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The Wedding Adventure

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Ever since their successful raids on the galley, Cade had called her Sterling. Cynthia worried he might have forgotten her first name. At this point her name didn’t matter, but she would ask Henry a million questions if it kept her out of the water. “Why does Cade keep calling me by my last name?”

“Men often call each other by their last names.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Do I look like a man?”

Henry gave her the once-over. “Not in the slightest.”

“Thank you.”

“Get in the water, Cynthia,” Henry said.

So much for stalling. Think, think… “Have him carry me to shore,” she whispered.

“Brilliant idea. One I should have thought of.” Henry beamed. “Cade, carry her to shore.”

“What?” he asked.

“Carry Cynthia to shore,” Henry suggested. “That’s what a gentleman would do.”

Cade mumbled something about not being a gentleman, but Cynthia couldn’t hear his exact words. Still he dropped his backpack on the beach and waded back to the boat.

“Thanks,” she mouthed to Henry.

“I’ve done my part. The rest is up to you.”

By the time Cade reached the boat, he’d drawn his lips into a thin line. “The water isn’t deep.”

Cynthia had learned deep was a relative term. She forced a smile and batted her eyelashes. “Please?”

A beat passed. He nodded once.

“Thanks.” This time her smile was genuine. Not only had she maneuvered her way out of getting in the water, she was going to end up in Cade’s arms. It would be like the scene in Gone with the Wind when Rhett carried Scarlett up the stairs. Yes, a brilliant idea. Her first of many during the next fourteen days.

As Cade grabbed her backpack, she rose. Anticipation filled her. His hands clasped around her waist. A bevy of butterflies attacked her stomach. She waited for him to lift her into his arms. He slung her over his left shoulder like a Prada bag instead.

Staring at the water, she pushed herself up his back. “What—”

“You’re not as light as you look.” His hand clamped on the back of her thigh. “Stop wiggling or I’m going to drop you.”

She didn’t move a muscle; she didn’t blink. She couldn’t. The heat from his hands radiated through the fabric of her capris. Hot. Burning. Okay, so this wasn’t the romantic scene she’d envisioned, but talk about a turn-on.

This was not a good thing. In fact, it was a very bad thing. She wanted to feel comfortable with Cade, chummy and cuddly like she had with Travis. Not all hot and bothered wondering if Cade would move his hand up a couple more inches. The goal was for him to get lost in her, not the other way around. She wasn’t going to repeat her parents’ mistake.

He dropped her unceremoniously on the sand. “Next time, you’re getting wet.”

No next time. No water. No touching.

Cade handed her the backpack. “Thanks,” she said.

No “you’re welcome” or “not a problem.” Simply nothing. She didn’t understand. Most men wanted her gratitude.

The horn from the boat sliced through the silence. Henry waved. “I’ll be back tomorrow. Have fun tonight.”

Cynthia blew him a kiss and waved. She turned and faced a tense-looking Cade. Maybe he was jealous of Henry. She didn’t want to start out on the wrong foot. Not when she wanted Cade to like her. “Want a kiss, too?”

“Only if it’s chocolate.”

Now he was talking. She moistened her lips. “Those are my second favorite kind.”

Chapter Three

What had he done to deserve Sterling?

They were on an island and she didn’t want to get wet. She was more pampered than a Persian show cat. Forget about being here at the end of the two weeks. She’d be lucky to survive tonight.

Cade watched her pick up her backpack, ease the strap onto her shoulder and straighten it. No doubt years of cruising malls and boutiques with shopping bags and a large purse had trained her well. Only her shopping expertise was worthless here. So were those high-heeled sandals. The thin straps made her ankles look so delicate. The heels accentuated her toned calves. At least they were good for something. They weren’t designed for walking or comfort or anything remotely practical. “You might want to take off your shoes,” he suggested.

“The sand is hot.” She took a wobbly step in the hourglass-fine sand. And another. It was like watching a train wreck.

One more step and her ankle gave way. She stumbled and plopped onto the sand with a delicate exclamation. A heap of legs, arms and backpack. She brushed the sand from her hands with a bit of impatience.

He walked toward her. “You okay?”

“Yes.” Frustration laced her words. As she undid the strap circling her thin ankle, she fumbled with the catches. Finally she removed the sandals. “I should have listened to you.”

“The sand is hot.” Cade wanted to be charitable if not nice. No matter what he might think of Sterling, he was going to be the picture of restraint and politeness. That was the only way they would survive this ordeal together. Fourteen days with her? The thought made him grit his teeth. “Want a hand?”


He extended his arm, and his hand engulfed hers. Her skin felt soft and smooth against his. Warm, too. Her hand was so small, but she was no wispy flower about to wilt in the sun. He’d found that out when he carried her to shore. She was soft, but well toned. No doubt she worked out.

As Cade pulled Sterling to her feet, he caught a whiff of her perfume. No light and airy fragrance for her, either. Her scent was exotic, yet subtle. The kind of perfume that left an imprint and made him want another smell. But that wasn’t an option. She wasn’t one, either.

He let go of her hand. “I hope you brought other shoes.”

“Of course, I did. They are the most beautiful pair of Manolo…” Her smile disappeared. “They have heels, too. No matter, I’ll simply buy another pair.”

Cade glanced around. Palm trees, sand, shrubbery. Not a shoe store in sight. “Where?”

“At the resort.”

“What resort?”

She stared at him as if he’d asked the stupidest question in the world. “The one we’re staying at for our adventure.”

Uh-oh. Cade looked out to sea. A small dot sailed toward the horizon. He had one word for Henry. Chicken. Cade actually had several more, but he’d joined the kids at Smiling Moon’s challenge to stop swearing. Until now, he’d forgotten, but he needed to make an effort for the kids’ sake.

“What’s wrong?” Sterling asked.
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