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His Touch

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He lifted his eyebrows. “It doesn’t matter what I think.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t.

” Brant’s eyes narrowed. “It’s what the council thinks that matters.”

“If I were a m—” Jessica broke off, choking on the word man.

Brant finished the sentence for her. “If you were a man, you might have more support, right?”

“That’s right,” she said, unable to suppress the bitterness that sometimes caught her unawares. “I suppose you feel the same way.” Not that she gave a damn.

Again he seemed a bit shocked at her directness, though his tone was even and unruffled. “Actually, I don’t have an opinion one way or the other.”

“Good,” she muttered, turning away from his intense gaze.

“Not all on the council are on your side, I take it.”

Jessica faced him again. “Saxon especially, like I said. He’s determined to make me reinstate the chief and the officers, then make a public apology.”

“And you intend to fight him?”

“To the end. I did what I felt was right, but only after I carefully weighed all the evidence. And consequences. Trust me, it wasn’t an easy decision. And in the long run, it could cost me dearly.”

“Your job.” A blunt statement of fact.


“Do you think Saxon might be behind the threats toward you?”

Jessica was taken aback. “Of course not. He’s a pillar of the community, plus he’s one of the wealthiest men in the city.”


She stiffened. “So I don’t think it’s Saxon. He’s pompous and everything that goes with that, but he’s no fool.”

“That remains to be seen.”

Jessica tightened her lips. Talking to him was like constantly bumping into a brick wall.

“What else is going on in your professional life that might generate this kind of menace?”

“There’s a big land deal pending,” she said, following a deep sigh. “More to the point, there’s a huge tract of land I’m trying to annex into the city. In fact, I thought I had all the loose ends tied and knotted, that it was a done deal, only I’ve suddenly encountered severe opposition.”

“Such as?”

“Industry. One of the major land owners, who’s actually a friend of mine, has been approached by a worldwide industrial company. This company wants to build a plant on part of the land. As it stands now, the community where it’s located has a much cheaper tax rate than the city of Dallas.”

“If you get your way, then the company might want to move elsewhere.”

“Most likely they will.”

“Which will screw the owners out of a mega deal.” Brant rubbed his chin. “Not a great scenario.”

“There’s more, I’m afraid,” Jessica added. “The other portion of the land is being developed for garden homes. A polling firm was hired to question the interested parties. The community won hands down, citing city taxes again.”

“Sounds like another hornet’s nest.”

“Maybe.” Jessica stiffened. “Nonetheless, I’m going to fight them on it.”

“Is the council behind you?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Could anyone connected with the land project be responsible for the threats?”

“I have no idea, though my first thought would be no.”

Brant rubbed his jaw. “What about your friend?”

“Curtis Riley? Absolutely not.” This time she was empathic.

His eyes drilled her. “How do you know?”

“I just know,” she said with cold emphasis.

“Okay, how ’bout your personal life?”

Jessica bristled. “That’s not an issue.”

“At this point, Mrs. Kincaid, everything’s an issue.” He gave her a hard stare. “And everyone.”

“Not as far as I’m concerned.”

The air suddenly crackled with suppressed hostility.

“Look, if I’m going to do my job effectively,” Brant said, his slightly curled lip registering his impatience, “you have to be forthcoming.”

“Need I remind you it’s not your job yet?” The words were out before she could stop them. Now it was too late to recall them. In that moment the already charged atmosphere seemed to heighten another degree.

“Fine.” Brant pushed away from the wall where he’d been leaning. “When you decide, I’ll be at the Nashes’ house.”

“I’ll be in touch.”

Brant turned at the door, his eyes narrowed to slits. “You have twenty-four hours to make up your mind, then I’m out of here.”

The moment she was alone, Jessica’s entire body wilted. She hadn’t realized she’d been so uptight until then. Biting down on her lower lip, she walked back to her desk and sat down.

Brant Harding had the potential to rev up her nerves as much or more than the threats against her. The idea of having him invade her life was unthinkable. Where did that leave her?
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