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His Touch

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Chapter Thirty-six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirty-seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirty-eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirty-nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Forty (#litres_trial_promo)


The instant she walked into her town home, Jessica Kincaid sensed something was not quite right. She tried to mask her uneasy feelings and not let on, but her efforts didn’t work. Her friend called her hand.

“What’s wrong?”

Frowning, Jessica peered at Veronica Nash and forced a smile. “Why do you think something’s wrong?”

Veronica’s pixie features turned into a matching frown. “Because I know you, that’s why. You looked spooked.”

“I am,” Jessica admitted with blunt honesty, deciding it was foolish to hide the truth from her friend any longer.

“Want to tell me what’s going on?” Veronica asked, her tone pressing.

Jessica smothered a sigh, at the same time running her hands through her short, highlighted brown hair. “How ’bout we get comfy first and have a cup of coffee?”

“Works for me.” Veronica proceeded to toss her purse on the floor, then plop down on the sofa. “Need any help?”

Jessica shook her head. “I think I can handle it.”

If only that were true about the rest of her life, Jessica thought, puttering around in her bright yellow-and-green kitchen. Once the coffee was dripping, she paused and took a deep breath.

As mayor of Dallas, Texas, one of the most up-and-coming cities in the south—in the nation, for that matter—she couldn’t give in to this unexpected turn of events. She had to come up with a way to handle things herself and not involve the police.

“Sure you don’t need help?”

Veronica’s lively voice made Jessica move. “I’m coming. I was just woolgathering,” she added, walking back into the living room with a tray.

Once they were sipping the hot coffee, Veronica’s dark eyes pinned her. “So what has you so uptight? And not just tonight, either. You’ve been different lately.”

“I’m being harassed by some nutcase.”

Veronica coughed, obviously strangling on the liquid. When she sat the cup down on the coffee table, her eyes were wide and questioning. “Are you serious?” She flapped her hand impatiently. “Sorry, forget I asked that. Of course you’re serious. That’s not something to joke about, especially given your job.”

“You’re right. It’s been going on for some time now.”

“So why haven’t the police already caught the pervert?”

Jessica hesitated, looking away from Veronica’s direct stare. “Because I haven’t involved them.”

“That’s crazy,” Veronica said in a blustering tone. “They work for you, for heaven’s sake.”

“True, but—”

“What’s the deal, then?”

“You know what the deal is, Ronnie. Ever since I fired the police chief and suspended two popular officers, I’m not the most loved person around city hall.”

“Ah, for a second those minor points slipped my mind.” Though her voice held a slice of humor, Veronica’s features remained grave. “But surely there’s someone on the force you can depend on?”

Jessica didn’t respond. Instead, she gazed around the room, her eyes settling on the items that brought her comfort: photographs of her and Porter, her deceased husband, live plants she nurtured herself, and other mementos that had personal meaning. Once she had believed that her home in an upscale part of the city was indeed her safe haven.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. No longer did she feel that sense of security when she walked in, that feeling of peace. In fact, she felt the opposite, as if her privacy had been totally invaded, emotionally and physically.

If only Porter were here, he would know what to do. If her husband were still alive, she wouldn’t be in this precarious position to start with, she reminded herself. He would still be the mayor, and she would be the loving, supportive wife behind the scenes.

A deep sigh escaped Jessica when she felt Veronica’s piercing eyes on her once again.

“I want all the gory details,” her friend said. “And I’m not letting you off the hook until I hear them.”

Jessica plucked at a thread on the black silk slacks covering her long, slender legs. She knew her friend meant what she said. Veronica’s features were growing graver by the second.

“First off, I’ve been receiving phone calls on all my phones, cell included, mostly obscene. And irritating as hell. Even though I have caller ID, it’s failed to identify the caller. The screen either registers Out of Area or Unknown Name.”

“Go on.”

“E-mails, too. I’ve been unable to trace them, either. They’re obviously sent from different, untraceable locations, like public libraries and Internet cafés.”

“I can tell there’s more.”

“I’m being followed, or stalked, whatever term you want to give it.”

“And you’ve done nothing? Good grief, Jessica, that’s insane.”

Jessica bit down on her full lower lip. “You’re right. I can’t argue with you. Still…” Her voice faded.

“No excuse will hold water, so don’t waste your breath.” Veronica paused, pressing her lips together. “Anything else?”

“Not so far.”

Veronica gave her a look before she bounded off the sofa, walked to the fireplace and leaned against it. “What in the world is wrong with you? Your life could be in real danger—is in real danger. Yet you’ve done nothing.”

“I’ve taken some precautions,” Jessica said, her tone defensive.

“Such as?” Veronica countered, not bothering to mask her disbelief.

Jessica flushed, adding to the natural color in her cheeks. “I just kept thinking the harassment would come to an end, that whoever was behind it would get tired and move on.”

“Not if he, she or they have an agenda. If someone is out to harm you, they’re not likely to stop until that’s accomplished.”
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