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The Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book

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Netted Cuffs

Four skeins of colored lambs’-wool and 6 of white; a steel pin No. 14, a flat wooden mesh ½ an inch wide, and a foundation of 120 stitches, are required.

Net 2 rows of colored lambs’-wool with the steel pin; 1 row with white lambs’-wool and the large mesh; then 1 row with the colored, netting 2 white stitches in one, which reduces the stitches to half the number; net another row of colored wool, 1 of white, 2 of colored, &c., until there are 7 rows of white, besides the first, with 2 rows of colored between each. Net 2 rows of colored, 1 of white, netting 2 stitches in every colored one, and finish with 2 rows of colored.

Sew it up, double it and run in a ribbon. This forms a very warm and pretty cuff to wear over the sleeve. The white rows are netted on the wide mesh, the colored on the small mesh.

Warm Cuffs

Two needles are required

Cast on any number of stitches according to the size of your needles; knit 12 rows plain; knit 1 row putting the wool twice round the needle; rib a row, putting the wool twice round the needle; repeat the last 2 rows until you have about a quarter of a yard, and finish by knitting 12 rows as at first.

Sew it up and fold the top and bottom together.


Four needles No. 17, and fine German lambs’-wool are required.

Cast 24 stitches on each of 3 needles, knit round, knitting and ribbing 3 alternate stitches varying the color at pleasure: when the muffatee is about six inches long, begin double knitting[3 - Double knitting. Begin with the wool forward, slip a stitch, pass the wool back, knit a stitch, continue to repeat these 2 stitches. Double knitting cannot be done round.] on coarser needles; when you have knitted about 2 inches, knit 6 plain rows and cast off; sew up the part that is in double knitting.


Two middling sized ivory needles and rather fine wool, the color may be varied at pleasure.

Cast on 40 stitches, knit 4 rows; rib 1 row; continue to repeat these rows, reckoning the cast on row as one; when the muffatee is long enough cast off and sew it up.

These muffatees are very pretty, made on fine needles with German wool.

Gentlemen’s Muffatees

Two needles No. 14, 4 skeins of colored German lambs’-wool and 4 of white.

Cast on 54 stitches; bring the wool forward, slip a stitch, and knit 2 stitches taken together; repeat the same to the end of the row; every row is the same; knit up 1 skein of colored wool, 2 of white, and finish the muffatee with 1 skein of colored wool; sew it up.

These muffatees are also very nice for ladies, to be worn outside the sleeve in very cold weather: they are then knitted with coarse lambs’-wool, the first part done on large needles, the centre on smaller, and the remainder on the large needles again.

Cushion Cover

This requires 4 needles No. 16, and moderately fine cotton or German lambs’-wool, white or colored, according to fancy.

Cast 100 stitches on each of 2 needles, and 101 on the 3rd; with your 4th needle knit the 2nd stitch, drawing it over the first; knit the 1st stitch, (which will thus stand 2nd); knit the 4th stitch, then the 3rd, the 6th, and 5th, and continue the same all round, when you will find an odd stitch at the end of your needle, slip this stitch on to the next needle, and continue the pattern as before. You will now find an odd stitch at the end of each needle, which you must always slip on to the next needle.

When you have knitted as much as, when laid flat, will make a square, knit or sew up one end, slip in the cushion, sew up the other end, and surround it with a cord or fringe.

Sofa Pillow Cover

Four Needles No. 11

Cast 74 stitches on each of 3 needles; knit 1 round with the thread twice round the needle; in the 2nd round begin by knitting the 2nd stitch, slipping it over the 1st; knit the 1st; knit the 4th and 3rd stitches, 6th and 5th, and continue the same all round; knit one round with the thread twice round the needle, and repeat the 2nd round; these two rounds form the pattern.

When your work is as long as it is wide, (rather more than half a yard) cast off, and surround it with a cord or fringe.

Striped Cushion Cover

Cast 100 stitches on each of 3 needles No. 11; knit the 2nd stitch slipping it over the 1st; knit the 1st, knit the 4th before the 3rd, the 6th before the 5th, and continue the same all round. Every round is the same.

Knitted Mat with Fringe

Four needles No. 14, and rather stout lambs’-wool.

Cast 2 stitches on each of 3 needles; knit 2 rounds; increase by bringing the wool forward before every stitch every 3rd round, until you have 16 on each needle; knit 2 rounds; purl 2 rounds; knit 1 round, increasing (as before) with every 3rd stitch; knit 4 rounds; knit 1 round increasing every 3rd stitch; knit 4 rounds; knit 1 round increasing every 3rd stitch; knit 3 rounds; purl 1 round; knit 1 round; purl 1 round; knit 1 round; purl 1 round; knit 1 round. Take the wool with which you mean to make your fringe and cut it into lengths (you will require as many pieces as you have stitches in a round) about 3½ inches long. Fold the two ends of one of the lengths together and loop in on the needle with which you are about to begin to knit, put the needle through the 1st stitch, hold the piece of fringe with the third finger of the left hand, and knit the stitch, by which you fix the bit of fringe; loop on another piece, place it under the third finger of the left hand and knit the stitch; continue the same all round; in the next round knit each piece of fringe with the adjoining stitch, all round, and cast off.

Turn to the back of your mat and pick up the stitches of the round before that in which you looped on the fringe; knit 1 round, purl 1 round, knit 1 round, purl 1 round, knit 1 round, and cast off.

Cut a round piece of card the size of the mat, cover it with green baize or colored paper, and sew the edge which is under the fringe firmly to the edge of the card all round.

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