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In The Enemy's Embrace

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THE GALLERIA MALL in Dallas was a shopper’s paradise. And Nick soon found out that Jessica was an expert at the sport of shopping and could cull choice merchandise off every sale rack like a pro.

He’d discarded his suit jacket an hour ago outside the dressing room of Macy’s. Now, slouched in a chair outside yet another dressing room—Nordstrom’s this time—he loosened the knot of his tie and punched in another number on his cell phone. The reception inside the store was the pits, and after being cut off for the third time, he switched it off.

He’d made a huge mistake by letting Jessica goad him. His pride had gotten in the way and look where he was. She kept sauntering out of the dressing rooms, wearing outfit after outfit, asking his opinion as though they were girlfriends instead of business partners. A bag sat at his feet filled with lingerie she hadn’t modeled for him—thank God. The images his mind was supplying made him sweat.

Toeing the bag a little farther away so it would quit antagonizing him, he looked up and nearly dropped the phone in his hand and his senses to boot.

She wore a siren-red dress that clung to every sweet curve of her body and made him think of hot sex and endless nights.

“Well?” she asked, and executed a pirouette.

He cleared his throat. “Not exactly office attire.”

She glanced at him over her shoulder. His heart slammed against his chest. He wondered if she’d done it on purpose, if she knew how sexy that pose was, the way her raised arms pulled the material over her breasts as she lifted her hair off her neck, piling it on top of her head.

“Too much, hmm?”

“I didn’t say that.”

She turned to face him. “Then what do you say?”

“It’s very…nice.” Total understatement. He’d gone from zip to hard in two seconds flat. No way could he stand up at the moment without embarrassing himself. And damned if he’d give her the satisfaction of knowing she’d gotten to him. The imp was having too much fun as it was. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was deliberately being seductive.

“I probably shouldn’t get it. I don’t know where I’d wear it.”

“What about that hot and heavy social life you were talking about?”

She gave him a smile that nearly knocked the breath out of him. Not the put-on smile of a seductress. A sweet smile. An easy smile. “To tell the truth, my social life’s not as hot and heavy as I might have led you to believe.”

Just that simply, with that easy honesty, Nick felt his guard drop. About the time he thought he had her figured out, she did an about-face and said something that blew his perception of her out of the water.

Despite his best intentions to keep his distance and his control around Jessica Coleman, her innate charm was too much to resist.

“That dress was made for you, Red. You should get it.”

She gave him a grin. “Okay. That’s about all the arm twisting I need to…yikes!”


“Did you see the price tag on this thing?” She flashed it in front of his face, then shook her head and whirled around. “Forget it.”

Dumbfounded, Nick watched her disappear back into the dressing room. The woman was a mass of contradictions. She could afford to buy ten dresses and pay double what the price tag said. The fact that she wouldn’t intrigued him. He’d always thought Jessica Coleman was pampered and spoiled, with nothing more pressing on her mind than shopping and parties. Lately he’d had to rethink quite a few of his preconceived notions.

And how many of those notions were his own defense mechanisms kicking in? Was he intent on finding fault in hopes of diluting the sexual sizzle he felt every time she walked into a room?

He didn’t know the answers. He did know, however, that the “come and get me, baby” red dress had her name written on it.

After summoning the salesclerk, he said, “The red dress the young lady was just trying on? Put it on my charge, gift wrap it and mail it to this address.” He handed her a business card, along with his credit card.

“A surprise?” the clerk asked.


“I’ll be the soul of discretion.”

“YOU KNOW, I usually prefer to shop alone,” Jessica said, glancing up at the Galleria’s dramatic glass atrium above them. “And frankly, I was dreading you tagging along today. I couldn’t believe you actually volunteered.”

“I only did because you were so sure I wouldn’t.”

She bumped her shoulder against his. The silky material of the summery dress she’d bought at the first department store felt good against her skin, made her feel like herself again. A trip to the makeup counter and a complimentary makeover had her skin glowing and her eyes and mouth enhanced to where she felt the score between them was a bit more even. It had been torture walking into a mall with a gorgeous man when she was wearing oversize clothing and her face was naked.

“Well, now you’re in it for the duration.”

“You mean you’re not done?” He looked toward one of the exit doors on the mall’s lower level. Sunlight pierced the glass ceiling overhead, splashing rainbows over the gleaming floors.

“I need shoes, Grayson. Lots of them. Where is your shopping spirit?”

“I think I lost it back between the Levi’s and Guess jeans.”

“I don’t know why you wouldn’t tell me which pair looked better on my butt.”

“Don’t start, Red. I do have a healthy amount of self-preservation.”

“Well, see if I ever take you shopping with me again,” she huffed dramatically.

“Please don’t.”

She laughed and bumped his shoulder again. “You’re being a pretty good sport. I’m surprised.”

“There’s probably a lot about me that would surprise you.”

“Give it a try. Tell me something about you—schooldays, let’s say.”

“What, like a truth-or-dare kind of thing?”

“Hmm, that could get interesting.” Though not what she’d had in mind. “I’m game if you are.”

He shook his head. “Forget it. You scare me.”

That tickled her. Even though she doubted that anything scared Nick Grayson.

“What were you like in high school?”

“Like any other kid, I guess. I was a football quarterback in high school and college, and had a chance to go pro.”

“You passed up the opportunity for fame and fortune?” He was a good four inches over six feet and had shoulders that filled out his suit jacket without the benefit of padding.

“I’ve got the fortune. And I used my mind to get it, rather than beating up my body. Figured I’d leave the fame for Chase.”
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