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Wildfire Island Docs: The Man She Could Never Forget / The Nurse Who Stole His Heart / Saving Maddie's Baby / A Sheikh to Capture Her Heart / The Fling That Changed Everything / A Child to Open Their

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‘You’ll sit with him?’

Teardrops sparkled on her eyelashes, and it was all he could do not to kiss them away.

‘Of course I will. Don’t you remember when he had measles at the island that time and I’d had them so I was okay and I sat with him every day? We like each other.’

Caro reached up and kissed his cheek.

‘I’ll get Dad,’ she said, nothing more, but somehow Keanu felt it was enough.

For now …

Max and Caro left, Max shaking Keanu’s hand in welcome, and thanks and goodbye.

‘We won’t be long,’ he promised, ‘but don’t hesitate to call if there’s any change.’

‘I won’t,’ Keanu promised, then he watched them walk away, Caro turning at the door to give him a puzzled look.

Keanu took his place in the chair Caro had been using and took Christopher’s hand in his, holding what was little more than a bag of frail bones and skin very gently.

He massaged the skin, just rubbing it, and, remembering himself and Caro sitting with Alkiri, he began to talk, quietly but clearly.

‘It’s Keanu, mate. I’ve sent the others home to sleep. You’re causing them a bit of worry at the moment. Anyway, I’m glad I’ve got this chance to sit with you because there’s a lot I have to tell you. I love her, you see, your sister, though I’m not sure how she feels about me. For a while there, back on Wildfire, I thought she might love me back, but I’ve made a bit of a mess of things so it’s hard to tell.’

He paused, then continued, this time gently rubbing Christopher’s withered arm, spreading cream on it he’d found on the table by the bed.

‘If she does love me, mate, I want to let you know that I’ll never let her down. I did before because I didn’t want to hurt my mum, and then again, recently, when I told her I’d married someone else. But you have to believe me, that part of my life is over, it’s really over now that my divorce has finally come through. And I swear to you, Christopher, that I will never do anything to hurt her again. She’s so special, your sister, that she deserves the very best, and although I know I’m not that, I’d do my darnedest to become it just for her.’

Was it his imagination or had Christopher’s eyes fluttered open, just momentarily?

Keanu kept talking, moving to the other side of the bed to put cream on the hand and arm over there. He talked of the island, of how well the hospital was doing and how much his family had done for the people of M’Langi.

He talked about the day outside, cool but cloudless so the sun sent sparkly diamonds of light dancing across the waters of the harbour.

‘I guess you’ve seen it like this before if they always put you in this room, but it’s magic to me. I’d like to buy her a diamond, but then I think of her eyes and wonder about sapphires. I don’t suppose you have any idea of her stone preferences? Not that she’s likely to want anything from me. I kind of did something that upset her.’

And this time the eyelids definitely fluttered, and Keanu could have sworn he’d felt a tiny bit of pressure from the claw-like hand clasped in his.

‘But I guess if she doesn’t love me, there’s not much I can do.’

Definite pressure this time. Keanu looked up at the nurse who’d remained in the room to do the regular obs and update Christopher’s chart.

‘Did he move his fingers?’ the young man asked. ‘I’m sure he did, and his eyelids fluttered as well.’

‘I’d better get the family back,’ the nurse said.

‘They won’t have had much sleep.’

The nurse was obviously torn.

‘I’ll give them another ten minutes and phone the house. The housekeeper will know whether to wake them.’

‘Maybe suggest she wake Caroline. I’m sure Dr Lockhart has been more sleep deprived than she has.’

The nurse did his checks, agreed that all the signs were that Christopher might be improving, then left the room.

‘Of course you’re improving,’ Keanu said. ‘I’ll want you around for the wedding, you know. That’s if she’ll have me.’

He took a deep breath and put all thoughts of love and weddings out of his mind.

‘Do you remember,’ he said, letting go of his hand and moving down to massage Christopher’s toes now, ‘how we took you swimming in the lagoon that time you were visiting? Mum put you in a life jacket and we all lay on our backs in the water and looked up at the sky through the canopy of the rainforest.’

Christopher’s eyes, so like Caroline’s, opened slightly and Keanu could swear he was actually looking at him.

Christopher’s smile might be but a shadow, but Keanu’s answer was a broad grin.

‘And what about when we took you down to Sunset Beach in your wheelchair but the path was too steep and we tipped you out, and when we got you back in, we had to spend ages wiping red sand off you so your nurse and Mum wouldn’t know?’

Open eyes and a smile!

Keanu’s hand surged with joy.

‘Oh, Christopher, we had such fun!’

‘Didn’t we?’ a quiet voice said, and Keanu looked up to see Caro on the other side of the bed.

‘Where did you come from? I thought the nurse was going to let you sleep for ten minutes before she rang the house.’

Caroline came into the room and sat down in the chair she’d been in earlier. She took Christopher’s other hand in hers, leaned forward to kiss his cheek, then finally looked at Keanu.

‘I never left,’ she said. ‘I went as far as the lift with Dad then thought of something.’

She hesitated, heart pounding, knowing what she wanted so much to say, but still held back by uncertainties she couldn’t name.

‘Thought of something?’ Keanu prompted.

She nodded, saw Christopher’s eyes open, looking at her, urging her on, it seemed.

‘I hadn’t told you I loved you either. I’d wanted to but I hadn’t. I was upset about the mine business—stupid really when it’s a good idea—then Dad phoned to say he’d sent the plane to bring me home and all I could think about was Christopher. Then, when I came back just now, I heard you talking to him—I stood and eavesdropped and put my finger to my lips so the nurse wouldn’t betray me and now I want to tell Christopher something too.’

She lifted his hand and pressed her lips to it.

‘I love this man Keanu, Christopher, and I do hope you approve because without him I don’t think I could go on. He is part of me, part of my heart and soul, and always has been, and now that I understand why he broke away, well, I love him even more, because that was done from love—love for his mother.’

She reached across the bed and took Keanu’s hand in hers.

‘And in case Christopher didn’t tell you, I like sapphires.’

Max, alerted by the nurse, came in to a surprising tableau. His son, who’d been lingering close to death for days, was not quite alert, but definitely had his eyes open and a lopsided smile on his face, while his daughter shone with luminous radiance, sitting with her hand linked in Keanu’s across the bottom of the bed.
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