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The Girl Who Had No Fear

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Praise for Marnie Riches:‘Gritty and gripping’ KIMBERLEY CHAMBERS‘Fast-paced, enthralling and heartrending; I couldn’t put it down’ C. L. TAYLOR
The fourth gripping thriller in the Georgina McKenzie series.Amsterdam: a city where sex sells and drugs come easy. Four dead bodies have been pulled from the canals – and that number’s rising fast. Is a serial killer on the loose? Or are young clubbers falling prey to a lethal batch of crystal meth?Chief Inspector Van den Bergen calls on criminologist Georgina McKenzie to help him solve this mystery. George goes deep undercover among the violent gangs of Central America. Working for the vicious head of a Mexican cartel, she must risk her own life to find the truth. With murder everywhere she turns, can George get people to talk before she is silenced for good?A pulse-pounding race against time, perfect for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo
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