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Wife 22

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“Okay, well, how many times a week do you have sex?”

“How many times a day,” corrects Melinda. “Two. Sometimes three if it’s the weekend. But definitely two.”

William can’t keep the skepticism out of his voice. “Really,” he says. “Three times a day?”

Elliot looks flabbergasted. Sonja looks dead. I feel slightly nauseous.

“Draw him out, don’t challenge him,” suggests Kelly. “We need details.”

This doesn’t sound crazy to me. When we were in our twenties, William and I sometimes had sex three times a day. On President’s Day. And Yom Kippur.

“Yeah, man, three times a day,” says Avi, looking irritated. “Why would we lie? You’re paying us to tell you the truth.”

“Fine. So how many times a week do you take Cialis?”

“Once a week. Usually on Friday afternoons.”

“Why Cialis and not Viagra?”

“Four hours. Thirty-six hours. You do the math.”

“How did you get the prescription?” asks William.

“Told my doctor I was having problems. Downthere.”

“And he believed you?”

Avi rocks back in his chair. “Dude, what is wrong with you?”

William pauses and falls back on a stock question. “If Melinda were a car, what kind of a car would she be?”

Something is really off with William. His voice doesn’t even sound like him.

Avi says nothing, just stares at the camera confrontationally.

“Back off,” says Kelly. “You’re losing him.”

“Come on. Let me guess,” says William. “A Prius. But a fully loaded Prius. Fifty-one miles to the gallon. A smart key system. Bluetooth and seats that fold flat.”

“William,” warns Kelly.

“So you can fuck Melinda three times a day.”

Everybody is shocked into silence. Kelly bursts into the room.

“O-kay. Let’s take a break!” she shouts. “Complimentary sodas and cookies out in the hallway.” The camera abruptly shuts off, and then a second later pans in on the now empty table.

“I can’t believe you said ‘fuck,’?” says Kelly.

“He’s a fuck,” says William.

“It doesn’t matter. He’s the customer.”

“Yes, and we’re paying him to be the customer. Besides, twenty-something males are not our target demographic.”

“Wrong. Males twenty to thirty-five account for thirty-six percent of all new users. Maybe I should moderate.”

“No, I’ll do it. Bring them back in.”

The men and women file back into the room, Cokes and Diet Cokes in hand.

“Elliot, how many times a month do you have sex?” asks William.

“With or without Cialis?”

“Take your pick.”

“Without, none. With, once a week.”

“So would it be fair to say Cialis has improved your sex life?”


“And would you have tried it if you didn’t have ED?”

Elliot looks bewildered. “Why would I do that?”

“Well, like Avi here. Would you use it recreationally?”

“Croquet is recreation. Mini-golf is recreation. Making love is not recreation. Love isn’t some bottomless Slurpee that magically fills itself up. You have to do the filling up yourself. That’s the secret to marriage.”

“Yeah man, drive through your wife’s 7-Eleven. Get your Slurpee on,” says Avi.

Elliot shoots Avi a dirty look. “It’s called making love for a reason.”

Avi rolls his eyes.

“I think that’s cute,” says Melinda. “Why don’t we make love?”

“Get back to Sonja,” says Kelly.

Sonja Popovich looks deflated, like she forgot to take her meds. Forty-seven. She’s three years older than me. She definitely looks older. No, she looks younger. No, I look younger. I play this game all the time. Honestly, I’m incapable of judging anyone’s age anymore.

“Can I smoke in here?” asks Sonja.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Some sort of an alarm would probably go off,” says William.

Sonja smiles. “I’m not really a smoker. Only occasionally.”
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