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Seduction: The Billionaire's Bride of Vengeance

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Now, why did that make her feel so good?

Because you think he’s in love with you, that’s why. You think you’re special. You think … you think too darned much sometimes, Nicole Power.

‘Is that why you’ve never got married?’ she heard herself ask before she could snatch it back.

The silence in the car was excruciating. And embarrassing.

Nicole wished she’d kept her silly mouth shut. The last thing you started talking about at the beginning of a relationship was marriage. It made men run a mile, which was the last thing she wanted Russell to do.

‘Marriage hasn’t fitted into my workaholic lifestyle,’ he said at last. ‘I will definitely consider it, when I meet the right person.’

His head turned and so did hers. Their eyes met, his glittering at her with a thousand possessive lights.

‘I don’t want to scare you off, lovely Nicole, with premature talk about love and marriage. For now, I just want to get to know you better. And to never let you out of my sight,’ he added with another of his wickedly sexy smiles.

The subject of marriage was dropped after that, Russell turning the conversation away to her seafood preferences. By the time the car was safely stowed in a small car park at the back of the quay, both agreed that lobster was their favourite, with oysters and prawns high on the list.

But her heart was racing all the while.

When Russell opened the passenger door and took her hand, that same heart lurched tellingly. When he smiled down at her, she smiled fatuously back. When he pulled her up onto her slightly shaky legs, she was more than ready to be kissed.

He took his time, only letting her go when she was decidedly light-headed. Nicole was glad of his supporting hand as they walked towards the restaurant. Her legs were as jelly-like as her brain.

When Russell’s step faltered she glanced up to find him frowning.

‘Is something wrong?’ she asked.

His sigh sounded frustrated. ‘I have an awful suspicion that Hugh might be here tonight at Neptune’s. His car’s parked just over there.’

Nicole’s gaze followed his to land on a shiny red Ferrari. How typical of Hugh Parkinson, she thought tartly.

‘But there are lots of restaurants within walking distance of this car park. He could be at any one of them.’

‘He’s very partial to seafood.’

‘Lots of seafood restaurants, too,’ she pointed out.

‘True. It would be bad luck if he had chosen ours.’

She stopped and stared up at him. ‘Why bad luck?’

‘You’re wearing the same dress you were wearing last night. It’s a possibility Hugh might be with one of the bridesmaids from the wedding. He was zeroing in on her before we left. They’ll know we spent last night together, and all today as well.’

Whilst Nicole was touched that Russell was protecting her reputation, she wasn’t inclined to change their plans for the likes of Hugh Parkinson, who probably slept with a different girl every other week. His bed-partner count would be mammoth compared to Russell’s.

‘Don’t be silly,’ she said. ‘Why would Hugh care if we spent the night together? Why should anyone care?’

He still looked worried for some reason.

‘Come on,’ she said, and tugged at his hand. ‘I’m not traipsing around a lot of other places in these killer heels. If Hugh’s at Neptune’s, then so be it.’

Russell just knew Hugh would be there. And he was, sitting at the best table in the house, looking rakishly handsome and sipping a glass of no doubt outrageously expensive red wine.

That he was alone was the only surprise.

Hugh didn’t see them till they were shown to the second-best table in the house, not far from his.

‘Hello, Hugh,’ Russell said before Hugh could give voice to his astonishment. ‘Fancy meeting you here. I don’t need to introduce you to Nicole, do I? I gather that you’ve already met.’

As always Hugh quickly found his cool, and his charm. ‘Indeed, we have,’ he agreed with one of his woman-winning smiles. ‘But it’s some time since we’ve actually spoken. Life must be treating you well, Nicole. You’re looking exceptionally lovely tonight.’

‘Thank you,’ Nicole said as she sat down, a faint flush coming to her cheeks.

‘You must tell me what you’ve been up to since we last met. But not from that distance. I insist you join me for dinner. And you, too, Russ, of course,’ he added nonchalantly.

Russell’s teeth clenched down hard in his jaw. He’d seen Hugh go into action with members of the opposite sex before, and they invariably succumbed to his charms. The thought that he might turn Nicole’s head evoked a jab of jealousy which was as dark as it was powerful.

‘Only on condition you don’t flirt with my girlfriend,’ Russell pronounced, his eyes throwing dagger-like warnings at his friend.

Hugh’s eyebrows lifted. ‘Girlfriend? My, but you are a fast worker. I got the impression you didn’t even know Nicole before last night.’

‘Haven’t you heard of whirlwind romances?’

‘Unfortunately, yes. My father thrives on them. But I never took you for being someone so impulsive. No casting aspersions at you, lovely Nicole. If ever anyone could knock my old mate there for six, it would be you.’

Russell was grateful that Nicole would not grasp the wicked irony in this last statement. He still considered grabbing her hand and dragging her away from what was going to be a very awkward dinner, but knew that would look odd. He had no option but to brave it out. But inside he was furious with Hugh. He was supposed to be his friend, damn it!

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