She added, “We’ll see,” and then got to work.


THE MOMENT Robert Pullman saw them enter his restaurant and head straight toward him, he looked uncomfortable. Rounding the reservations desk, he waved to one of the hostesses, indicating that she should take his place.

It was obvious that the handsome owner didn’t want them to be overheard.
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