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Behind The Boardroom Door: Savas' Defiant Mistress / Much More Than a Mistress / Innocent 'til Proven Otherwise

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She was busy adjusting the pegs, tuning the strings and didn’t see him at all. He opened his mouth to ask what she thought she was doing. But then she drew the bow across the strings and it became absolutely clear.

Stunned, bemused—and for the moment completely incapable of saying anything—he sank back onto the cushions.

And listened to her play.

It was a revelation. Of all the things he thought he knew about Neely Robson—even the things he’d been wrong about—he’d never once guessed she could play the violin. It hadn’t entered his mind.

But the moment she touched the bow to the strings, music filled the room. Sound echoed and reverberated. Light and bright and airy, rhythmic, almost mathematical sounds. Spritely dancing sounds that made him think of spring and splashing in puddles. And then slower, broader, more soulful tones that wrapped him in a warmth that carried him back to his grandparents’ home, that made him think of winter days in the house on Long Island wrapped in a blanket and sitting next to a fireplace, waiting for his grandfather to come home.

Nothing in his life had felt like that, nothing had reminded him of home—not since his grandparents had died.

She played sounds that made his throat ache, made his eyes fill, made his heart feel too large for his chest. She made him remember in a way he hadn’t remembered for years all his childhood hopes and dreams and a future full of promise.

And heaven help him, he wanted it again.

No. Not just it. Not just a home, damn it.

He wanted a home with her.

He wasn’t going to do it.

Neely had known it at once from the stubborn set of his jaw, the uncompromising tone, the fact that he had turned and walked out of the room right after he’d spoken.

She didn’t chase after him. Didn’t follow him up the stairs and into his bedroom.

Bearding Sebastian in his bedroom would not have been wise.

Going anywhere near a bed with Sebastian would have undermined all her best intentions. Her attraction to him was far too strong. She wanted him far too much.

Now she sat in her office and stared at her computer screen thinking through all the events of last night—of all the days since Sebastian had moved onto the houseboat—and she knew he was everything she wanted in a man. He was strong, caring, intelligent, honorable and sexy as hell.

But he didn’t believe in love.

Not just the love of a man and a woman, but even the love of a father for his children.

Though why he should, given his experience, she could not have said.

Outside her window the rain was sheeting down and she knew she should get to work. But even though Blake had been enthusiastic over her designs this morning and had given her the go-ahead. She still felt unaccountably depressed.

It had nothing to do with work.

It had everything to do with Sebastian.

She hurt for him. She ached for him. But she couldn’t change him.

So in the end she knew she had to leave him to his obduracy and his pain because she couldn’t fight the one or deny the other.

The only thing she could do—and probably should do, she admitted for the first time—was find another place to live.

Her cell phone rang before she could argue with herself about it.

Just as well, she thought, punching the answer button, because there were no arguments, just the emotional tangle she couldn’t get out of. And she really needed to get some work done.

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