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Way to Her Heart

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“Is everything okay? You had kind of an odd look when you were on the phone,” he said.

“It’s a bad habit,” she admitted. “I make the strangest faces without realizing it. I don’t do it at work—just when Alexis is picking on me.”

“You two are as close as sisters and if you’re anything like my family, y’all probably pick on each other constantly. Besides, it’s cute as hell when you do it.”

He squeezed her hand and gave her another of his crooked smiles. The same warm thrill ran through her as before, making her forget about the teasing she’d endured earlier and the interrogation she was sure to face once Alexis got her alone. For once, she was in the moment, just enjoying Lucas’s company.

* * *

As far as Lucas was concerned the weekend was a total success. He got to take the baby steps that Sydney had advised simply by taking Sherri to the farmers’ market. They had some time alone and he got to look at her long, shapely legs as much as he wanted. Everything about her appealed to him, from her thick, coarse hair with its stylish cut, to her sweet, natural face with the sprinkling of tiny freckles across her nose. She was graceful and sexy without making a big deal of it. He was used to artificially pretty women who made a big deal of their beauty like it was a new kind of currency. The message they sent out was “I’m irresistible because I have long hair and big boobs, so have sex with me!” Lucas was no snob and he had a very high sex drive besides, so their willingness to engage in frisky sex was very convenient for much of his dating life, but not anymore. Now it was annoying to Lucas. It was easy enough to get what he wanted from the bouncy-boobie-bunny kind of woman, but he no longer desired that kind of relationship. It was like eating in five-star restaurants after a lifetime of fast food; now that he knew better, he did better.

Sherri was a different kind of woman altogether. She was a challenge. Besides being fresh, pretty and accomplished, she was a mother with a very smart and charming child. There was no margin for error here. He had to come correct or not come at all. When kids were involved, all other bets were off. He couldn’t just hop aboard Sherri for some fun-filled sex and go on his merry way—not that he wanted to. He had a strong desire for her—that much was true. But he wanted way more than sex. Sex was a wonderful thing and he looked forward to having lots of it with Sherri, but that was just the beginning of what he wanted to share with her.

He had sat across from her at the dinner table just to watch her eat. Everyone raved about the food and ate with great appetites, but the way Sherri consumed her meal was extremely enticing. He and Jared had made a real feast, starting with goat cheese crostini and a platter of marinated vegetables fresh from the market. The way she looked eating the spears of asparagus and cucumber was stimulating to say the least. The entrée consisted of grilled lobster and jumbo shrimp, with tender breasts of chicken and petite filet mignons. This was accompanied by dainty grilled pattypan squash, colorful fingerling potatoes and long, crisp haricots verts with cremini mushrooms. When he wasn’t watching the sensual way Sherri enjoyed the meal, he was keeping an eye on Sydney. She had excellent table manners and an equally good appetite. She ate everything on her plate and came back for more of her favorites, the pickled golden beets and the squash.

After the sumptuous meal, everyone had decided to wait a while before having dessert. The men cleaned up the kitchen and the women walked off their meal on the beach while the dogs got a nice run. With all the inquiring minds away from the house, Jared decided it was a great time to get in his younger brother’s business.

“You were all but drooling on Sherri, bro. What’s going on there?”

Lucas didn’t take offense; he just shrugged. “Nothing’s going on yet. I’ve asked her out a couple of times and she’s been busy, but I think that’s about to change. I’m ninety percent sure that the next time I ask, she’ll say yes.”

Jared raised an eyebrow and said, “That’s all well and good, but don’t be fooling around. In case you haven’t noticed, she’s not your typical empty-headed glamazon. And she has a child, a very smart and lovable child, so you can’t be treating her place like it’s got a revolving door on it.”

“Don’t hold back, Jared. Tell me how you really feel,” Lucas said dryly. “I’m not an idiot. I know exactly what kind of lady Sherri is and I have nothing but respect for her. And love for her daughter, if you must know. Sydney’s an amazing kid. I’d never do anything to hurt her.”

Jared opened his mouth for a comment, but his father spoke first. “Glad to hear you say that, son. Dr. Sherri Stratton seems like a lovely woman and she’s certainly raised an exceptional child. Go slowly and carefully on this, Lucas. They’d make great additions to the family, so take your time and do this right.”

He gave his son a mock punch in the arm as he went to the mudroom to fetch a handful of small bags. “I’m going down to meet the ladies and scoop the poop. Be back in a few,” he said as he headed to the deck. Lucas watched him leave with a bemused look on his face.

“Don’t look so surprised, Luc. Dad and I could both see that Sherri knocked you flat out the day you met her. It’s a family trait. When we meet the right woman, we just know. When I met Alexis, I knew she was the one woman in the world for me. It’s just how it works for us. I knew at the wedding that it wouldn’t be long before you’d be going down the same path. I told Alexis that Sherri needed to put on her running shoes because you were gonna chase her down until you got her.”

Lucas gave a loud shout of laughter. “Thanks a lot. So I’m so ugly that I’m gonna have to ambush her, is that it?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying at all,” Jared replied. “I mean, yeah, you’re ugly as homemade sin, but that’s not why you’ve got your work cut out for you. Sherri had a really rough time when she got pregnant with Sydney. Sydney’s father cut and ran as soon as he found out and he hasn’t been back since. Her family wasn’t any help at all. They pretty much turned their backs on her, so she was all alone trying to raise her child and finish school. If it hadn’t been for Emily and Alexis and their mothers, I don’t know how she would have done it,” Jared said solemnly. “She hasn’t had anything to do with the male species since then and if you’re gonna be the first man she trusts enough to try again with, you better have your shit together. Alexis loves her like a sister and so do I, not to mention Miss Sydney. If anything happens to hurt the two of them, the consequences will be dire. And I’ll be one of the first ones in line to extract retribution, so don’t get it twisted, Lucas. This is not play time.”

Lucas was running a damp mop over the hardwood floors in the kitchen and dining room while Jared was delivering his summation of the situation. He narrowed his eyes at his older brother and pulled his earlobe, a sure indication of his annoyance.

“What have I ever done to make you think that I’m some kind of pond scum–sucking lowlife who’s going to subject Sherri and Sydney to emotional turmoil? Your track record was no better than mine before you met Alexis. I date a lot, sure, and I haven’t gotten serious with anyone, but it’s not because I’m a sociopath. And if memory serves, you hold the family record for the most women in a month, so you really don’t have any grounds for lecturing me.

“I like Sherri a lot and I love Sydney and I do take this situation seriously, which is why I’ve been taking my time. I’m not trying to mess up their lives,” he said heatedly. “I’m trying to make them both happy so I’d appreciate it if you step off. Give me some credit for having some common sense, you damned asshat,” he muttered under his breath as he stowed the mop in the mudroom.

To add to his growing irritation, Jared was laughing when Lucas returned to the kitchen. “Now what? What’s so freakin’ funny?”

“I’m proud of you, Luc. You reacted the way I wanted you to, which let me know that you’ve got your head on straight. I think that you and Sherri are a good idea, a really good idea. But I’m not the one you have to convince. Your intentions are all in the right place, but Sherri’s gonna take a lot of tender loving care if you want to make her your lady.”

Just then the doors in the dining room opened and in raced the dogs, followed by Sydney and everyone else. Further conversation was impossible, so the only alternative was dessert. But while he was serving the strawberry shortcakes with homemade vanilla-bean ice cream, Lucas couldn’t keep his eyes off Sherri. He’d fallen hard and fast for her. Lucas was a true VanBuren through and through because he knew at that moment he would do whatever it took to find the way to her heart.

Chapter 3

After the Mother’s Day weekend, Sherri had a new perspective on a few things. For one thing, she was beginning to think that date wasn’t a four-letter word after all, especially if the date was with Lucas VanBuren. He had many, many fine characteristics, but the most important of those attributes was the fact that he and Sydney already had a great friendship. Lucas genuinely cared for her little girl. She could see it every time he was around her. And they were around each other often, especially since the Hilton Head holiday.

He had joined their church and he always managed to sit with Sherri and Sydney. Because they routinely sat with Jared and Alexis, it was like being part of a big family, which was rather pleasant. After church they usually had dinner together as a group, especially when the elder VanBurens were in town. Lucas had finally convinced her to go out with him, and they’d had several dates, although their outings always included Sydney. They had gone to the movies, to an amusement park and on a couple of picnics with Alexis’s little dogs, Sookie and Honeybee. Sydney had a ball every time, and Sherri found herself getting more and more comfortable with Lucas. And now they were going on their first couple-only date, a momentous and, for Sherri, completely unforeseen occasion.

Alexis was beyond pleased with the situation and she continued to express her joy the whole time she was doing Sherri’s hair the day of the big event. They were in Alexis’s private styling area at Sanctuary One, the flagship location of the posh spas Alexis had owned for several years. After giving her friend’s thick hair a touch-up and a trim, she had blown her dry and was styling it with the aid of a ceramic flat iron.

“I can’t believe you’ve finally come to your senses. It’s about time you started acting like a real woman. Hooking up with a real man like Lucas is just what you need,” she gloated.

“Alexis, give it a rest! You’re repeating yourself, for one thing. That’s the third time you’ve said that real woman–real man thing. And nobody said anything about hooking up in the slutty way. We’re going to the recital and because Sydney’s going to a sleepover after, Lucas and I are going out. It’s not the beginning of the world or the end of it, so just chill, can’t you?”

“Don’t play with me,” Alexis said sternly. “I have some real hot curling irons within striking distance of your stubborn head, so now isn’t the time for messing around.”

Sherri felt her cheeks getting warm—not because of the aforementioned hot irons, but because Alexis had hit on the real truth of the matter. As much as she tried to deny it, there was more to this date than hanging out with a good friend. Every time she was around Lucas she experienced all kinds of sensations, and not just the warm, fuzzy, family-friend kind. This was the other part of the new perspective she’d gained from spending friendly time with Lucas. Her sex drive wasn’t totally dormant after all. She’d been telling herself that she simply had no desire for a man, but the way she reacted to Lucas’s touch was telling her the truth. There was something about Lucas that constantly reminded her that she was a woman—a fully functioning woman with the same desires as any other healthy female. The sensation was both exhilarating and intimidating, and although she was reluctant to talk about it to Alexis, she wasn’t going to run away from it. But she did plan to downplay the big event to Alexis. She knew her friend would tease her relentlessly to the point of making her nervous, which she didn’t want, not at all. All she wanted was a nice, relaxing evening with a friend. Surely that wasn’t too much to ask for, right?

“So where are you going? What are you going to wear?” Alexis was eager for every detail as she finished styling Sherri’s chic bob.

“I’m not sure. He said it was a surprise. We’re going after Sydney’s dance recital so whatever I wear to that is what I’ll have on. And that’s that,” she said airily.

Alexis looked mildly frustrated. “This isn’t fair. You stayed all up in my business when I was dating Jared and you won’t even toss me a crumb about Lucas, my own brother-in-law. How selfish can you be?”

Sherri grinned unrepentantly. “Pretty darned selfish, I freely admit it. Yes, I did get all up in your Kool-Aid when you were dating Jared, and I got all in Emily’s business with Todd, but that was different.”

“How was that different? Lean back so I can take a weed whacker to those shrubs over your eyes,” Alexis ordered.

“It was different because I was being the voice of reason for you two. Y’all were in love and you needed an objective viewpoint from a concerned and loving friend. It’s not like that with me and Lucas. We’re just two friends enjoying each other’s company. Ouch!”

“Don’t be a baby—you’ve had your eyebrows waxed before,” Alexis scolded.

“It never hurt like that,” Sherri protested. “You did that on purpose to get information out of me, but I keep telling you—there is none. We’ll probably go get something to eat after the recital and that’ll be the end of it.”

Alexis opened her mouth to let her friend in on the fact that Lucas was after something much more than a casual friendship, but she prudently changed her mind. When Sherri figured it out for herself they’d have plenty to talk about. Then she’d get to be the voice of reason for her intelligent but unaware friend. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror as she finished Sherri’s brows.

* * *

The dance recital had been a smashing success, mostly because of the adorable little dancers in their clever costumes but partly because Lucas had contributed the refreshments. He’d arranged for a vast array of canapés and desserts to be delivered from Seven-Seventeen, the fine dining restaurant owned by the brothers VanBuren, and he had also provided staff to set up, serve and clean up afterward. He’d made quite an impression on the dance moms—and not just for his generosity. Several of the women in attendance had given him the once-over, devouring him with their eyes.

Sherri had overheard one of the older dancers ask Sydney if he was her mom’s boyfriend and Sydney had answered “yes,” which was both endearing and alarming to Sherri. She was going to have to have a little chat with her daughter soon, that much was obvious. But for now, she was just going to enjoy the evening.

It was off to a great start. When Lucas came to pick her up at her condo promptly at nine, he was not only looking and smelling good, but he’d also brought her a big green plant. He’d insisted on picking her up at her condo rather than having her follow him to the site of their outing.

“When I take a lady out, I pick her up and bring her home. I know it’s old school, but that’s how I roll. You don’t mind, do you?”

When he looked down at her with his long-lashed eyes sparkling and his ridiculously sexy smile, she couldn’t think of a single reason to protest the arrangement. She’d driven home from the dance studio in minutes and even changed clothes, taking off the coffee-colored slacks and matching blouse she’d worn. Now she was wearing a hot orange tank dress made of a supple rayon knit fabric that showed off her slender figure and her legs. Because he was much taller than she was, she could wear her bronze strappy sandals with the four-inch heels and not worry about towering over him; she still barely reached his shoulder.

Sherri never wore a lot of makeup, but she’d added a little blush and lipstick, along with another coat of mascara and a bit of smoky eye shadow. A pair of big gold hoop earrings and an armful of Indian bangle bracelets in gold with bright pops of color completed her ensemble. When she saw the smile on Lucas’s face, she was glad she’d made the effort. He’d changed clothes, too, she noticed. He was now wearing a pair of dark slacks and a really nice shirt that brought out his green eyes nicely. It was her turn to smile as she held out her hands for the plant.

“Lucas, this is a beautiful ficus,” she said. “It’s so sweet of you.”

He ignored her outstretched hands and took the big plant over to the window, placing it gently on the floor. “It’s heavier than it looks,” he said. “And you look gorgeous, by the way.”
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