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The Hudsons: Max, Bella and Devlin: Bargained Into Her Boss's Bed / Scene 3 / Propositioned Into a Foreign Affair / Scene 4 / Seduced Into a Paper Marriage

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He held her pressed against his length for a moment, but then released her without a kiss, leaving her feeling a bit adrift. “You’re welcome.”

She kept pace beside him as they headed for the front door. Why hadn’t he kissed her? Maybe he wasn’t into public displays? “I can’t imagine what it must have been like growing up here. It’s quite different from my home.”

“You get used to it.”

She laughed at his dismissive tone. “I don’t think so. According to Lillian when she gave me a tour, your house has fifty-five rooms. Mine had ten. There’s a bit of a discrepancy.”

He opened the front door and motioned for her to precede him. She entered the grand foyer with its marble floors, double-wide staircase and soaring ceiling. Until she’d visited Hudson Manor she’d had no idea there was such a thing as hand-painted wallpaper. Back home she and her mother had bought the stuff in rolls and redone the entire house themselves. It wasn’t the same. Not even close.

“Who’ll be here tonight?” She hoped he didn’t notice the nervous quiver in her voice.

He shrugged. “Probably everybody except Luc, who’s in Montana. He and Gwen are too close to the baby’s due date to travel.”

“Hudson Pictures will miss him as the PR director, but retiring to raise a family on a ranch does have its appeal.”

His gaze sharpened. “You’re interested in leaving L.A.?”

She shook her head. “Oh, no. I love the bustle and edginess of the city, but I was raised in a smallish town. I understand the appeal of a less hurried lifestyle.”

The quick shuffle of feet drew Dana’s attention. Hannah Aldridge, the sixty-something housekeeper who’d been with the family forever, hustled toward them. Her hazel-green eyes glowed with a warm welcome. “Good evening, Mr. Max, Ms. Dana. The family is in the front salon.”

“The salon?” Max sounded surprised.

“Appears there’s something to celebrate tonight.”

Excitement stirred in Dana’s belly. Was Max planning to surprise her by announcing their new coupledom to the family?

“What’s the occasion?” he asked, dashing her hopes.

“That I don’t know. You look lovely tonight, Miss.” Dana felt the heat climb her cheeks and smoothed a hand over her black cocktail dress. She’d bought both the minidress and shoes at a studio wardrobe clearance sale. That was the only way she’d ever be able to afford designer apparel.

“Thank you, Hannah.” A part of her wished Max had been the one to issue the compliment. Yes, his gaze had gobbled her up when she’d opened her door to him earlier, but he hadn’t said a word about her appearance even though she’d taken extra care to look good tonight. “How is Lillian this evening?”

“She’s well, and you’re a peach for asking. Go on through. They’re waiting for you.”

On the short walk to the salon Dana tried to rally her courage. She told herself she knew these people and they knew her. She had nothing to fear. But the bats swooping and diving through her stomach didn’t get the message.

The room fell silent the moment they crossed the threshold, tightening her nerves even more. How would Max explain their new situation? If he’d simply take her hand, everyone would get the message. But how would they react?

A chorus of welcomes greeted them. Dana forced herself to smile and wave at the nine people gathered in the room. Max broke away immediately to cross the room to his grandmother’s side, leaving Dana by the door. Lillian looked as good as could be expected for her age and her condition. Her blue eyes twinkled and her expertly tinted auburn hair was perfectly styled. Her private nurse stood just behind her shoulder.

Dana felt a twinge of loss. Lillian’s terminal illness was hitting them all hard, and while having time to prepare for her passing was a gift, that day was still going to be hard for everyone.

Max knelt, kissed Lillian’s cheek and held her hands as he spoke to her so quietly Dana couldn’t hear him. His gentleness and genuine affection for his grandmother tugged at her heartstrings.

At a loss, Dana tried to decide whether to join Max and interrupt his private moment with his grandmother or to impose herself on another group’s conversation. Before she could decide Markus and Sabrina, Max’s parents crossed the room toward her.

Sabrina, looking as elegant as ever in a designer evening pantsuit with her dark blond hair twisted in a French plait and her blue eyes sparkling, embraced Dana and kissed her cheek. “I’m happy you could join us, Dana.”

“Thank you for including me.”

Markus took her hand in both of his and gave it a squeeze. He looked to be in one of his jovial moods tonight. “It’s the least we can do since our son is working you around the clock.”

Her smile wobbled. Max must not have said anything about their being a couple now. But what could he say? He could hardly call his mother and say, “I slept with Dana today, so I’d like to bring her to dinner tonight as my date.”

Okay, Dana admitted, maybe her expectations had been a little skewed. “I’m enjoying the challenge of my new position, and Max is teaching me a lot.”

“May I fix you a drink?” Markus offered.

She did a quick scan of the room. Everyone seemed to be holding a glass. “A glass of white wine would be nice. Thank you.”

“Sweet or dry?”

She wrinkled her nose. Living in California hadn’t made a devoted wine fan out of her yet despite her vacation through Napa Valley on an educational winery tour. She’d learned a little about wine, but only enough to get by. “The sweeter, the better.”

“I have something you might like.”

Markus went one way. Sabrina took Dana’s hand and led her in the opposite direction toward Max’s brother Dev and the very slender brown-haired woman by his side.

“Dana, did you get a chance to meet Valerie Shelton, Dev’s fiancée, in France?”

“I did, but only briefly. It’s nice to see you again, Valerie.” Dana shook her hand. Valerie was Dana’s age, but seemed much more reserved. Dana had yet to figure out what about the cynical Dev appealed to the innocent and reserved Valerie other than looks and money. He was as rich and handsome as the rest of the Hudsons. But she’d always considered the COO of Hudson Pictures to be a bit aloof.

“It’s nice to see you, too.” Valerie gave her a shy smile. “I heard you’ve had a promotion since returning.”

Sabrina nodded. “Dana is Honor’s associate producer now.”

“That sounds exciting.” Valerie glanced at Dev. The adoration shining in her violet eyes made Dana’s breath catch. She hoped her feelings toward Max weren’t as obvious to everyone around them. She’d have to be more careful.

Dev didn’t seem to notice Valerie’s tender regard. In fact, his cool blue eyes were watching Dana. Was he also concerned about her dinner with Doug? She prayed Doug would come through with the script so she could put both Dev’s and Max’s minds at ease.

Dana forced her attention back to Valerie. “It’s a dream job, but it’s also hard work. No one wants to disappoint Lillian.”

Markus returned to Dana’s side and offered her a wineglass of pale gold liquid. “Try this, Dana. It’s a German Riesling, 2006 vintage.”

She accepted the glass and dutifully sniffed and sipped and rolled the wine around on her tongue as she’d been taught before swallowing. “It’s very good. Nice and fruity. Thank you.”

“Excellent. Let me know if you need a refill.”

A tap on the shoulder made Dana turn. Bella, Max’s baby sister, stood beside her. She had Max’s blue eyes, and her grandmother’s auburn hair. “Doesn’t look like Max has you tearing out your hair yet.”

“Not yet.” Dana’s gaze tracked him to the opposite side of the room where he now stood talking to his cousin Jack and David, Max’s uncle and Jack’s father, with his back to her. David was Honor’s director. She tried not to feel hurt by Max’s neglect, but she had expected to be by his side tonight, not on opposite sides of the room.

Dana returned her attention to Bella. They’d known each other superficially for years because of Hudson Pictures, but not all that well until they’d gotten to know each other better while on location in France. Bella was not only beautiful, she was feisty and a lot of fun—when she wasn’t wrapped up in her costar.

Dana scanned the room for Bella’s man of the moment. Bella had played Lillian in Honor. Ridley Sinclair, a box-office star and Bella’s current beau, had played Charles. Dana wasn’t crazy about Ridley and thought Bella could do better than a guy so self-absorbed, but their off-screen romance had burned pretty hot.

“Is Ridley joining us tonight?”
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