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Functional Metal Oxides. New Science and Novel Applications

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Functional oxides are used both as insulators and metallic conductors in key applications across all industrial sectors. This makes them attractive candidates in modern technology ? they make solar cells cheaper, computers more efficient and medical instrumentation more sensitive. Based on recent research, experts in the field describe novel materials, their properties and applications for energy systems, semiconductors, electronics, catalysts and thin films. This monograph is divided into 6 parts which allows the reader to find their topic of interest quickly and efficiently. * Magnetic Oxides * Dopants, Defects and Ferromagnetism in Metal Oxides * Ferroelectrics * Multiferroics * Interfaces and Magnetism * Devices and Applications This book is a valuable asset to materials scientists, solid state chemists, solid state physicists, as well as engineers in the electric and automotive industries.
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