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Tempting Janey

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He knew, of course, but he was stalling for time before saying what he’d needed to say for a long time but simply hadn’t had the guts to. He still wanted to ball Sabrina, but he wasn’t interested in her continuing to monopolize all his time. He was ready to spread his joy around.

“You know what it means,” she snapped. “Your daughter’s becoming more important than me.” She paused. “I thought we were in love.”

“Don’t make me choose between you and Robin.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “You can be a first-class bastard when you want to.”

He merely shrugged.

“What brought this change about? You haven’t always been so high on your bratty daughter.”

His eyes narrowed. “I suggest you watch your mouth.”

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll boot your ass out of my life so fast it’ll make your head spin.”

Sabrina scrambled off the bed and glared at him. “It looks like you’re already doing that.”

He shrugged again.

“This sudden interest in your daughter doesn’t by chance have anything to do with your ex being back in town?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Oh?” She laughed a hysterical laugh, then fumbled to put on her clothes and stormed out.


Somehow she had survived the past week, as well as the weekend.

It wasn’t the candy shop that had her in a snit but the fact that Robin had indeed spent the weekend with her dad.

But in truth, it hadn’t been quite the traumatic ordeal she had expected. Perhaps it was because the drill team had performed on Friday evening and Robin had been perfect, or at least Janey had thought so. She had sat with several other mothers whose husbands weren’t available for various reasons.

Still, Janey had been relieved when Robin had walked into the house last night. Thank goodness Janey hadn’t had to see her ex-husband. In fact, she hadn’t seen him since she’d returned to Hunter, which was more than fine with her. That wasn’t the case, however, with her daughter.

“Dad asked about you,” Robin had said the second she dropped her satchel on the sofa.

Janey had kept her voice even. “That’s nice.”

Robin pursed her lips. “You don’t intend to cut him any slack, do you?”

“Robin, please, this is not the time to discuss your dad and me.”

“Just when is the time, then?” Robin asked. “You never want to talk about him.”

“That’s right, I don’t.”

“I just don’t understand why you ever split up. I thought you were happy.”

“We were, in a lot of ways, but…” Janey’s voice played out but her determination did not. “Sweetheart, we’ve already been over this subject and nothing has changed. Sometimes things just happen and two people stop loving each other.”

“I think Dad still loves you.”

“Trust me, he doesn’t,” Janey said, unable to contain the bitterness. Then, changing the subject, she added, “By the way, you were the best Friday night. You didn’t miss a beat.” She smiled, then walked over and hugged her daughter. “I was so proud of you.”

As if Robin realized the subject of her mom and dad was closed, she pulled back and smiled. “You really think I did good? And looked good?”

“Absolutely, to both. In fact, I wanted to stand up and yell to everyone that you were my daughter.”

Robin groaned. “Thank heavens you contained yourself.”

Janey’s lips twitched. “And your friend Chad was good, too.”

“Man, was he ever. He’s the reason we won the game.”

“Actually, all of you did your part to bring about the win.”

“Even Mr. Reed was pepped up. He came onto the field as excited as I’ve ever seen him.” Robin’s face and voice suddenly turned anxious. “Darn it, I just wish Chad would call me.”

“He will, darling. You’ll see.”

Robin grabbed her stuff and headed for her bedroom. “He’d better, that’s all I can say. ’Night, Mom.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Janey placed a finger against her cheek.

“Sorry.” Robin crossed back to Janey and kissed her where the finger had been. “See you in the morning.” She paused. “Oh, by the way, Dad wants to take me to dinner one night this week.”

Now, as Janey flipped the shop sign to Open, her thoughts remained on Robin and Keith. She was beginning to question her good judgment in returning to Hunter.

The thought of her daughter spending too much time with Keith made her crazy. It wasn’t that Keith had been a bad parent to Robin, because he hadn’t. He had simply been a bad husband, which had left Janey embittered. She would admit that. And, she was jealous of Robin and Keith’s relationship. She would also admit that.

If Keith had wanted to continue to be with his daughter, then he shouldn’t have broken up the marriage.

The buzzer sounded as the door opened. Relieved that she was rescued from her thoughts, Janey smiled and said, “Good morning, Penny.”

Penny Giles didn’t return her smile or her greeting. Uh-oh, Janey thought as the rail-thin woman walked up to the counter and plopped down a sack. “I’m returning this candy.”

“Why is that?”

“It wasn’t the right kind.”

“I have no problem taking it back, as long as you didn’t open it.”

Penny gave her an incredulous look, then snapped, “Of course I opened it. I ate a bite, too. That’s how I knew I’d bought the wrong kind and that I didn’t like it.”

Janey didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Dealing with the public could be a nightmare. But, on the other hand, it could also be a hoot. She never knew what a day would bring. However, a few customers like this one made her want to put a permanent Closed sign on the door.
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