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Scandal In Sydney: Sydney Harbour Hospital: Lily's Scandal

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Her family money meant she could lean on the doorjamb and look … sardonic.

She also looked concerned. ‘Is there something wrong with your arm?’

‘No. Butt out.’

She butted, but only so far. ‘Mariette’s afraid to break things off with you because she’s scared you’ll sack David.’

‘I won’t sack David. And Mariette …’

‘Has a reputation,’ Evie said evenly. ‘Which is why you’re using her. You don’t use women you can hurt. All I’m saying is that David’s smitten and Mariette’s worried enough to be not backing off from you for his sake. David might be the making of her. They say love cures all …’

‘You’re telling me this why?’

‘Just so you know,’ Evie said blithely. ‘You’re the ogre around this place. No one stands up to you.’

‘Except you.’

‘And Luke,’ she said thoughtfully. ‘There’s another case in point. Love conquers all. He has a lady and he’s taking her to the farm this weekend. I’m thinking we should change the quarantine rules so neither can come back to the hospital for a week. It wouldn’t hurt to give them a push.’

‘If you think I have time to waste …’

‘On romance? I know you don’t,’ she said, and straightened. ‘Just saying. Just going. Think about Mariette, though. She’s a good kid at heart. And as for interfering with Luke’s hot weekend—’

‘I have no intention—’

‘Excellent,’ Evie said. ‘I do like a man with no intentions.’

Every second Friday Luke had off. Every second Friday was tomorrow.

Luke’s normal routine was to work for eleven days straight. He was happy to be rostered on public holidays, Christmas and Easter; in fact, he preferred it. But at the end of every two weeks he had three days off for the farm. For his sanity.

His farm was his place, his sanctuary, his solitude.

Solitude? Lily?

The entire hospital now believed he was taking Lily there.

In the brief moments he’d had to himself since settling Lily into his apartment, he’d decided that he’d go to the farm as usual this weekend and that she’d stay where she was. Only now he’d started a lie.

Lily was deemed his long-term lover. He’d hardly go away to the farm the moment she arrived.

If he did, everyone at Kirribilli Views would know she was ‘home alone’, and what’s worse, he wouldn’t put it past them to drop in on Lily. To sympathise? To check on her for him?

He could see Teo dragging her to his party whether she willed it or not. The man’s charm was legendary.

He didn’t mind if Teo’s charm was second to none, he told himself, but …

But his thoughts wouldn’t go further than that one word.

One lie and a whole skein of deception had appeared.

Should they both stay here?

If he stayed here he’d be either pacing the hospital with nothing to do or he’d be pacing the apartment. With Lily.

So … Farm?

Would she come?

How did you persuade a stranger?

But she wasn’t a stranger, he told himself grimly. She was his lover for a month.

Including farm time.

‘John says you’re going to the farm for the weekend. Oh, that’s lovely. What’s it like? He never tells us anything about it. He keeps everything so quiet. He’s kept you so quiet.’

To say Lily was bewildered was putting it mildly. She’d opened the door, hoping the doorbell signalled a delivery or something equally innocuous, and an immaculately groomed woman with eyes darting everywhere swept right in.

‘I’m Ginnie Allen. My husband’s a clinical psychologist at the Harbour. We live in the apartment on the next floor up. I’m so happy to meet you. Oh, he’s wicked, your Luke, fancy keeping you to himself. Has he told you Teo’s having a party this weekend? Everyone’s aching to meet you but he says you’re going to the farm. He always goes to the farm. Surely you’d prefer the party?’

Lily clutched her bathrobe round her. Actually, it was Luke’s bathrobe. Big and black and masculine, it fell to the floor and made an ungainly train.

She’d just woken. Her hair was ghastly. She was wearing no make-up. The woman before her looked like she’d just stepped out of Sporting Vogue.

To say she felt at a disadvantage was an understatement.

‘And you’re Lily …?’ Ginnie waited for her to complete the name.

‘Yes,’ Lily said discouragingly, backing away slightly. ‘And I’m sorry, but I’ve been ill. If you could excuse me …’

‘Oh, of course, you tuck yourself straight back into bed and we’ll talk there. Would you like me to make us both a nice cup of tea?’

Tea had suddenly lost its appeal. ‘I’d rather—’

‘Coffee? No, dear, tea’s much better. And toast? You need to keep your strength up if you’re going to spend the whole weekend with Luke.’

‘Hi, Ginnie.’

Luke. He stepped out of the apartment elevator in his suit and tie, with his briefcase in hand. Doctor coming home from work—to be greeted by the little woman in his bathrobe, and her new best friend, Ginnie.

‘Luke!’ Ginnie gave a crow of delight and hugged him before he had a chance to defend himself. ‘Oh, wow, congratulations. You and Lily … I had no idea.’

‘We’re hardly announcing diamonds,’ Lily said dryly, thinking she’d better nip this in the bud. ‘Are you congratulating Luke on sharing his bathrobe?’

‘I’ve no intention of sharing,’ Luke said, and looked across Ginnie’s head to smile at Lily.

And that smile …
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