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Australian Millionaires: The Millionaire's Seductive Revenge

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Kia was frozen in her seat. It wasn’t often she was lost for words, but this time she was, shock causing any protest to wedge in her throat. Had Phillip just said what she thought he’d said? In front of everyone?

He looked at Kia, brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I know we were going to wait until after Christmas, darling, but I think now’s as good a time as any.” He smiled, but his eyes implored her not to make a scene. “Forgive me for telling everyone our little secret?”

She was going to kill him. Doing a favor for her boss was one thing, but this was going too far. But what could she do? Make him look a fool in front of everyone? In front of Lynette? The other woman had been the reason for all this pretence in the first place.

A faint thread of hysteria rose in her throat. “I—”

“Details,” someone cut across her, which was probably best because she had no idea what she’d been about to say.

“Yes, give us details. We want to know everything.”

“Yeah, like where’s your engagement ring?”

Phillip laughed. “We don’t have any details yet. I only proposed tonight.” He smiled lovingly at her. “We’ll pick out a ring after Christmas, won’t we, darling?”

Still in shock, Kia was trying to think what to say. “Um …”

“How romantic,” one of the women said on a sigh.

“Yes, isn’t it,” Brant said, a penetrating look in his eyes that made Kia feel as if he knew everything about them and didn’t like what he saw.

Yet Phillip had been insistent when they’d started this charade that no one know about it but themselves. Not even Brant. Especially not Brant, Phillip had said, worried his business partner might think he was being irresponsible. Apparently Brant still hadn’t forgiven Phillip for some silly error he’d made with one of their clients. It hadn’t been that important, Phillip had told her, but Brant had been watching him like a hawk ever since.

And she’d gone along with the secret for her own reasons. It had afforded her some degree of protection against the desire she saw in Brant’s eyes. Always he was around … watching … waiting … as if ready to pounce on her the minute Phillip was out of sight, both physically and mentally.

“You’re a lucky woman, Kia,” Lynette suddenly said in a quiet voice, her face pale as she took a shaky breath. An awkward silence fell. “Well, I must get back to my table.” She looked at Phillip, her bleak eyes riveted on his face. “Congratulations, Phillip. Goodbye.”

His very breath seemed to leave him, then he appeared to gather his resolve. “Goodbye, Lynette,” he said brusquely.

She walked away with stiff dignity that made Kia inwardly flinch. God, she felt bad about her involvement in all this, having met the woman now. It had started out so innocently … so uncomplicated. No one should have gotten hurt.

But Lynette was hurting badly right now. And so was Phillip. He couldn’t have known she’d be here. Couldn’t have prepared himself for—

Suddenly something fell into place and Kia realized that Phillip had known Lynette was going to be here tonight. It was the reason he’d been distant after lunch. The reason he’d given her the diamond necklace to wear. And the reason he’d asked Brant to dance with her, making sure she was on the dance floor and on show for the other woman.

To hurt Lynette.

The thought tore at Kia’s insides. She’d never deliberately hurt someone in her life and didn’t appreciate being a part of this now. She’d tell Phillip on the way home and make him promise to set things right after this once and for all.

It was as well the DJ announced he would take a break while they served the meal, and everything became a flurry of people returning to their tables.

All at once she realized Brant was watching her with narrowed intensity. Every instinct inside her told her not to let him figure out the truth just yet. He was the senior partner—the boss—and he would take no hostages.

She felt uneasy as Brant continued to watch them while they worked their way through each course. By the time dessert was served she felt as though her relationship with her new fiancé had been scrutinized.

Suddenly Phillip pushed his wheelchair back from the table and gave a weak smile to the other guests. “You’ll have to excuse me, but I think I’ll call it a night. My leg is really starting to give me hell.” He looked at Kia apologetically. “Darling, you stay and enjoy yourself.”

She’d been concentrating so hard on Brant that his announcement took her completely by surprise. Come to think of it, Phillip hadn’t eaten much and he’d been very quiet throughout the meal.

Probably from guilt, she decided, anger building at him even thinking about leaving her here and throwing her to the wolves. Or should that be wolf?

As in, Brant Matthews.

“I’ll come with you,” she said, reaching for her purse, determined to get away from all prying eyes.

He gave her a tired smile that was offset by the wary gleam in his eyes. “There’s no need, darling. I’ll be going straight to bed.”

Kia wasn’t about to let Phillip get away with this. They needed to talk. Tonight.

She pushed her chair back farther. “Still, I think I’ll go home, too.”

Phillip put up a hand. “Please stay, darling. I don’t want to spoil your fun.”

What fun? She didn’t call Brant’s company fun, not with him watching her, waiting. And if Phillip called her “darling” one more time, she was going to scream. She was no man’s “darling,” not when her father liked to call her his “darling girl.”

She turned back to Phillip, ready to insist on going with him. Only the look in his eyes stopped her dead. Seeing Lynette again had upset him.

Compassion stirred within her, diminishing her anger to a degree. “Okay, Phillip. I understand. You just get plenty of rest so that we can go to the art exhibition tomorrow.” Her eyes said she intended talking to him then about all this.

His eyes darted away uneasily. “I’ll call you in the morning.”

“I’ll make sure she gets home safely,” Brant said out of the blue.

Kia’s heart lurched. She couldn’t imagine being in the confines of a car with Brant. Why, even the ballroom wasn’t enough to stop his silent seduction.

“No, that’s okay,” she said quickly. “I’ll take a taxi.”

“Not in that, you won’t,” Brant said arrogantly, giving her breasts a raking glance in the clinging silver dress. “There was a woman attacked just last week after she left one of the hotels by herself.”

“Yes, and they caught the guy, remember?” she pointed out, resisting the urge to tug at her bodice and cover her cleavage. “It was an old boyfriend.” She turned to Phillip. “I’ll be fine.”

But Phillip was frowning. “No, Brant’s right. You’re too attractive to be out on your own late at night.”

Okay, this was getting crazy.

“Phillip, don’t be ridiculous. I’m a grown woman. I know how to take care of myself.”

Phillip opened his mouth, but it was Brant who spoke. “I don’t think it’s ridiculous that your …” He paused. “… fiancé is concerned for your safety.”

She grimaced inwardly. What could she say to that? “Fine. You can drive me home then.”

God help her.

Satisfied with that, Phillip fobbed off someone’s suggestion that they announce the engagement over the microphone before he left. She shuddered at the suggestion, knowing it would be public knowledge soon enough. Oh, heavens, and wasn’t that idiotic journalist who’d written the comment about her getting her hooks into Phillip going to just love all this?

Thankfully Phillip’s male nurse, Rick, was in the hotel and was ready and waiting by the time Kia pushed the wheelchair through the ballroom doors. She tried to speak to Phillip, but all she got was a quick apology and a promise to talk later.

Then Rick wheeled him away. Suddenly the hardest thing to do was turn around and walk back into that room. Brant would be there with his arrogance and his hostility, and if he said so much as one word out of place, she would pour his drink over his head.
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