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Fatal Identity

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“Um, when I tuned up Elliott?” he asked of the man who’d assaulted his fiancée.

“That was a very specific instance of you doing something stupid.”

“Sort of like you punching Ramsey?”

“Just like,” she said with a laugh. “Touché.”

“Where’s Josh now?”

“My living room.”

“Seriously? You brought him home with you?”

“Where else was I supposed to take him? HQ is off limits to me at the moment, and I wanted him somewhere that no one could get to him. This place is like Fort Knox these days, so where better?”

“I’ll come get him.”

“Enter at your own risk. Nick and Scotty are down hard with something that could be the flu but more closely resembles the bubonic plague.”

“Ah, damn, that’s too bad.”

“Puts a damper on my plans for a restful break,” she said as she looked in on Scotty and then Nick. Both were sleeping peacefully—for the moment.

The doorbell rang, and Sam headed for the stairs, praying it was Harry. “I gotta go. I’ll see you when you get here.”

“I’ll be there within the hour.”

“Thanks again.”

“No problem.”

It was a huge problem and an even bigger imposition, but he wouldn’t say so, and that made him the best partner she’d ever had. He did whatever she asked of him, no matter how outrageous the request.

She reached the living room as Brant ushered Dr. Harry Flynn into the house. “Thank God you’re here. My boys are sick as dogs.”

The handsome, dark-haired doctor kissed her cheek. “Boys plural?”

“Scotty came home with the same thing Nick has. They’re both scary sick.”

“Dr. Harry’s on the job. Lead the way.”

“Be right back,” Sam said to Josh as she took Harry upstairs, first to Scotty, who hadn’t budged since she tucked him in.

Harry took his temperature with a thingie he swiped over the boy’s forehead. “One-oh-three. That’s one heck of a fever. Did he mention any symptoms other than the vomiting?”

“He could barely hold himself up, let alone talk.”

“And he was fine this morning?”

“They both were—and then they weren’t.”

“It’s going around. We’ve seen it in the office.”

Sam felt slightly better to hear her guys hadn’t been taken down by something random.

“It’s usually a miserable day or two before they start to rebound.” He finished examining Scotty. “Let me take a quick look at Nick.”

“Right this way.”

Nick woke up while Harry was taking his temperature. “What’re you doing in my bedroom?”

“I came to seduce your wife since you’re not capable at the moment.”

Nick groaned and attempted a smile. “Hands off. She’s all mine.”

“One-oh-two,” Harry said, reading from the LCD. “How did it come on and what’re your symptoms?”

“I was in a meeting and my head started to buzz and my stomach started to hurt and within five minutes, I felt like I was going to pass out. Fortunately, Melinda saw it happen and was all over it. She and Brant got me out of there before I could puke in the White House.”

“Did she have her hands on you?” Sam asked of the blonde bombshell agent she called Secret Service Barbie.

“Relax. I didn’t feel a thing other than the need to puke.”

“I love how she’s jealous even when you’re sick as hell,” Harry said with a laugh.

“That’s my girl,” Nick said, his eyes closing. “True blue.” His hand found hers, and he linked their fingers.

No matter what the circumstances, he always knew how to handle her, and Sam didn’t mind being handled as long as he was the one doing it.

“I don’t think either of them needs more than rest and fluids. Unfortunately, it’s got to run its course. If they get any worse, don’t hesitate to call 911 and get them to the hospital.”

“That’s it? That’s all we can do?”

“For now. I’ll be checking in with you, and we’ll keep tabs on how they’re doing. Try not to worry. I know it’s hard to see them so sick, but you should see a big improvement by tomorrow. The most important thing is keeping them hydrated. Push the fluids.”

“All right. If you’re sure.”

He kissed her forehead. “I’m a phone call away if you need me. I promise they’re going to be fine.”

For the first time since she’d seen Nick looking like death warmed over, Sam relaxed ever so slightly. She wouldn’t completely relax, however, until they were both back to normal.

After she and Harry checked once more on their sleeping patients, she walked him downstairs and gave him a hug at the door. “Thanks for coming.”

“Anytime. Don’t hesitate to call me if they get any worse, okay?”

“You’ll be the first to know.”

He passed Lindsey McNamara on the ramp, and they exchanged a few words before Brant admitted Lindsey.
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