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When Megan Smiles

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Was that why he’d come by? Because he’d noticed her light on when the other cubicles were dark? She pressed a hand to the papers in front of her. “I wanted to finish up the first part of the file you gave me before I left.”

“I was hoping I’d catch you and save you a trip to the hotel to get your things.”

She didn’t understand. “Is there a problem?”

“Oh, no. I just wanted to let you know that your belongings from the hotel were moved to the loft this afternoon, to save you the trouble. They should be there when you arrive.”

He’d called her to his office earlier and informed her that she was moving out of the hotel to a loft the company used. He’d explained it was wired directly to the offices, and to the legal department in particular. The rationale for the move was so she could access the database of both the day care center and LynTech anytime she wanted to from there, and the inference was she could work even if she wasn’t at the office. The details of the switch to independent status for the day care center was tedious but necessary work, and the reason she’d been sent to Houston.

She hadn’t thought much about it until that moment, but suddenly felt uneasy that a perfect stranger had gone into her hotel room and packed her things for her. But she forced herself to smile. “Thanks for taking care of that for me,” she said, and hoped she didn’t choke on the words.

“You’re very welcome,” he answered. Then he looked at his watch again. “Oh, my. I need to run. I’m meeting Abe Larson in half an hour.” She had no idea who Abe Larson was, but didn’t have a chance to ask before he said, “I’ll see you back here first thing in the morning.”

“Yes, sir,” she murmured, but found herself speaking to his retreating form as he left.

She sank back in her chair, then swiveled it toward the window and looked out at the starry sky and partial moon that hung over the city below. She’d almost forgotten how beautiful Houston looked. She’d been gone for so long and had only came back when her mother insisted she visit. San Francisco was her home now, and Megan had hopes that if she proved herself this month, she’d be promoted in the San Francisco offices.

As she twisted the diamond on her finger absentmindedly, she felt a sudden need to talk to Ryan. She wanted to hear his voice. But when she turned to reach for her briefcase and her cell phone, she had a flashing memory of Rafe looking at her ring. Of his joke about her earpiece, and his teasing about a chariot and Cinderella.

She took a deep breath and banished that night from her thoughts. Taking out her phone and turning it on, she dropped it in the pocket of her shirt and hooked the earpiece in place. But before she could press the microphone button and give the command to call Ryan, the device rang. She pressed the Receive button on the cord and said, “Hello?” not realizing how much she wanted it to be Ryan until she heard another voice.


Quint was the only one to call her Meggie, and he seldom phoned her. He was so busy with his new life, she seldom got a chance to talk to him. “I haven’t heard from you since…oh, I remember,” she said. “When you told me you were going to change diapers again, and that the adoption was going through.”

“I did, and I am.” He laughed, a rich sound on the line. “I finally remembered why you stand back when you diaper a boy.”

It was her turn to laugh. “It’ll come back to you, sort of like riding a bike. Trust your instincts,” she said.

“Oh, I am,” he said. “Now, where have you been? I’ve tried calling your place for hours, and your cell phone kept going to your voice mail.”

“I was working and turned it off for a while,” she said. “What’s going on?”

“We just got into New York to get my things from the apartment, but I wanted you to be the first to know that—”

“Oh, no,” she said, cutting him off as she sat upright in her chair. “You and Amy aren’t pregnant, are you?”

There was total silence on the other end, then Quint said, “Not that I know of.”

“Then what is it?”

“Amy and I are going to live at the ranch.”

Megan wasn’t surprised by their decision to take over the ranch where she’d been brought up. “I thought you might.”

“I didn’t think you had any interest in taking it over.”

“I never even thought about it,” she said truthfully. “And I don’t think Ryan would go for the ranch life, anyway.”

“What would he have to do with it?” Quint asked abruptly.

She hadn’t meant to do this, but since the door was open, she plunged ahead. “We’re engaged.”

“Oh, Meggie,” he murmured, then she heard him taking a rough breath. “Are you sure about this?”


“You love him?”

She knew he’d ask that. “Of course.”

“Then I won’t argue. So, when’s the big day?”

“We haven’t even started to figure out when. We’re both trying to stabilize our careers.”

“Now, that’s romantic,” Quint murmured.

She looked at the ring on her finger. “It’s perfect.”

“How about the folks?”

“I was going to tell them later on. I’ve got so much to do right now.”

“The San Francisco offices are busy?”

“Actually, I’m in Houston for a month of training and evaluation.”

That shocked him into silence for a moment. “Why didn’t you let us know you were coming in? We could have stuck around for a few days,” he finally declared. “But then, we’ll be back in a few weeks.”

“Great, but for now this is all work,” she said. “Maybe next time.”

“What’s the evaluation for?”

“An opening up the ladder in contracts, incorporation and diversification. So I’m working on incorporation for part of LynTech. I think they want to make sure I can handle it, and I’m—”

“Hold it.” He cut her off. “I get the idea. You’re moving on up, aren’t you?”


“And Ryan thinks this is…?” He let his voice trail off.

“Great. Wonderful. Fantastic.”

“Good for him,” her brother murmured, but didn’t sound as if he meant it. Then he shifted gears. “So, where are you staying?”

“At some private loft the company has wired to the office.”

“I’ve heard of it, but I’m not sure where it is.”
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