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Royal Temptation: Protecting the Desert Princess / Virgin Princess, Tycoon’s Temptation / The Prince's Second Chance

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She still wanted more.

‘I want to taste you,’ she said, and she smiled as she felt him moan with want between her legs.

‘You said…’

‘I can do this,’ she said—for she would make her own rules. She would never do it with another…she would marry Mikael the only way she could: with her mouth. ‘Please, Mikael, I will only ever do this with you.’

He lay on his back and Layla lay astride him, lowering her head to the base of him and slowly kissing the long way up.

‘My hair…’

She lifted it and tied it into a knot.

‘That is better,’ Layla said. ‘Now I can concentrate.’

She kissed him with her eyes open—not just his lovely shaft but down to his balls, which she took one by one into her mouth and sucked gently, because every bit of this she wanted to remember for ever.

He tasted clean, and she was about to give thanks for all the showers he took, but the moan from him and the slight pressure on her head told Layla he might not appreciate a break for conversation.

She was as turned on as she had been when his mouth had been on her, and she felt one hand cupping her bottom as his other hand guided her just a little further down.

She ran her tongue around the top and then swallowed him a little way down, and then more, over and over, working him with her hand, somehow imagining that the hips that bucked in her mouth bucked between her legs.

Yes, she married him—for she would never be as intimate with another, would never moan and purr in pure pleasure.

She forgot her stride for a second, coming herself as he moved in her mouth, and just as it subsided Layla got the shock of her life as he swelled and started thrusting and she felt the first splash of Mikael.

He had meant to warn her. Instead he’d been taken back at the speed and strength of his orgasm.

He heard a small gasp from Layla—and even in the throes of his pleasure she made him smile. Kneeling up, holding her mouth closed with her cheeks bulging, she was the only woman in the world who could be about to spit and somehow not offend.

But instead she took a deep breath and swallowed.

‘Oh, Mikael!’ She was truly stunned for a moment, but then she smiled. ‘That was fantastic.’

‘It was.’

‘A little more practice and I think…’ Her voice faded.

They had almost run out of time.

‘Come here,’ he said, and brought her back to his arms for their last night on earth together.

Neither wanted the morning.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#udf5bcffa-daff-5220-88df-914fbf2b1eb6)


All night he heard the buzzing of a helicopter and wondered if it was for them—or more likely an air search that had nothing to do with Layla.

As she started to stir he kissed her head and smelt her hair. It smelt of the ocean and their time had run out.

She woke but did not open her eyes, because she didn’t want it to be today.

‘Layla?’ He turned. ‘I know you’re awake.’ He watched her smile with her eyes closed and he smiled at her too. ‘Do you want breakfast?’

‘No, I feel too sick to eat.’

Her eyes were still closed and he saw just the tiniest glimmer of moisture at the edge of them. He did not want to make this harder for her, even if it was almost killing him.

‘Thank you for giving me a lovely last night,’ she said.

‘It was my pleasure.’

She opened her eyes and knew she wanted to open her eyes to him every morning; it felt as if this was the way the world should be for ever, with Mikael on the pillow beside her.

His eyes roamed her face and he took her hand. He had never wanted love and yet here it was now—and he was about to lose it.

‘Marry me?’

She heard the words and they made her chest hurt. They made her eyes sting and they made her heart soar—and yet it plummeted in the next instant at the absolute impossibility of any future for them, so she answered him in the way that must serve them best.

She laughed.

‘Layla…’ He would not be swayed. ‘I will sort it with your family. I will speak with your brother…’

‘Mikael, you would be bored without your cases.’

‘I mean marry me and live here,’ he said, and she sat up and hugged her knees to her chest.

‘Mikael, I live in a palace. As beautiful as your home is, do you really think I would want to give up my life?’

He said nothing.

‘Will you give up your life and live in Ishla?’

He took a breath. ‘If you let me speak with your family we can work out exactly what we want.’

‘You really think my father would entertain the idea?’ Again Layla laughed. ‘Of course not. And so it is time for me to return to my family. I told you that if you gave me one more night then I would return happy. Now I keep that promise to you.’

Mikael sat as she headed to the bathroom. There was no request for assistance this time; in fact she closed the door.

Layla stared at her reflection for a very long time, telling herself over and over that she could do this. Reminding herself that she was going back to a family whom she loved very much.

Except on the other side of the door was a man she loved in a different way; he was there in her heart, and she felt right now as if that heart was breaking.

She pulled on her silver dress and slippers and felt as if she was dressing for her own execution.
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