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Princess in the Making

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“I need you at the palace. Since Tabitha will be with me, it will be up to you to see that Vanessa and Mia have anything they need.”

“Of course.” He could hardly wait.

“And I know this is a lot to ask, but I want you to keep them entertained.”

Marcus hoped he didn’t mean that the way it sounded. “Entertained?”

“Make them feel welcome. Take them sightseeing, show them a good time.”

The idea had been to stay away from her as much as humanly possible, not be her tour guide. “Father—”

“I realize I’m asking a lot of you under the circumstances, and I know it will probably be a bit awkward at first, but it will give you and Vanessa a chance to get to know one another. She’s truly a remarkable woman, son. I’m sure that once you get to know her you’ll love her as much as I do.”

Nothing his father could say would make Marcus want to spend time with that woman. And no amount of time that he spent with her would make him “love” her. “Father, I don’t think—”

“Imagine how she and her daughter must feel, in a foreign country where they don’t know a soul. And I feel terrible for putting her in that position. It took me weeks to convince her to come here. If she leaves, she may never agree to come back.”

And that would be a bad thing?

Besides, Marcus didn’t doubt for an instant that she had just been playing hard to get, stringing his father along, and now that she was here, he seriously doubted she had any intention of leaving, for any reason. But maybe in this case absence wouldn’t make the heart grow fonder. Maybe it would give his father time to think about his relationship with Miss Reynolds and realize the mistake he was making.

Or maybe, instead of waiting for this to play out, Marcus could take a more proactive approach. Maybe he could persuade her to leave.

The thought brought a smile to his face.

“I’ll do it,” he told his father.

“I have your word?”

“Yes,” he said, feeling better about the situation already. “You have my word.”

“Thank you, son. You have no idea how much this means to me. And I don’t want you to worry about anything else. Consider yourself on vacation until I return.”

“Is there anyplace in particular you would like me to take her?”

“I’ll email a list of the things she might enjoy doing.”

“I’ll watch for it,” he said, feeling cheerful for the first time in weeks, since his father had come home acting like a lovesick teenager.

“She did mention a desire to tour the village,” the king said.

That was as good a place to start as any. “Well then, we’ll go first thing tomorrow.”

“I can’t tell you what a relief this is. And if ever you should require anything from me, you need only ask.”

Send her back to the U.S., he wanted to say, but he would be taking care of that. After he was through with her, she would be sprinting for the plane. But the key with a woman like her was patience and subtlety.

He and his father hung up, and Marcus dropped his phone back on the table. He looked over at the pool, then up to the balcony of Miss Reynolds’s room. He should give her the good news right away, so she would have time to prepare for tomorrow’s outing. He toweled off then slipped his shirt, shorts and sandals on, combing his fingers through his wet hair as he headed upstairs. He half expected to hear her daughter howling as he approached her room, but the hallway was silent.

He knocked, and she must have been near the door because it opened almost immediately. She had changed into snug black cotton pants, a plain pink T-shirt, and her hair was pulled up in a ponytail. She looked even younger this way, and much more relaxed than she had when she stepped off the plane. It struck him again how attractive she really was. Without makeup she looked a little less exotic and vampy, but her features, the shape of her face, were exquisite.

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