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A Bride for the Maverick Millionaire

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It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right, and what was more, it’d make her run.

He was not his father.

Lunch. Sense. He managed a grin.

‘There’s mango trifle as well as barramundi,’ he said. ‘Who could ask for more?’

‘How do you know?’

‘Spying’s my splinter skill,’ he told her, mock modest. ‘I broke the code for the day’s lunch menu at breakfast.’

Her smile returned. It was a smile he was starting to know and starting to like. A lot.

‘Mango trifle?’ she managed. ‘Really?’

‘You have my word.’

‘I guess seventeen-thousand-year-old art fades into insignificance,’ she said, casting another look at the wombats.

‘Not quite,’ he said and managed not to kiss her again. That was twice he’d contained himself in as many minutes. He should get a medal. ‘But it’s close. You want me to haul myself out first and tug you after?’

‘I can manage on my own,’ Rachel said. ‘I haven’t done it very well yet, but I will now. I must.’

They walked back to the ship as a foursome. Jason and Rachel traded knowledge about the area, and by the time they reached the beach Finn realised Jason was eagerly soaking in a knowledge that was greater than his own.

Jason was a great kid and he was humble enough to recognise Rachel’s in-depth knowledge of this area. He’d done tour guide training for the Kimberleys, but Rachel’s background knowledge was awesome.

We could employ her, Finn thought, shifting back to owner mode. She’d be an awesome tour guide for his company.

He’d be her undercover boss.

Not going to happen.

Besides, she was still handicapped. By the time they reached the ship she was making a visible effort not to limp.

‘Hold Rachel’s hand as she crosses the ramp,’ Maud ordered him. ‘I don’t want anyone else falling in the water.’

He held out his hand, but Rachel shook her head.

‘Take it,’ he growled and she glanced up at him and flushed—and took it. They all visibly relaxed.

He led her onto the ship and then turned to make sure Jason had Maud safe.

‘I’m fine,’ Maud said, stepping nimbly back on board. ‘This morning was an aberration. Will you have lunch with us, Mr Kinnard?’

‘Thank you, but no.’

‘Why not?’ She fixed him with a gimlet eye and he was eerily reminded of two great-aunts who’d bossed him mercilessly as a child. In Maud’s presence, he felt about six again.

‘I prefer my own company,’ he said apologetically. A man did have to be sensible. ‘I have books I need to read.’

‘So does Rachel,’ Maud snapped. ‘And what good do books do her? Why do you prefer your own company? Are you married?’

It was an impudent question. Maud met his gaze with a look that said she knew very well she had no business asking, but what use was old age if she couldn’t take a few liberties?

He could have snubbed her—but he’d kind of liked those old aunts.

‘No,’ he conceded.

‘Are you gay?’

Rachel choked but he managed to keep a straight face.

‘No again.’

‘This isn’t one of those “This-is-my-honeymoon-I’ve-been-dumped-but-I’m-coming-anyway” set-ups, is it?’ she demanded and Rachel gasped.

‘Maud! That’s enough!’

‘I’m just asking,’ Maud said, innocent as butter. ‘He’s gorgeous. There has to be a reason why he’s on his own.’

He sighed. He didn’t want to tell her to mind her own business, but this was one fiery, intelligent lady and if he didn’t tell her something she’d go on probing. Maybe she’d even guess the truth.

‘You don’t need to tell us anything,’ Rachel said firmly. ‘Maud, leave the man alone.’

‘It’s no secret,’ he said, and managed a rueful grin. ‘I might not be married but I’m not exactly a loner. I have three blissful weeks without two kids, and I’m making the most of them.’ He glanced at Rachel and he saw the vulnerability in her eyes—and then he glanced at Maud and thought uh oh, maybe admitting to having kids was just going to lead to more questions.

So close the door on them, here and now.

‘What I’m about to tell you is a bit like telling you I’m an alcoholic,’ he said, softly but deadly serious, ‘then saying please don’t give me a drink. What I’m saying is that Connie and Richard are both the result of shipboard affairs. I like travelling but I don’t always like the consequences. Rachel says you like to matchmake, Dame Maud. Well, if I were you, I’d keep your Rachel far away from me. Grant me my peace, Dame Maud, and leave me alone with my books.’


WHY had he said that?

He watched both their faces change. He watched Dame Maud fight for the courage to ask more questions. He met her gaze levelly, coolly and he saw her decide that she wouldn’t.

She was a brazen old lady but she was also lovely. She knew when boundaries couldn’t be crossed.

‘Granted,’ she said at last, finally moving on. ‘Very well. Thank you for the warning. Mr Kinnard. Thank you also for rescuing me this morning.’

‘We’re very grateful,’ Rachel said, and she smiled. ‘But wow, you didn’t need to warn us off so dramatically. The matchmaking thing was dumb. Maud’s flushed with the success of her grandson’s engagement to my sister, but enough’s enough. I’m not about to fall into your arms—or anyone else’s for that matter. How embarrassing. Maud, you’re the limit. Now if you’ll excuse us… We’ll see you at lunch, Mr Kinnard, but I give you my word, we’ll leave you alone.’

So that was that. Excellent.

Or was it?

He headed for the shower and soaked for a long time, thinking about the morning, thinking about why he’d said what he’d said.
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