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The Sense Of Courage

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His words were followed by a moment of silence, witness to the bewilderment of his colleagues at such amazing news.

“For this reason, I would like to offer each one of you”, he continued enthusiastically, “sincere thanks for your efforts, professionalism and the great ability you have shown, talents which have contributed to the fortunes of Russo S.p.A.

Nevertheless, without playing down the importance of every one of you, I consider it opportune to underline the fundamental role performed by our Managing Director Marco Grassi, whose extraordinary work has allowed this company to make the leap in quality which has been proved in the last twelve months.

For this reason, I suggest we dedicate a special round of applause to Marco!”

Suddenly, the polite silence that reigned during Mr. Russo’s speech was broken by the yell “Well done Grass!” from Alberto and Davide, his best friends, and from the shouts of joy from all the other employees who, excited by the news, jumped to their feet in elation.

Mr. Russo, who in the meantime had got down from the stage, was overwhelmed by a crowd of employees, who involved him in wild celebrations to the rhythm of the music, useful to release all the tensions accumulated over the long months of hard work.

Notwithstanding that, he soon decided to return to his office, to enjoy a quiet morning.

Marco, instead, the principal proponent of that success, was constantly inundated with glasses of champagne, which very soon ended up totally soaking the elegant suit he was wearing that day, as if he had dived fully-dressed into a swimming pool.

As regards the party atmosphere that reigned inside the room, it did not seem to have been affected in any way, Marco was aware of the fact that it should not be like that.

The moment had arrived to give Mr. Russo a notice that would have overwhelmed the history of his company.

Having received a last spray of champagne in his face, Marco took his leave from his colleagues and, gathering up all his will-power, went towards his superior's office.

Chapter I

Seize the day

Arriving at the door to Russo’s office, Marco knocked and the boss called out: “Come in! “

Marco entered the room slowly, overwhelmed at having to disappoint Mr. Russo’s expectations.

“Marco, pleased to see you! Please take a seat.”

The manager sat on a leather armchair, sighing.

For a moment they stayed looking at each other in silence, waiting, in an atmosphere characterised by a palpable tension.

Then Marco decided to finally break the silence, announcing: “I’ve received an offer from JW Corporation of New York.”


“Yes, you heard me right.”

Mr. Russo opened his mouth to speak, but then shut it again, waiting for his trusted Managing Director to provide more details about the proposal from the well-known American company.

“A few months ago”, Marco explained, “I was contacted personally by Mr. Walker.

After the usual introductions, he confirmed that he knew about the excellent work I had done for Russo S.p.A. and that he intended to give me the job of Managing Director.”

“And you refused, right?” Mr. Russo asked, in a pleading tone.

“No, I accepted.”


“But then - why are you still here?” he asked suspiciously, hoping that it was a joke that Marco had come up with.

“Because I accepted on the condition that I could defer my departure until the end of this year. You know me, I detest leaving things half-done. I felt the need to repay the trust I have received in these two years, by completing, in the best way possible, the plan we had developed together.”

“How much is Mr. Walker offering you?”

Just to get me to work for him, he has offered me a very generous five-year contract at £500,000 a year and a luxurious 500 square metre villa to live in, a Bentley Continental GT, a maid and a gardener who will also be my driver.”

“Marco, I understand how attractive this offer is, but – please – stay.”

“Mr.Russo, even though I’m really sorry to leave this firm, believe me, but this kind of opportunity only happens once in a lifetime.”

“I’m prepared to triple your salary to £150,000 a year. Certainly, the resources available to me are not even nearly comparable to Jason Walker’s, but I intend to do anything in my power to keep you.”

“It’s not only a question of money”, replied Marco firmly, even though moved by Mr. Russo’s extreme attempt to avoid losing his best manager. “My greatest ambition is to become a manager at an international level and I’m convinced that some experience abroad, and especially in a world-renowned company like JW Corporation is right for this purpose.”

The discussion was over. It was obvious.

Then Mr. Russo, by now resigned to saying goodbye to Marco, admitted in a more submissive tone: “Look, I partly understand, because twenty years ago, as a manager and all-powerful owner of a small firm on the outskirts of Naples, when as it was just at the peak of its success, I received an inviting offer from the North of Italy, actually from Brescia, to be precise, where we now are.

As much as I also had always been happy to work for that company, I decided to follow my instincts and leave, in order make my mark for once on my modest career.

Certainly, it turned out very difficult to leave my dear ones, my homeland and the firm which, under my guidance, had achieved ambitious objectives, but my desire to obtain a more important role gave me the necessary courage to embark on a new professional adventure, which certainly looked to be more satisfying and remunerative.

And so, convinced of having made the right decision, I made the move.

With hindsight, I can confirm, with the certainty of not having made a mistake, that accepting that new challenge, as you can see, made me achieve the objectives that would have been outside my capability if I had decided to stay in my home town.

For this reason, I perfectly understand your decision to accept the offer from JW Corporation.

Obviously you can’t be certain that your experience will match up to your expectations, but I hope with all my heart that you can realise your dream of becoming an international manager.”

At those words, Marco took a sigh of relief and his mouth opened into a smile.

Finally, Mr. Russo had pronounced the words that Marco was waiting for, dispelling any remaining doubt that he had made the right decision.

On the other hand, who better than him, who had always represented for him a model to emulate for his professional capacity and willpower, he could have given him the security that that was the best route to an enviable career.

“I am happy that you understand the reasons for my decision”, said Marco.

“Certainly I understand. But it was my duty to try to fully protect my firm. I don’t know how we will get on without you.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure that you will know how to manage brilliantly without me. You’re all exemplary professionals, you’ll soon find a manager capable of filling the gap that my departure will leave.

By now this is an established firm, even high-level managers would die to be taken on by Russo S.p.A.”
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