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Kasey nodded, emotion tightening her throat.

“Oh, my God, you poor thing.”

“It was awful, Ginger. I’ve nearly lost my sanity over it, though I didn’t see who pulled the trigger.”

“But did he see you? That’s what’s important.”

“I’m convinced he didn’t and so are the police. Otherwise, he would’ve already made a move to…silence me. But just to be on the safe side, I’ve been placed under protective watch.”

“You have?” Ginger’s head turned to the right, then left.

Kasey smiled. “He’s lurking around here somewhere.”

“This is all too mind-boggling,” Ginger said, shaking her head. “I know you have to be scared out of your wits. Want to move in with me for a while?”

“No, but thanks. I guess I’m still in shock.”

“You’ve told Brock, right?”

She gave Ginger the gist of that conversation.

“God, what a mess.” Ginger’s features were pinched. “I wish your mother and brother weren’t in Wyoming. On second thought, maybe I don’t. You and your mother are like oil and water—you don’t mix.”

“Since she’s been in the nursing home, things have gotten better between us. Still, I wouldn’t think of telling either of them since there’s nothing they can do.”

“What are you going to do about the agency?” Ginger asked, changing the subject.

Kasey sighed. “I’m assuming the partnership’s still intact. Even so, I’m not sure I can get it solvent again, especially now, though I might be offered a reprieve of sorts.”

Ginger didn’t respond right off as the waitress brought their salads. Kasey stared down at hers, and though it looked yummy, she wasn’t sure she could eat a bite.

“Eat, cuz,” Ginger ordered. “You need nourishment.”

“I’ll try, but I’m not hungry.”

For several minutes, they munched in silence. Then Kasey pushed her plate away. “I can’t eat another morsel, or I’ll be sick.”

“I understand. I feel the same. Imagine that? Me turning down food.”

“Sorry I ruined your appetite.”

“Under the circumstances, that’s not important. Besides, I should skip a lot of meals and drop some of this weight.” Ginger paused, then changed the subject. “You mentioned you might be offered a reprieve. I sure hope so. I don’t want you going back to Dallas.”

“Do you know Tanner Hart?”

“Do you?” Ginger’s eyes were wide.

Color stung Kasey’s cheeks. “Yes. He’s from Rushmore and was one of Mark’s best friends in college.”

“All I know about him,” Ginger said, “is that he’s running for the Texas Senate against that prick Buck Butler—”

“Why, Ginger,” Kasey exclaimed with a chuckle.

“Well, that’s what he is. I know because he does business with our firm. And Matt, my soon to be ex, works for his campaign. But that aside for now, what’s the deal with Hart?”

Kasey explained about Tanner approaching her at the cemetery.

“You think he might want to hire you?”

“I’m assuming so, since he mentioned business. Still, I find that hard to believe with the election a little over three months away.”

“If that is the case, it would certainly be a windfall for you. It would keep the agency open a while longer and keep you here.” Ginger’s features shadowed. “But for some reason, I get the idea you’re not that excited about the prospect.”

Actually, Kasey was terrified by the idea that she was even considering such a thing. It was tantamount to playing Russian roulette with the rest of her life. Tanner Hart would be the last person she would depend on, desperate or not. She should have stressed that she wasn’t interested in anything he had to offer.

“Why is that?” Ginger pressed before widening her eyes as she peered beyond Kasey’s shoulder. “Oops.”

“Oops what?” Kasey demanded.

“Speak of the devil. Tanner Hart just walked in the door.”


K asey couldn’t concentrate. Her mind kept wandering.

Following her lunch with Ginger, she had returned to the empty agency. After locking the front door that remained adorned with a wreath in Shirley’s memory, she had headed straight to her partner’s office and locked the door behind her.

Lately she had become cautious to a fault.

Her plan was to go through Shirley’s desk, to see if she could find anything that would give her a clue as to who had taken her life. Too, she wanted to see if she could find any evidence as to why the agency had taken such a downward spiral financially.

At this point, she had no idea what she was looking for. She had taken the general ledger home that the bookkeeper, Nelda Parrish, was responsible for, but it had shown nothing out of the ordinary, which was not surprising.

Kasey’s hand faltered. Even now, she found it difficult to invade Shirley’s privacy. It felt like she was somehow further violating the dead woman. Temporarily abandoning her task, she looked around. Shirley had made the most of where she spent the majority of her time.

The room was decorated in soft, soothing hues of green and taupe. Creative artwork adorned the walls, and personal memorabilia was placed just right on various tables and shelves. The ambience bespoke of money and power. But then the other offices were by no means shabby. The company occupied one entire floor of this upscale building thereby proving its former success.

What happened?

That question gnawed at Kasey. Yet she continued to hesitate to open the first drawer. It was then that she heard a noise. With goose bumps feathering her skin, she got up and went to the door. However, she didn’t open it. She leaned against it and listened. Several of the employees had keys. After listening a few more minutes and hearing nothing, Kasey felt silly, reminding herself that Detective Spiller lurked outside.

Besides, no one would likely make a appearance today unless it was Tanner. But after the episode in the restaurant, she didn’t think that likely.

Following Ginger’s bombshell that he’d just entered the restaurant, Kasey had been loath to turn around. Luckily she’d been spared. Tanner and his companion had strode past their table, nodded, then moved on. An immense feeling of relief had left Kasey weak, though she’d fought hard not to let her composure slip in front of Ginger.

“Man oh man,” Ginger had whispered, her eyes flashing. “TV doesn’t do him justice. He’s some eye candy.”

Kasey had to laugh, but then she scolded her friend. “Behave yourself.”
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